Alachua County Board of County Commissioners


County Administration Building - Jack Durrance Auditorium
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601
  • Commissioner Charles S. Chestnut, IV, 
  • Commissioner Ken Cornell, 
  • Chair Anna Prizzia, 
  • and Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler 
  • Vice Chair Mary Alford 
Also Present:
  • County Manager Michele Lieberman, 
  • County Attorney Sylvia Torres, 
  • Deputy County Manager Carl Smart, 
  • Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby, 
  • Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels, 
  • Assistant County Manager Gina Peebles, 
  • Deputy County Attorney Bob Swain, 
  • and Deputy Clerk Steve Donahey 
Staff Absent:
  • Deputy Clerk Casey Miller , 
  • Admin Kimberly Kittle, 
  • Admin Gina Peebles, 
  • and Cricket Kittle 

Pastor Steve Langford provided the Invocation.

Chair Prizzia led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chair Prizzia called the meeting to order at 11:33 a.m.

County Manager Lieberman requested that the following item be removed from consideration and brought back on a future agenda for discussion:

Item #11a, Food System Workforce Agreement with Working Food, 23-00307.

Commissioner Cornell presented comments on the Meat Processing Plant and requested that the item remain on the agenda. 

Commissioner Chestnut stated that he was not in favor of what occurred in Newberry last night with the Meat Processing Plant. He is fine with discussing the matter but would like all 5 commissioners be present for a decision to be made. 

Chair Prizzia recognized Karen Herrington, a citizen, Communications Director Mark Sexton presented comments. 

Commissioner Cornell moved to approve the Regular and Consent Agenda with the following amendments:

  • Item 11a, Food System Workforce Agreement with Working Food, 23-00307 be continued to the first meeting in August. 
  • Add to the Item #M. 2 Meat Processing Plant a discussion of County Road 337 to hear staff interpretation of the motion from last night. 

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent. 

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Communications Director, Mark Sexton, presented the following announcement:

  • The City and County will be hosting a Disability Expo on July 26, 2023 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. For more information  citizens can contact the equal opportunity office at (352)374-5275. 

Commissioner Cornell moved approval all Proclamations on the agenda. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent. 

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Commissioner Cornell read and presented the Proclamation to Disability Advisory Board Member Jacklyn Treteseaux and Equal Opportunity Director Jacqueline Chung who accepted it with gratitude. 

Disability Advisory Board Member Jaclyn Treteseeaux presented the above item. 

  • Accept the Citizens Disability Advisory Committee FY23 Annual Report

Assistant County Manager Gina Peebles presented the above item. 

Commissioner Wheeler and Commissioner Cornell presented comments. 

Commissioner Cornell moved adoption of Resolution 23-53 with the amendment of putting her name first so it should be named " The Jill McGuire Santa Fe Lake Park" and authorize the Chair and the Clerk to sign. Further refer to staff to work with the Santa Fe Lake Dwellers to come up with a nice summary of who Jill was and what she did for the community so that it could be on a kiosk at the park. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent. 

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Chair Prizzia recognized Leah Cohen, Chris Redmen, Elizabeth Howard, Veronica Obletto, Patricia Lee, a citizen, John Roney Nicks, Kali Blount, Hal Knowles, Tamara Robbins, Erica Hernandez, John Hole, Telford Cartwright, and Elizabeth Catch who presented comments.

Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels presented comments. 

Solid Waste Director Gus Olmos presented the above item. 

Commissioner Cornell, Chair Prizzia, and Commissioner Wheeler presented comments. 

Commissioner Cornell moved to implement Option #3: Utilize Zero Waste Strategies such as incentives, code changes, special permit conditions and additional diversion options to increase reuse and recycling and bring back recommendations. 

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Chair Prizzia recognized Paul Florence, Sue Morris, Jordan Marlowe, Leah Cohen, Mark Walker, Holly Florence, Mike Sexton, Watson Representative, Myriam Elliot, Nate Renfrow, Bracken Camp, and Leon Bradley, who presented comments to the Board. 

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent. 

Land Conservation Programs Manager Andi Christman presented the above item. 

Chair Prizzia and Commissioner Wheeler presented comments. 

Commissioner Wheeler moved the following:

  1. Approve and authorize the Chair to exercise the Mill Creek - Rembert Option Contract to Purchase a Conservation Easement, subject to the County's right to conduct due diligence inspections and notice Seller of Title Defects and Environmental Defects as set forth in the Contract. 
  2. Approve the acquisition subject to the non-permitted title exceptions #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, and subject to the concurrence of the County Attorney and of the Closing Attorney. 
  3. Authorize staff to execute additional documents as necessary to close the transaction; and
  4. Approve the attached budget amendment authorizing the expenditure of funds for due diligence and associated closing costs. 

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The motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Alford absent and Commissioner Cornell out of the room. 

EPD Mark Brown presented the above item.

Commissioner Wheeler, City of Gainesville Special Advisor Phil Mann, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments. 

Chair Prizzia recognized Patricia Lee, County Attorney Torres, Commissioner Chestnut, and Commissioner Wheeler who presented comments.

Commissioner Wheeler moved approval of the City’s Avoidance, Minimization, and Mitigation Plan for the Cornerstone Eastside Development and authorize the Chair to sign the Interlocal Agreement that will document designated allocation of the mitigation funds. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford Absent. 

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Economic Development/Food Systems Manager Sean McLendon presented the above item. 

Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Chestnut, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments. 

Commissioner Cornell moved to have a Joint Meeting in Newberry and the only topic of discussion be moving forward with the meat processing plant. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent.

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Chair Prizzia recognized Jo Beatty, Tad Debraki, Patricia Lee, Mayor Jordan Marlowe, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Chestnut, a citizen, a citizen, and a citizen who presented comments.

  • Approve the proposed scope of work and direct staff to 1) Create a solicitation for a developer-operator for a Meat Processing Facility,  2) Authorize the County Manager or designee to modify the draft scope to be consistent with the approved agreement with the City of Newberry, grant requirements, and to comply with laws on public-private partnerships, and 3) Direct staff to release the solicitation when finalized.

Planner Ken McMurry and Rural Concerns Advisory Committee Chair Rodney Clouser presented the above item.

Dr. Clouser advised that the Rural Concern Board did vote in favor of the facility with a 9-1 vote and a letter stating such was provided to the Board. The Board has not provided any economic analysis of the facility as that is outside their scope of work. 

  • Hear the update.

Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby presented the above item.

Mr. Crosby advised that the Board did approve revenue recovery with the ARPA funds. The funds are now in the General Fund and appropriated to the projects previously approved by the Board. Mr. Crosby stated that there will be a need to transfer some funds for the purchase of the Scottish Inn. That will be an option contract coming to the Board for approximately $1,900,000.

  • Confirm General Fund Projects to use one-time funds created from the ARPA-SLFRF allocation.

Dog Regulations

Commissioner Cornell stated that the Board received an email about regulating certain breeds of dogs. He stated that he Attorney has clarified that the Board cannot regulate certain breeds. However, there were some recommendations in the email that he would like to refer to the Attorney's Office to review along with the new rules and return to the Board with recommendations. 

By consensus, the Board referred the matter to the Attorney's Office. 

Childrens Trust Appointment

Commissioner Cornell stated that there is still a vacancy to be filled on the Board for the Childrens Trust. He is hopeful that the Board could resubmit applicants names. He would also like to know if there were any new applicants so that the Board can send three referrals to the Governor for Appointment. 

GFL Solid Waste Contract

Commissioner Wheeler stated that she has received two phone calls regarding this matter. The calls were concerned about the 32% increase in cost. 

Commissioner Cornell stated that he forwarded the email to Solid Waste Director Gus Olmos for comments. 

Chair Prizzia recognized Mike Blanchard, Matthew Hurst, Donna Blanchard, Jo Beatty, Sarah Smith, Sage Max, Shannon Blair, Shela, Kari Bagnall, a citizen, and Roy Ashcroft who presented comments to the Board. 

Assistant County Manager Crosby presented the above item. 

Commissioner Cornell moved  to Set proposed millage rates for General County millage 7.6414 and Municipal Service Taxing Unit – (MSTU) Law Enforcement at 3.5676 and Adopt the Resolution. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent. 

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Assistant County Manager Crosby presented the above item.

Mr. Crosby stated that there is a $10 per unit increase being recommended by staff. 

Commissioner Wheeler moved to Adopt Resolution and authorize staff to notice the public of the September 12, 2023, Public Hearing to set the rates for Stormwater Non-Ad Valorem Assessment and authorize provision of the notice to affected property owners on the Notice of Proposed Taxes (TRIM). The motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Alford absent. 

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Chair Prizzia recognized Matthew Hurst, Betsy Hurst, EPD Shane Williams, who presented comments to the Board. 

  • Adopt Resolution and authorize staff to notice the public of the September 12, 2023, Public Hearing to set the rates for Stormwater Non-Ad Valorem Assessment and authorize provision of the notice to affected property owners on the Notice of Proposed Taxes (TRIM)

Assistant County Manager Crosby presented the above item.

This fund also has a proposed increase but is based on the size of the receptacle and other factors. This increase is necessary to keep up with inflationary cost. 

Commissioner Chestnut moved to Adopt Resolution and authorize staff to notice the public of the September 12, 2023, Public Hearing to set the rates for Solid Waste Non-Ad Valorem Assessments and authorize provision of the notice to affected property owners on the Notice of Proposed Taxes (TRIM). The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent. 

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Assistant County Manager Crosby presented the above item and advised that there is no proposed increase for this fund. 

Commissioner Cornell moved to Adopt Resolution and authorize staff to notice the public of the September 12, 2023, Public Hearing to set the rates for the Fire Non-Ad Valorem Assessments and authorize provision of the notice to affected property owners on the Notice of Proposed Taxes (TRIM). The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent. 

                                                                                                                                 2nd Commissioner Chestnut

Assistant County Manager Crosby presented the above item. 

Commissioner Chestnut moved to Adopt Resolution and authorize staff to notice the public of the September 12, 2023, Public Hearing to set the assessment for the Sugarfoot Oaks/Cedar Ridge Non-Ad Valorem Assessments and authorize provision of the notice to affected property owners on the Notice of Proposed Taxes (TRIM). Authorize incorporation of Sugarfoot Oaks/Cedar Ridge budget into the FY24 County Budget. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford Absent. 

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Senior Planner Gerry Brewington presented the above item. 

Commissioner Wheeler, Agent for the Applicant Gerry Dedenbach, Chair Prizzia, and Growth Management Director Jeff Hays presented comments.

Commissioner Cornell moved that the Board adopt Ordinance 23-12 approving the requested text changes.

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Chair Prizzia recognized Matthew Hurst, Agent for the Applicant Gerry Dedenbach, and Betsy Hurst who presented comments.

The motion carried 4-0. 

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m.

  • Approve the Solicitation Award and issuance of a Purchase Order for ITB 23-419 Purchase, Delivery and Set-up of Digital X-Ray Machine and Equipment to Sound Technologies, Inc. in the amount of $73,160.69, for Animal Resources. Also approve Budget Amendment 2023-2823 to reallocate budget within the General Fund for this equipment.

  • Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for RFP 23-403 CEI Services for SW 170th Street (CR 241) Widen & Resurface - From Levy County Line to SW 143rd Street:

    1.AE Engineering, Inc.

    2.Causseaux, Hewett, & Walpole, Inc. d/b/a CHW

    3.Kisinger Campo & Associates

    Authorize staff to negotiate agreement with top ranked firm, AE Engineering, Inc., and with the second ranked vendor Causseaux, Hewett, & Walpole, Inc. d/b/a CHW and the third ranked vendor Kisinger Campo & Associates, Corp (KCA), if negotiations with the top ranked vendor fail.

Commissioner Charles S. Chestnut, IV joined the meeting at 12:12 PM.
Commissioner Ken Cornell joined the meeting at 12:12 PM.
Chair Anna Prizzia joined the meeting at 12:12 PM.
Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler joined the meeting at 12:12 PM.
County Manager Michele Lieberman joined the meeting at 12:12 PM.
County Attorney Sylvia Torres joined the meeting at 12:12 PM.
Deputy County Manager Carl Smart joined the meeting at 12:12 PM.
Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby joined the meeting at 12:12 PM.
Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels joined the meeting at 12:12 PM.
Assistant County Manager Gina Peebles joined the meeting at 12:12 PM.
Deputy County Attorney Bob Swain joined the meeting at 12:12 PM.
Deputy Clerk Steve Donahey joined the meeting at 12:12 PM.
  • Approve the agreement with Working Food, Inc., and authorize the Chair to sign the agreement.

  • 1: Approve the Agreement with Human Rights Coalition of Alachua County, Inc., and authorize the Chair to execute the Agreement.

    2: Approve the scope of services and the budget amendment, and authorize the County Manager or designee to approve guidelines and criteria for implementation of each plan element.

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