Board of County Commissioners
Meeting Agenda

County Administration Building - Jack Durrance Auditorium
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601

In-person Public Comment is taken after each non-ministerial motion. Individuals can also speak during one of two General Comment periods.  General Public Comment - Noon: limit comments to 3 minutes on non-agenda items and 3 minutes on agenda items.  Those speaking on agenda items cannot speak to them later in the meeting. General Public Comment - 5:30 p.m.  (Or at the end of the morning meeting if no evening meeting is scheduled): individuals have 3 minutes to speak about any matter.


Call-in Public Comment is at noon only.

     ● Call 1-929-205-6099. When prompted, enter meeting ID 873 5974 1977
     ● “Raise” your hand by dialing *9 (star nine)
     ● Once you are called on, Unmute Your Phone by dialing *6 (star six)


Individuals should speak during the public hearings for Quasi-Judicial items, as the Commission can only consider their testimony at the public hearing.

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Citizens attending Alachua County public meetings downtown can enjoy free parking in the S.W. Parking Garage (105 SW 3rd St, Gainesville). To obtain parking validation, download the “Passport” app on your smartphone and pay for your session. Then visit the Alachua County Manager's Office, located on the 2nd floor of the County Administration Building, on noticed public meeting days to receive a validation code.
All persons are advised that, if they decide to contest any decision made at any of these meetings, they will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose they may need to ensure that verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes) 
If you have a disability and need an accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact the Alachua County Equal Opportunity Office at (352) 374-5275 at least 2 business days prior to the meeting. TTY users please call 711. (Florida Relay Service)


12 SE 1st Street ■ Gainesville, Florida 32601 ■ Tel. (352) 264-6900 ■ Fax (352) 338-7363 ■ TDD call 711 Relay ■ Commissioners’ E-Mail: [email protected] ■ Home Page:
An Equal Opportunity Employer M.F.V.D


Pastor Azael Pitti - Gainesville Spanish Seventh-Day Adventist Church.  Any invocation that may be offered before the official start of the Commission meeting shall be the voluntary offering of, a private citizen, to and  for the benefit of the Commission. The views or beliefs expressed by the  invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the  Commission, and the Commission is not allowed by law to endorse the religious beliefs or views of this, or any other speaker.

  • Recommended Action:

    To approve the Regular and Consent Agenda. 

Fiscal Note:
The item is an informational presentation to the Board and has no direct fiscal impact.

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity

  • Recommended Action:

    Hear presentation

Fiscal Note:


Strategic Guide:

All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Appoint one (1) member to the Gainesville-Alachua County Regional Airport Authority with term running August 1, 2023 to July 31, 2026

12:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible.
Limit comments to 3 minutes on non-agenda items & 3 minutes on agenda items.  Those speaking to items on the agenda cannot speak to them later. Individuals should speak during the public hearings for Quasi-Judicial items so that the Commission can consider their testimony.

Fiscal Note:
A second round of small farmer grants and fee assistance for small farmers going to the Extension Office classes to create a farm plan will be paid from 052.17.1770.552.82.53. The budget is already established.

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve updated methodology and direct staff to solicit new applications in 2024.

Fiscal Note:
This project will utilize the balance of the budget from ARP2021x008 Emergency Food Assistance ($212,618.12) and $750,000 from ARP2021x016 broken out in the following manner:

052.00.0064.564.64.00 - $183,000

052.00.0064.564.52.00 - $107,000

052.00.0064.564.34.00 - $80,000

052.00.0064.564.12.00 - $380,000

052.00.0064.564.82.93 - $212,618.12

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity,

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve work scope, authorize staff to advertise the RFP, and bring recommendations back to the Board for approval.

Fiscal Note:
There will be sufficient funds in account 052.29.2964.554.62.00 project 9232901 with approval of budget amendment.

Purchase Price of Property $1,900,000.00

Appraisal (Santangini) $5,450.00

Appraisal (Clayton Roper & Marshall) $4,500.00

Survey (EDA Consultants) $7,080.00

Architectural & Engineering (Walker Architects) $27,975.00

Legal and Title Insurance (Salter Feiber) $8,782.50

Recording $100.00

Total Cost of Acquisition $1,953,887.50

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Option Contract to Purchase Real Property between Alachua County and Lotus Enterprises, Inc. for the property located at 4341 SW 13th Street, as presented (the “Option Contract”); authorize the Chair to sign the Notice of Exercise of Option; approve the closing and other transactional costs; and authorize the Chair or the County Manager, or their designee, to sign any additional documents, approved by the County Attorney, necessary to complete the transaction. Approve budget amendment moving funds for this purchase within Revenue Recovery – ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) Fund

Fiscal Note:
001.00.0065.525.99.24 - $8,419,286

052.00.0064.519.99.24 - $1,000,000 project# ARP2021x006 (ARP)

Plus: $4,124,000 City of Gainesville and $820,000 GRU collected over 5 years

Strategic Guide:
Public Safety

  • Recommended Action:

    No staff recommendation at the time of the creation of this agenda item.

Fiscal Note:
The adoption of the Mobility Fee will create a new revenue source. However, it will be replacing the Transportation Impact Fee and, for new developments, Multi-modal Transportation Mitigation. There may be an increase in revenue for the current fiscal year, but no new projects are intended to be added. Any new projects will be included in the FY25 budget process. Costs associated with advertising the Public Hearing are covered in account 008.65.6500.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Adopt Ordinance 2023-XX

Fiscal Note:
Adopting the Ordinance will affect the amount of revenue in the current fiscal year for the Park System Impact Fee, Fund 339. No new expenditures are to be budgeted from this fund in the current fiscal year. Fiscal Year 2025 will include updated annual revenue projections for the Park System Impact Fee, and the Capital Improvements Plan adopted as part of that budget will identify any expenditures for eligible projects.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Make a finding of Extraordinary Circumstances due to the adoption of the Parks Master Plan and Adopt the Ordinance Amending Chapter 368. Park System Impact Fee

Fiscal Note:
Adopting the Ordinance will affect the amount of revenue in the current fiscal year for the Fire Protection Impact Fee, Fund 340. No new expenditures are to be budgeted from this fund in the current fiscal year. The Fiscal Year 2025 budget will include updated annual revenue projections for the Fire Protection Impact Fee, and the Capital Improvements Plan adopted as part of that budget will identify any expenditures for eligible projects. Costs associated with advertising the public hearing are covered in account 008.65.6500.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Adopt the Ordinance Amending Chapter 362 Article II. Fire Impact Fee

Fiscal Note:
Sufficient funds are available in the Growth Management budget for the advertising and notifications required for this item. Account: 008.65.6500.554.49.04

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Staff recommends that the BoCC transmit the proposed Comprehensive Plan language to the Florida Department of Commerce for their review and comment

The earlier of 5:30 P.M. or at the end of the morning meeting if there is no evening meeting.

  • Recommended Action:

    To adjourn the meeting. 

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Adopt the Resolution and authorize the Chairman and Vice-Chairman to execute all bank signature

    forms and Department of State Form DE-DE 3 Facsimile Signatures if not already on file with the

    Florida Department of State.

Fiscal Note:
Funding 052.29.2944.564.82.55 NTE $350,000

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Agreement with Alachua County Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry, Inc. in an amount not to exceed (NTE) $350,000.00 to provide Homeless Outreach Services for a period of December 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024, and authorize the Chair to execute same on behalf of the County.

Fiscal Note:
No Cost Extension

$121,594 already budgeted in 061.36.3612.569.34.00 Project 2213601

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the First Amendment to the Agreement with Meridian for Co-responder Team funding not to exceed $121,594.00.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the CDBG Administrative Close-Out Report and authorize the Chair to sign.

Fiscal Note:
Increase interfund Loan for fund 023 - LSF 988 grant from $100,000 to $400,000.

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity

  • Recommended Action:

    Authorize an interfund loan for fund 023 - LSF 988 grant from $100,000 to $400,000.

Fiscal Note:
The County Attorney has budget established in 001.03.0300.514 to be able to initiate or defend cases.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services.

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the County Attorney’s authority to initiate or defend the attached list of cases.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Appoint Edward Kulas to Infrastructure Surtax Oversight Board as a Citizen at Large with a Term Ending September 30, 2027

Fiscal Note:
Children’s Trust reimburses the County for these services each year and the revenue is recognized in account General Fund 001.00.0000.349.00.00.

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Second Extension to the Third Interlocal Agreement between the Children’s Trust of Alachua County and Alachua County, as presented, and authorize the Chair to sign.

Fiscal Note:
There is no fiscal impact related to the release of the covenants and restrictions on the Waldo/Weisman Tract as requested in this chair letter

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Chair letter and allow the Chair to sign and forward to the State

Fiscal Note:
This is a (re)classification of an existing position; it is a filled position will result in an hourly increase from $23.7936 to 26.1730 for an estimated cost of just below $6,000 in FY24 with benefits included.

This position is funded from the General Fund, 001.25.2500.572.12.00. The Department has agreed to maintain a vacant position during FY24 in order to have the budget for this reclass and another that is coming soon.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Request approval of the Fiscal Year 2023- 2024 revisions to the Non-Bargaining Pay Plan

Fiscal Note:
This position will be dedicated to Housing Infrastructure Surtax projects and will be paid from Fund 142 Infrastructure Surtax. The proposed classification is a grade 17 with an hourly range of $28.2959 to $44.8003 and the annual range $58,855.47 to $93,138.62 pending final review.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve one 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE), Housing Credit Compliance Coordinator. If approved, the department plans to advertise the vacancy as of November 2023.

Fiscal Note:
Project is funded in the 2022 Capital Improvement-Court Services Building Fund in accounts: 324.19.1912.519.62.00, 324.19.1912.712.62.00, and 324.19.1912.519.62.20, Project: 9201902 – Court Complex Building/Project with estimated total project budget of $20,000,000.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for RFP 24-430 Civil Engineering for the New County Court Complex:

    1. EDA Consultants, Inc.

    2. JBrown Professional Group Inc.

    3. Causseaux, Hewett, & Walpole, Inc.

    Authorize staff to negotiate agreement with the top ranked firm. Should the staff be unable to negotiate a satisfactory agreement with the top ranked firm, negotiations with the unsuccessful firm will be terminated. Negotiations with the second ranked firm may be undertaken in the same manner and in order of ranking until an agreement is reached. RFP 24-430 will not be deemed awarded until negotiations have been successfully completed and the Board approves a contract at a subsequent meeting.

Fiscal Note:
Project is funded in the 2022 Capital Improvement-Court Services Building Fund in account 324.19.1912.712.62.00, Court Complex Building Project 9201902 with an estimated total project budget of $20,000,000.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Agreement 13961 with DLR Group, Inc. for RFP 23-422 A&E Services for the New Civil Courthouse Building in Downtown Gainesville, NTE $2,599,700.00.

Fiscal Note:
For the first year of this Amendment EMS Technology Solutions, LLC shall be paid an amount of $71,995.00 consisting of a one-time cost for setup, training, and hardware fees or $47,995.00 (091.54.5450.526.52.00 project #6195410). This is a reduction of $1,119.00 from the prior amount of $73,114.00 due to one-time equipment changes and recurring license fee reduction. The recurring annual license fees of $24,000.00 (091.54.5450.526.52.31 $12,000.00 and 011.54.5480.522.52.31 $12,000.00) will be paid from the Fire Rescue operating budget.

Strategic Guide:
Public Safety

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Third Amendment 7794 with EMS Technology Solutions, LLC, for AmbuTrak Inventory Management Software and Support, in the amount of $71,995.00.

Fiscal Note:
The County will pay a lump sum of $84,460.00 for the programming, design/redesign and creation of the Website. After the completion of the website, the County agrees to pay the Professional during the maintenance period payable at an amount of $2,530.00 monthly, not to exceed $30,360.00 annually. There are sufficient funds in the Tourist Development budget to cover the cost of this agreement.

Fund: 150.45.4510.552.31.00 and 150.45.4510.552.46.00

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Agreement 13931 with Madden Prepint Media LLC, for the redesign of the Visit Gainesville, Alachua County Website.

Fiscal Note:
Sufficient funds to award the amount of $8,978,286.75 in the following funds: FDOT Grant Fund (329.79.7910.541.63.99), Impact Fee-NW Trans District Fund (341.79.7910.541.63.99), Transportation Trust Fund (341.79.7910.541.63.99), and Multi-Modal Transportation Mitigation NW District Fund (354.79.7910.541.63.99) for this project.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Award for ITB 23-411 Mill and Resurface NW 23rd Avenue From I-75 To NW 58th Boulevard, Project 917-7914 to V.E. Whitehurst & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $8,978,286.75 for Public Works.

Fiscal Note:
Budget for the contract from Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Grant (Account: 329.79.7910.541.63.99) - $563,004 and Transportation Trust Fund (Account: 341.79.7910.541.63.99) - $320,222 will be re-appropriated during the December adjustment.

Funding from Transportation Trust Fund is a combination of prior approved funding of $195,222 from Transportation Capital Improvement Program and a reduction of $125,000 from SW 46 Blvd (Project #9237904).

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Agreement 13531 with Watson Construction Company, LLC., for ITB 23-358 NE 53rd Ave at Animal Services, for a total fiscal impact of $852,633.89.

Fiscal Note:
Sufficient funds exist in 146.79.7920.541.46.00 and 149.79.7900.541.46.00

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the First Amendment 13553 with Hydrograss Technologies, Inc., for ITB 23-09 Annual Hydroseed with Native Wildflower Mix and Seed, NTE $75,000.00.

Fiscal Note:
Project is funded in 5-Cent Local Option Gas Tax Fund in account: 350.79.7910.541.63.01, Project: 9197902-FY19-2 - Bike/Pedestrian Projects, Fiscal Year 2019, Kincaid Loop Trail with estimated total project budget of $3,078,551.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for RFP 23-414 Architecture and Engineering Services for the Kincaid Loop Trail for Public Works:

    1. Bentley Group, Inc.

    2. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.

    3. Jones, Edmunds & Associates, Inc.

    Authorize staff to negotiate an agreement with the top ranked firm. Should the staff be unable to negotiate a satisfactory agreement with the top-ranked firm, negotiations with the unsuccessful firm will be terminated. Negotiations with the second-ranked firm may be undertaken in the same manner in order of ranking until an agreement is reached, and so forth.

Fiscal Note:
This service will be funded via the County Manager’s Office budget 001.17.1700.512.31.00. This contract was completed after the FY24 Budget was adopted. Budget will be adjusted to compensate contractual increases.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize Chair to Execute an Agreement with Foley & Lardner LLP for Federal Lobbying Services, in the amount of $7,500.00 monthly, with an annual cost of $90,000.00

Fiscal Note:
The agreement includes an annual not-to-exceed amount of $60,000 annually. Funds for repairs are in account 149.79.7900.541.46.00 in the Gas Tax Operations Fund or Capital Project Funds as needed.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the First Amendment 13701 with Foundation Services of Central Florida, Inc., for Bid 23-230 Annual Subsurface Injection and Grout Services, not to exceed (NTE) $60,000.00 annually.

Fiscal Note:
Funds exist for Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Tree Debris Hauling and Disposal in account 149.79.7900.541.46.00

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Award of BID 24-54 Annual Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Tree Debris Hauling and Disposal to T&K Enterprises of Volusia County, Clear Zone Maintenance, Inc. and GRSC, Inc., NTE $500,000.00 annually.

Fiscal Note:
Sufficient funds exist in account 091.54.5450.526.52.50.

(Bound tree $90,000, Henry Schein $150,000, Life Assist $90,000, Nashville $3,000, Quad Med $140,000)

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Award and issuance of Blanket Purchase Orders to Bound Tree Medical LLC, Henry Schein Inc., Life-Assist Inc., Nashville Medical & EMS Products Inc., and QuadMed, Inc., for BID 24-13 Annual Medical Supplies for Fire Rescue.

Fiscal Note:
Budget is established in various accounts based on the project with the expectation that most of the projects using this service would come from the Transportation Trust Fund, account: 341.79.7910.541.63.99 and the portion of the 1 Cent Surtax for Roads in account: 142.79.7950.541.63.99.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Award and authorize the Chair to execute Agreement 14033 with Superior Roadway Services of Florida and Agreement 14034 with Watson Construction Company, LLC for Bid 24-64 Annual Roadway Milling Services with the City of Gainesville, NTE $1,000,000.00 annually.

Fiscal Note:
Budget has been established for material hauling in operations account: 149.79.7900.541.53.00 and within projects as needed.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Award and authorize the Chair to execute Agreement 14028 with Coleman Construction Inc., for BID 24-65 Annual Roadway Construction Material Hauling Services, not to exceed (NTE) $500,000.00 annually.

Fiscal Note:
This is a reporting document to be approved and signed by the Board. There is no immediate fiscal impact.

Strategic Guide:
Public Safety

  • Recommended Action:

    Review and authorize the FYE 2023 Annual Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification.

Fiscal Note:
Nature and Culture Destination Enhancement grants are funded by 85% of the third penny of Tourist Development Tax collections. The total award amount for the FY24 Grant is $1,442,975.77.

Tourist Development Destination Enhancement Fund # 006.45.4540.552.82.61

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the twenty-seven Nature and Culture Destination Enhancement Grant funding scores and funding recommendations of the grant evaluation committee, including the application from the Star Center Theatre that was turned in past the deadline but prior to the next working day. Approve the agreement template and authorize the County Manager to execute agreements with each grantee, including those where the funding recommendations exceeds $50,000; with all grant awards to be payable on a reimbursement basis only. Make the legislative factual determination that the events, venues and activities recommended for funding have as one of their main purposes the attraction of tourists as evidenced and as set forth in their respective applications, and that each grant award is primarily related to the advancement and promotion of tourism.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Accept the report and include a copy of the documents in the minutes of the Board of County Commissioners.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    N/A. For informational purposes only.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    No Action necessary. For informational purposes only

Below is the link to the most up-to-date Alachua County Meetings & Events Calendar.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:


No Item Selected