Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate agreements for RFP 24-23 Annual Professional Surveying Services for Public Works:
1. EDA Consultants Inc.
2. Causseaux, Hewett, &Walpole, Inc.
3. George F. Young, Inc.
4. WGI, Inc.
5. DRMP, Inc.
6. Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation
7. 3002 Surveying, LLC
8. NV5, Inc.
9. Ayres Associates Inc
10. Alliant Engineering, Incorporated
Authorize staff to negotiate agreements with the top three ranked firms. Should the staff be unable to negotiate satisfactory agreements with the top three ranked firms, negotiations with the unsuccessful firm(s) will be terminated. Negotiations may be undertaken in the same manner in order of ranking until three agreements are reached, and so forth.