Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the following Addendum Agreements for On-Call Mechanical Services, and delegate to the County Manager or her designee the authority to issue up to $4,000,000.00 in Work Orders annually per Addendum Agreement:
Addendum Agreement 14452 with Bernhard MCC, LCC. for On-Call Mechanical Services
Addendum Agreement 14453 with Engineered Cooling Services, LLC. for On-Call Mechanical Services
Addendum Agreement 14454 with Energy Air Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services
Addendum Agreement 14456 with Kalos Services, Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services
Addendum Agreement 14457 with Mechanical Services of Central Florida, Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services
Addendum Agreement 14458 with S.I. Goldman Company, Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services
Addendum Agreement 14459 with W.W. Gay Mechanical Contractor of Orlando, Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services