Board of County Commissioners
Meeting Agenda

County Administration Building - Jack Durrance Auditorium
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601

An in-person Public Comment period follows all non-ministerial motions. There are two General Comment periods: Noon and 5:30 p.m. (or at the end of the morning meeting if there is no evening meeting).  At Noon, commenters may be in person or call in. Commenters have 3 minutes for agenda items and 3 minutes for non-agenda matters. Those addressing agenda items can't comment again when that item comes up.


Noon call-in instructions (3 minutes for agenda items and 3 minutes for non-agenda matters):

     ● Dial 1-929-205-6099,
     ● Enter meeting ID 873 5974 1977.
     ● "Raise" your hand by hitting *9 (star 9). When called on, hit *6 (star 6) to speak.


For Quasi-Judicial Items, it is best to speak when the item comes up, as the Commission can only consider testimony given at the public hearing.

Meetings can be viewed on Cox Channel 12, the AC TV app (Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Roku), or online at
Citizens attending Alachua County public meetings downtown can enjoy free parking in the S.W. Parking Garage (105 SW 3rd St, Gainesville). To obtain parking validation, download the “Passport” app on your smartphone and pay for your session. Then visit the Alachua County Manager's Office, located on the 2nd floor of the County Administration Building, on noticed public meeting days to receive a validation code.
All persons are advised that, if they decide to contest any decision made at any of these meetings, they will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose they may need to ensure that verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes) 
If you have a disability and need an accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact the Alachua County Equal Opportunity Office at (352) 374-5275 at least 2 business days prior to the meeting. TTY users please call 711. (Florida Relay Service)




12 SE 1st Street ■ Gainesville, Florida 32601 ■ Tel. (352) 264-6900 ■ Fax (352) 338-7363 ■ TDD call 711 Relay ■ Commissioners’ E-Mail: [email protected] ■ Home Page:
An Equal Opportunity Employer M.F.V.D


Pastor Marie Herring, Dayspring Missionary Baptist Church. Any invocation that may be offered before the official start of the Commission meeting shall be the voluntary offering of, a private citizen, to and  for the benefit of the Commission. The views or beliefs expressed by the  invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the  Commission, and the Commission is not allowed by law to endorse the religious beliefs or views of this, or any other speaker.

  • Recommended Action:

    To approve the Regular and Consent Agenda. 

Fiscal Note:
No fiscal impact

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    1-Support the proposed legislation and direct Alachua County’s lobbyist to monitor, support and speak favorably on behalf of the proposed identical Senate and House bills. 2-Approve renewal of Alachua County’s membership in Floridians for Dental Access as a government member.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Hear report and consider whether to amend Resolution 22-105 to reduce the frequency of written financial reports regarding surtax expenditures from all municipalities, except Gainesville, from quarterly to annually.

12:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible.
Limit comments to 3 minutes on non-agenda items & 3 minutes on agenda items.  Those speaking to items on the agenda cannot speak to them later. For Quasi-Judicial Items, it is best to speak when the item comes up, as the Commission can only consider testimony given at the public hearing.

Fiscal Note:
Elimination of the MMTM program and sunsetting of the Transportation Impact Fee will be offset by the Board’s previous adoption of a Mobility Fee.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Direct staff to advertise the amendments to Chapter 407 Article XII Concurrency Management and Chapter 364 Transportation Impact Fee

Fiscal Note:
The cost of the demolition and removal of the nuisance is $3,500.00. There are funds appropriated in the MSTU (Municipal Services Taxing Unit) Fund in account 008.65.6510.524.34.00 to cover these expenses in the Office of Code Administration Division under the operating expense description - Other Contractual Services.

Strategic Guide:
Environment and Public Safety

  • Recommended Action:

    Determine public nuisance exist at the property located at 2604 NE 69th Terrace, Gainesville, FL, parcel No. 17742-024-000, and authorize County staff and its contractors and authorized agents to enter this property and abate the nuisance, at the expense of the property owner.

Public Comment - 5:30 p.m. (Or at the end of the morning meeting if no evening meeting is scheduled)

  • Recommended Action:

    To adjourn the meeting. 

Fiscal Note:
Revenue from sale will be received into Fund 206 – Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the conveyance of the property located at 2501 NE 70th Terrace, Gainesville, Florida (parcel #17744-007-000) to Charles M. Lewis, Jr., contingent on payment of given tax liability; and authorize the Chair to sign the sale agreement and documentation necessary for the closing and conveyance, including but not limited to any amendments to extend the proposed closing date.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Incentives and Recommendations Report

Fiscal Note:
The County Attorney has budget established in 001.03.0300.514 to be able to initiate or defend cases.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services.

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the County Attorney’s authority to initiate or defend the attached list of cases.

Fiscal Note:
The County will receive $25,000 per year for four years ($100,000 total) from the American Farmland Trust. In addition to the $25,000 per year award, a total travel budget of $4,200 is allotted to use during the four years of program participation for travel-related expenses.

Revenue: 167.41.4149.366.0000

Expense: 167.41.4149.537.31.00

The County must provide an in-kind match totaling $52,000 over the course of the 4 years of the grant/agreement period; current staffing levels and program activity will meet this requirement without any additional general fund resources.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and sign the grant documents and Resolution for Unanticipated Revenue, approve the attached Budget Amendment to recognize $29,200 in unanticipated revenue in Fiscal Year 2024, and allow for an interfund loan, if necessary, in order for the department to begin this work in a timely manner, and authorize the County Manager to sign forms and reports necessary to administer the grant.

Fiscal Note:
Total estimated cost for acquisition and 10-year stewardship: $1,061,635

The current annual property tax revenue of all the project parcels is: $4,880.50

Purchase and maintenance would be funded from either the 2016 Wild Spaces Public Places surtax or the Conservation Lands portion of the new infrastructure surtax. Additional details can be found in Exhibit 4.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the addition of the following property on the Active Acquisition List.

    1.Buck Bay Flatwoods – Burnsed Addition (Full Price List)

Fiscal Note:
Budget of $120,000 in operating expense account 001.19.1919.712.46.00 is being shifted from project 8221904-Civil Sanitary to 8221904-Civil Glazing in the amount of $80,000, 8221904-Civil Building Automation System in the amount of $20,000 and 8211908-Criminal BAS in the amount of $20,000. The net change to this line is zero.

Budget in the amount of $42,964 is being shifted from operating expense account 001.19.1919.519.46.00 in project 8201904-Health Department Roof to 001.19.1919.519.62.00 in 8241901-Warehouse Acquisition.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve budget amendment

Fiscal Note:
There is no fiscal impact at this time. Should there be expenses incurred in the future, the interlocal agreement states that those expenses will be agreed to in writing by both parties prior to incurring the expense. (Section 4).

Strategic Guide:
Public Safety

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Interlocal agreement for 911 Mutual Aid Call Traffic

Fiscal Note:
A budget amendment is necessary to account for use of unanticipated revenues being received from the Safe Streets and Roads Grant. The approval of the resolution for unanticipated revenues allows for receiving and utilizing the grant funds, and the inter fund loan of $150,000 will allow work to begin until reimbursement from the Safe Streets and Roads Grant is received. Fund 240 – Safe Streets/ Roads for All Grant was created to account for grant activity, specifically Expense Accounts: 240.79.7910.541.12.00 – Regular Wages and 240.79.7910.541.31.00 professional services. The Grant is in process of being amended with United States Department of Transportation and the amended grant will be coming back to the board for approval. Prior approved grant is attached.

Strategic Guide:
Infrastructure, Public Safety

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve budget amendment, unanticipated revenues resolution, and inter fund loan of $150,000 for Safe Streets and Roads Grant

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    The Development Review Committee reviewed the Plat at its January 18, 2024 hearing and recommended approval of the Plat to the BoCC based on a finding of consistency with Florida Statutes, the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan, and the Alachua County Unified Land Development Code.

Fiscal Note:
There is no cost for the lease itself. The expenses are from the amenities that the County will install. Parks has determined a budget not to exceed $2,000,000 for design, permitting, and construction and $75,000 annually for operations - per the adopted Master Plan estimate; funded through Fund 140- Surtax- Wild Spaces Public Places.

The FY24 Adopted Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) includes $1.5 million from Fund 140-Surtax funds for planning and construction of a park in this area between FY25 and FY26. As the plan is developed, the budget and the CIP will be adjusted. Maintenance was not part of the CIP budgeted costs, though it is allowed under the rules of the surtax funding.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Agreement as presented and authorize the Chair to sign

Fiscal Note:
Funds are budgeted in FY24 in the operating category of the Collection Centers Fund to cover this purchase order in expense account 403.76.7610.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the issuance of a purchase order to FL Concrete Recycling Inc., in the amount of $60,097.00.

Fiscal Note:
Surveying services is budgeted in the individual projects in multiple capital project funds.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate agreements for RFP 24-23 Annual Professional Surveying Services for Public Works:

    1. EDA Consultants Inc.

    2. Causseaux, Hewett, &Walpole, Inc.

    3. George F. Young, Inc.

    4. WGI, Inc.

    5. DRMP, Inc.

    6. Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation

    7. 3002 Surveying, LLC

    8. NV5, Inc.

    9. Ayres Associates Inc

    10. Alliant Engineering, Incorporated

    Authorize staff to negotiate agreements with the top three ranked firms. Should the staff be unable to negotiate satisfactory agreements with the top three ranked firms, negotiations with the unsuccessful firm(s) will be terminated. Negotiations may be undertaken in the same manner in order of ranking until three agreements are reached, and so forth.

Fiscal Note:
Funds are budgeted in FY24 in the Stormwater Management Fund and Gas Tax Uses Fund in the following accounts respectively: 146.79.7920.541.53.00 and 149.79.7900.541.53.00 in the operating category with the description of road materials and supplies.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Award and issuance of a Purchase Order to Silverback Concrete for Bid 24-02 Annual Ready Mix Concrete Products and Services, in the amount of $80,000.00.

Fiscal Note:
The project is funded in the Facilities Preservation account 001.19.1919.529.62.00, as Project 8201913-FY24-BAS with the budget of $140,000.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the issuance of a Purchase Order to Automated Controls of Newberry, LLC, in the amount of $140,000.00.

Fiscal Note:
Projects which a closing agent would be used in are in various funds with the most significant of these funds being Wild Spaces Public Place, account 021.41.4160.537.61.00 in the capital category with the description of land.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for RFP 24-225 Annual Closing Agent Services with Salter Fieber, P.A.

Fiscal Note:
Annual expenses are not to exceed $100,000.00; there are sufficient funds in the EPD budget to cover these costs.

Various EPD funds:





Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the following agreements for Bid 24-27 Annual Mowing and Trimming for Land Conservation, not to exceed (NTE) $100,000.00 annually:

    Agreement 14085 with Boone Improvements Inc.

    Agreement 14086 with GRSC Inc.

    Agreement 14099 with Blackham Contracting Group LLC

Fiscal Note:
This project is funded from 3 different sources; all three use the same project number: 6194109 Veterans Memorial Park: New Construction: Other Infrastructure - Stormwater, Parking Lot, Landscape & Other

$1,151,929.30: 140.41.4100.572.63.98, 50% of 1-cent Surtax – Wild Spaces Public Places

$ 179,564.00: 318.41.4100.572.63.98, Capital Projects- Parks & Rec

$ 150,000.00: 339.41.4100.572.63.98, Parks Impact Fees

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Award and authorize the Chair to execute Agreement 13976 with Gray Construction Services, Inc. for a total fiscal impact of $1,481,493.30.

Fiscal Note:
There is no fiscal impact until an agreement has been approved. Facilities Management has budgeted $75,000 for the Security Cameras Project 6231902 in accounts: 001.19.1919.519.46.00 and 001.19.1919.712.46.00.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for RFP 24-455 Security Camera System Installation in the Josiah T. Walls Building:

    1. DAB Consulting, Inc

    2. Crime Prevention Security Systems

    Authorize staff to negotiate an agreement with the top ranked firm. Should the staff be unable to negotiate a satisfactory agreement with the top-ranked firm, negotiations with the unsuccessful firm will be terminated. Negotiations with the second-ranked firm may be undertaken in the same manner in order of ranking until an agreement is reached.

Fiscal Note:
The Addendum Agreement has a NTE of $2 million per fiscal year, the account varies based on the project.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Addendum Agreement 14116 with Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc., not to exceed $2,000,000.00 annually

Fiscal Note:
This is the first step in the assessment process and these preliminary costs are covered by the application fee received. If the Property Owner Interest Poll exceeds the required percentages and the Board later approves a Notice of Intent, the construction and financing costs would be identified at that point with the most likely funding source being the Gas Tax Fund (Fund 149).

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Direct staff to proceed with the Special Assessment District process by conducting a Property Owner Interest Poll and define the area to be benefitted as shown on the map attached to this item.

Fiscal Note:
Funds are budgeted in FY24 in the Solid Waste Fund in account 400.76.7630.534.43.00 in the operating category under the description of utility services.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve special pay of two invoices for Aqua Clean Environmental Company LLC

Fiscal Note:
The Board approved $1.0 million from Tourism operating reserves in Fund 150 to fund this capital program. Recommended grant awards total $672,000 for two applicants: $500,000 to Dance Alive National Ballet for the Dance Alive National Ballet (DANB) Cultural Arts Center and $172,000 to the Cade Museum for Creativity and Invention for the Cade Museum Expansion Project.

Budget Amendment 2024-1259 shifts budget in Tourism reserves, which had been set aside for this purpose, into the needed expenditure account: 150.45.4510.552.82.99

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve two Non-Profit Cultural Facilities Capital Projects that Promote Tourism funding awards in amount not to exceed $500,000 for Dance Alive National Ballet and $172,000 to the Cade Museum for Creativity, for the selected projects, and authorize the Chair to execute agreements with each grantee; with all grant awards to be payable for eligible expenses paid on a reimbursement basis subject to terms of the grant. Approve the attached budget amendment to allocate the budget into the correct accounts to enable the payments.

    Make the legislative factual determination that the selected Non-Profit Cultural Facilities Capital Projects that Promote Tourism program funded with revenue from Tourist Development Taxes (TDT) serves a public purpose and are primarily related to promoting and advertising tourism in Alachua County, and that the development of capital cultural facilities spotlights Alachua County as a desirable place to visit by promoting the positive qualities and numerous cultural, artistic, historic, natural and other tourist-related attributes and activities available in Alachua County for visitors to enjoy.

Fiscal Note:
Local Sports Destination Enhancement grants are funded by the third penny of Tourist Development

Tax collections. The total award amount for the FY24 grants is $106,200. There is sufficient funding

available in the budget for the awards.

  • Easton Sports Development Foundation $50,000
  • Gator Water Polo, Inc. $45,000
  • High Springs BMX, Inc. $11,200

Tourist Development Grants Fund: 005.45.4530.552.82.62

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the three Local Sports Destination Enhancement Grant funding awards as recommended by

    the Grant Scoring Committee. Approve the agreement template and authorize the County Manager to execute agreements with each grantee, including where the funding recommendations is $50,000; with all grant awards to be payable on a reimbursement basis only. Make the legislative factual determination that the events, venues, and activities recommended for funding have as one of their main purposes the attraction of tourists as evidenced and as set forth in their respective applications, and that each grant award is primarily related to the advancement and promotion of tourism.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    N/A. For informational purposes only.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    No action necessary; for informational purposes only

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    N/A. For informational purposes only.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    N/A. For informational purposes only.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    No Action necessary. For Informational purposes only

Below is the link to the most up-to-date Alachua County Meetings & Events Calendar.

No Item Selected