Request approval of the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 updates to the Pay Plans.
The minimum hourly pay rate for pay grade 2 on the Non-Bargaining Pay Plan will increase by $1.00 (one dollar) and the maximum hourly rate will increase by 6%.
The minimum and maximum hourly pay rates for grades 3 and higher on the Non-Bargaining Pay Plan will increase by 6%.
Per the approved IAFF General Collective Bargaining Agreement October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2027, the classifications not included in the new step pay plan: Firefighter (Trainee) the minimum hourly base rate will be $15.00/hour, The Fire Prevention Officer I and II minimum hourly base rates will increase by 6%.
Per the IAFF General Collective Bargaining Agreement, the designated classifications in that new step plan will have 12 steps and longevity increase will be paid in accordance with the CBA.
Per the IAFF Management Collective Bargaining Agreement October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2025, the IAFF Management step plan will remain as approved.
The minimum and maximum hourly rates for all pay grades on the Senior Management-FRS County At Will (CAW) and Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Pay Plans will increase by 6%.
Supervisor of Elections Pay Plans (ELO) increase minimum hourly rate by $1.00 (one dollar) for grade 1 and increase the minimum hourly maximum rate by 6%.
There will be an increase of the minimum and maximum hourly rates by 6% for grades 2 and higher for Supervisor of Elections (ELO and ELN) pay plans.