Board of County Commissioners
Meeting Agenda

County Administration Building - Jack Durrance Auditorium
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601

An in-person Public Comment period follows all non-ministerial motions. There are two General Comment periods: Noon and 5:30 p.m. (or at the end of the morning meeting if there is no evening meeting).  Members of the public may only speak during one of the two designated General Comment periods.  At Noon, commenters may be in person or call in. Commenters have 3 minutes for agenda items and 3 minutes for non-agenda matters. Those addressing agenda items can't comment again when that item comes up.


Noon call-in instructions (3 minutes for agenda items and 3 minutes for non-agenda matters):

     ● Dial 1-929-205-6099,
     ● Enter meeting ID 873 5974 1977.
     ● "Raise" your hand by hitting *9 (star 9). When called on, hit *6 (star 6) to speak.


For Quasi-Judicial Items, it is best to speak when the item comes up, as the Commission can only consider testimony given at the public hearing.

The meeting can be viewed on Cox Channel 12, the AC TV app (Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Roku), the County’s Facebook and YouTube sites, and the county’s Video on Demand website.
Citizens attending Alachua County public meetings downtown can enjoy free parking in the S.W. Parking Garage (105 SW 3rd St, Gainesville) starting on the 2nd floor in zones marked 35200. To obtain parking validation, download the “Passport” app on your smartphone and pay for your session. Then visit the Alachua County Manager's Office, located on the 2nd floor of the County Administration Building, on noticed public meeting days to receive a validation code.
All persons are advised that, if they decide to contest any decision made at any of these meetings, they will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose they may need to ensure that verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes) 
If you have a disability and need an accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact the Alachua County Equal Opportunity Office at (352) 374-5275 at least 2 business days prior to the meeting. TTY users please call 711. (Florida Relay Service)


12 SE 1st Street ■ Gainesville, Florida 32601 ■ Tel. (352) 264-6900 ■ Fax (352) 338-7363 ■ TDD call 711 Relay ■ Commissioners’ E-Mail: [email protected] ■ Home Page:
An Equal Opportunity Employer M.F.V.D


Samuel Stafford, Esq, Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Gainesville, Inc. Any invocation that may be offered before the official start of the Commission meeting shall be the voluntary offering of, a private citizen, to and for the benefit of the Commission. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Commission, and the Commission is not allowed by law to endorse the religious beliefs or views of this, or any other speaker.

  • Recommended Action:

    To approve the Regular and Consent Agenda. 

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Appoint Two (2) Members to the Arts Council of Alachua County with a Term Ending September 30, 2028. If Amy Koester is selected to fill a full member vacancy, select another applicant to fill her resulting alternate member vacancy.

12:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible.
Limit comments to 3 minutes on non-agenda items & 3 minutes on agenda items.  Those speaking to items on the agenda cannot speak to them later. For Quasi-Judicial Items, it is best to speak when the item comes up, as the Commission can only consider testimony given at the public hearing.

Fiscal Note:
Related to West End use for World Masters:

$645,000 – TDT for capital expenses [Fund 150] (Previously Approved)

Related to West End for Acquisition and Improvements

$4,000,000 – Wild Spaces Public Places (borrowed from Conservation Land’s appropriation) [Fund 140] (Previously Approved)

$400,000 - Impact Fees for capital expenses [Fund 339]

$500,000 – TDT for capital expenses [Fund 150] (Budget amendment attached for approval)

$5,800,000 – Unencumbered Parks and Open Spaces allocation of Wild Spaces Public Places included in the CIP for Diamond Sportsplex.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:
    1. Approve the use of $500,000 of Tourist Development Tax reserves for certain capital improvements that promote Tourism at West End making the legislative factual determination that certain capital improvements at West End support the advancement of tourism and are eligible expenses under the Tourist Development Tax statute, and serve a public purpose in Alachua County.
    2. Approve the corresponding budget amendment.
    3. Approve a revision to the Adopted 10-Year Master Plan by changing future park location E (West End) from a Neighborhood Park to a Community Park and future location C from Community Park to Neighborhood Park, thereby allowing the use of $400,000 in impact fees toward improvements.
    4. Approve revising the adopted 5 Year Capital Improvement Project (CIP) schedule to unencumber the approximately $6 million in Wild Spaces Public Places earmarked for Diamond Sportsplex and allocate to West End improvements.

    Related to the Community Engagement Meeting for West End:

    1. Direct staff to return to the BoCC in the spring of 2025 with a West End development plan that incorporates citizen input.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity

  • Recommended Action:

    Hear presentation

Fiscal Note:
General Fund Budget $318,804,014
Total All Funds Budget $929,215,424

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Conduct public hearing, adopt resolutions, and approve budget amendment. 

Fiscal Note:
Costs related to the amendment to be included in Municode are covered in the FY24 budget in account 008.65.6500.554.49.04 (other charges).

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    BoCC convene as the Land Development Regulation Commission and find the amendments consistent with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan.

    Reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners and adopt Z24-000006 amendments to the text of the Unified Land Development Code.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Hold public hearing; direct staff to submit application for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and select funding category(ies); and authorize signature authority to the County Manager or designee to submit CDBG application for funding and other required forms to apply for the CDBG Grant, including any modifications.

Fiscal Note:
County Millage Rate of 7.6180

MSTU Law Enforcement Millage Rate of 3.5678

General Fund budget including all revenues $321,584,483

MSTU Law Enforcement budget including all revenues $39,668,859

The total budget is $866,896,138.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Conduct public hearing and adopt the resolutions to approve the final FY25 millage rates for the General County and MSTU-Law Enforcement and adopt the FY25 Final Budget for General County and Municipal Service Taxing Unit – (MSTU) Law Enforcement and Adopt the Resolutions

Fiscal Note:
The assessments are intended to finance intergovernmental transfers provided consistent with

federal guidelines that fund the non-federal share of certain supplemental payment programs, thus

directly and specially benefitting Assessed Properties and supporting the provision of health care

services to Medicaid, indigent, and uninsured members of the County's community.

HCA North Florida $32,476,838

UF Health Rehab Hospital $569,903

Select Specialty Hospital – Gainesville $743,208

UF Health Shands $34,182,847

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Conduct Public Hearing and Approve Resolution

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve with conditions the proposed Preliminary Development Plan and Resolution DR-24-40 based on a finding of consistency with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan, and the Alachua County Unified Land Development Code.

Public Comment - 5:30 p.m. (Or at the end of the morning meeting if no evening meeting is scheduled).  Members of the public may only speak during one of the two designated General Comment periods.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Hear the Manager’s Re-Organization of Departments and Offices

  • Recommended Action:

    To adjourn the meeting. 

Fiscal Note:
The County has agreed to accept 3.5% of CSNCFL annual allocation to provide administrative services as outlined in the agreement.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve Interlocal Agreement for County provided services for CareerSource North Central Florida and authorize the Chair and Clerk to sign.

Fiscal Note:
Fund 242 project: 3242902 - $1,102,128 revenue and expense accounts detailed in budget amendment attached to resolution

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Adopt Resolution and approve the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2024-2025 funding in the amount of $1,102,128

Fiscal Note:
Sufficient budget exists in FY25 - 001.29.2908.562.34.00

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the 2024-2025 Contract with the State of Florida, Department of Health for the Operation of the

    Alachua County Health Department and authorize the Chair to sign the Contract.

Fiscal Note:
There is no fiscal impact associated with approval of this item

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Delegate signature authority to the County Manager for all awards regardless of amount and authorize staff to negotiate contracts with the agencies recommended for funding.

Fiscal Note:
The costs associated with those cases being initiated are listed. Sufficient budget exists to cover this expense.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the County Attorney’s authority to initiate or defend the cases in the attached list.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve Art Loan Agreement, as presented, and authorize the Chair and Clerk to sign.

Fiscal Note:
All proposed programs/expenditures will be reviewed/approved in accordance with established County procedures.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Strategic Plan as presented

Fiscal Note:
Not to exceed the $42,500 budgeted for FY25.

$10,000 from Visit Gainesville, Alachua County: 005.41.4530.552.82.64

$2,500 from Art Tag revenues: 118.18.1815.573.81.00 and 118.18.1815.573.82.00

$30,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts: exact account number is still to be determined; this funding will be available when OMB does Carry Forward.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve Art Tag Grant Funding Awards to the listed individuals and entities, as presented and recommended by the Alachua County Arts Council, contingent upon approval of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA);  Find that use of tourism development tax revenue to those certain listed applicants is an appropriate because promotes and advertises tourism in and attract tourists to Alachua County; Authorize signature authority to the County Manager to sign Art Tag Grant Program funding agreements and those documents requested by NEA for funding, certification and reporting related to the Art Tag Grant.

Fiscal Note:
This lease will provide $10.00 annually to revenue account 001.19.1912.362.0700 for the lease term October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2026.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:
  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the First Amendment to the Lease Agreement with Alachua County Farmer’s Market, Inc. and authorize the Chair to sign

Fiscal Note:
The funding for this contract is budgeted in the MSBU-Fire fund (011.54.5480.522.34.00 Contractual Services). There is sufficient budget to cover the agreement.

Strategic Guide:
Public Safety

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Agreement with the City of High Springs for Fire Suppression and First Response EMS/Rescue Services

Fiscal Note:
The funding for this contract is budgeted in the MSBU-Fire fund (011.54.5480.522.34.00 Contractual Services). There is sufficient budget to cover the agreement.

Strategic Guide:
Public Safety

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Agreement with the City of Newberry for Fire Suppression and First Response EMS/Rescue Services.

Fiscal Note:
The funding for this contract is budgeted in the MSBU-Fire fund (011.54.5480.522.34.00 Contractual Services). There is sufficient budget to cover the agreement.

Strategic Guide:
Public Safety

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Agreement with the Town of Lacrosse for Fire Suppression and First Response EMS/Rescue Services

Fiscal Note:
There is sufficient budget in the FY24 Fire Rescue Operating budget to cover this expenditure (011.54.5480.522.55.00 Training/Education/Testing $2,205.00 and 091.54.5450.526.55.00 Training/Education/Testing $2,205.00).

Strategic Guide:
Public Safety

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Special pay request

Fiscal Note:
The grant is a reimbursement grant. An interfund loan in an amount not to exceed $1M is necessary for cash flow purposes for the FY23/24 $1,300.000.00 and FY24/25 $1,006,384.00 grant awards. The effective date of the interfund load needs to be September 1, 2024 to allow for the FY24 expenditures. This grant is accounted for in Fund 138.

Strategic Guide:
Public Safety

  • Recommended Action:

    Authorize an interfund loan for the Lutheran Services of Florida Mobile Integrated Health Clinic Grant Program for FY23/24 and FY24/25 in an amount not to exceed $1M effective September 1, 2024.

Fiscal Note:
The budget for these increases is included in the FY2024-2025 Budget.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Request approval of the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 updates to the Pay Plans.

    The minimum hourly pay rate for pay grade 2 on the Non-Bargaining Pay Plan will increase by $1.00 (one dollar) and the maximum hourly rate will increase by 6%.

    The minimum and maximum hourly pay rates for grades 3 and higher on the Non-Bargaining Pay Plan will increase by 6%.

    Per the approved IAFF General Collective Bargaining Agreement October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2027, the classifications not included in the new step pay plan: Firefighter (Trainee) the minimum hourly base rate will be $15.00/hour, The Fire Prevention Officer I and II minimum hourly base rates will increase by 6%.

    Per the IAFF General Collective Bargaining Agreement, the designated classifications in that new step plan will have 12 steps and longevity increase will be paid in accordance with the CBA.

    Per the IAFF Management Collective Bargaining Agreement October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2025, the IAFF Management step plan will remain as approved.

    The minimum and maximum hourly rates for all pay grades on the Senior Management-FRS County At Will (CAW) and Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Pay Plans will increase by 6%.

    Supervisor of Elections Pay Plans (ELO) increase minimum hourly rate by $1.00 (one dollar) for grade 1 and increase the minimum hourly maximum rate by 6%.

    There will be an increase of the minimum and maximum hourly rates by 6% for grades 2 and higher for Supervisor of Elections (ELO and ELN) pay plans.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity

  • Recommended Action:

    Appoint Adriana Carter as Alternate Member with a Term Ending Sept. 30, 2028 on the Recreation and Open Space Advisory Committee

Fiscal Note:
Sufficient funds exist to cover the issuance of the Annual Purchase Orders. The amount budgeted, accounts and funds all vary.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the issuance of the FY 2025 of Annual Purchase Orders over $50,000.00.

Fiscal Note:
Upon adoption of the budget amendment, budget in the amount of $500,000 will be available in Fund 001.29.2960.564.34.00.

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity

  • Recommended Action:
  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Professional Services Agreement 14290 with Released, Inc, in the amount of $495,024.00.  Approve Budget Amendment 24-3690.

Fiscal Note:
Funds for this contract are budgeted in the tentative FY25 in account 149.79.7900.541.46.00 (Repairs and Maintenance).

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the First Amendment to Agreement with Allen Jones Landscaping, LLC. (13801).

Fiscal Note:
The services for the Public Emergency Medical Transportation (PEMT) program are charged based on 3% for the Managed Care and 6% for the Fee for Service portions. There is sufficient budget to cover the costs based on anticipated revenues (091.54.5450.526.34.00 #6195410 ALL). If revenues exceed the amount anticipated, the Board can recognize the additional revenue and allocate funds to cover the increased expenditure.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Third Amendment to Agreement with Public Consulting Group LLC., in the amount not to exceed $210,000.00 annually.

Fiscal Note:
Sufficient funds exist in 001.29.2960.564

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Award and Agreement 14384 of Bid 25-31-PM Indigent Burial and Cremation Program to Family Owned Funeral Group LLC D/B/A Forest Meadows Funeral Home, Not to Exceed $125,000.00 Annually.

Fiscal Note:
The FY25 Facilities Budget has $76,428 of Operating Expense allocated between the following accounts: 001.19.1912.519.46.00; 001.19.1912.529.46.00 and 001.19.1912.712.46.00.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Award of Bid 25-8-MB Annual Elevator Full Coverage Maintenance and Repair Service, in the amount of $76,428.00.

Fiscal Note:
This is for Ranking only. No fiscal impact until the agreement is approved by the Board.

Risk Management has budgeted $50,000.00 for these services.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate agreements for RFP 24-487-LC Dash Camera Installation and Services for Fleet Vehicles:

    1.IVS, Inc. DBA AngelTrax

    2.T-Mobile USA, Inc.

    Authorize staff to negotiate an agreement with the top ranked firm, IVS, Inc. DBA AngelTrax. Should the staff be unable to negotiate a satisfactory agreement with the top ranked firm, negotiations with the unsuccessful firm will be terminated. Negotiations with the second ranked firm may be undertaken in the same manner in order of ranking until an agreement is reached, and so forth.

Fiscal Note:
$1,500,000 in FY25 in 507.04.0490.519.31.60, Health Insurance Fund

This amendment extends the terms of the agreement.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Novation and Second Amendment to Agreement 11320 with Premise Health Employee Solutions, LLC..

Fiscal Note:
In FY25 $60,000 is budgeted for landscaping between the following Facilities Operating Accounts: 001.19.1912.519.46.80, 001.19.1912.529.46.80 and 001.19.1912.712.46.80.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Award of Bid 25-43-MB Annual Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance to Southern Lawn Care Mid Florida, Inc and Southern Brothers Landscaping, LLC, in the amount of $60,000.00.

Fiscal Note:
Budget of $60,000 in account 503.141.2200-Fleet Management, Inventories-Parts and Materials and $20,000 in account 503.141.2300-Fleet Management, Inventories-Commercial Services.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Sole Source to Matheny Fire and Emergency.

Fiscal Note:
Public Works has budgeted $325,000.00 in accounts: $196,000.00 in 503.141.2200 (Fleet Management, Inventories) and $129,000.00 in 503.141.2300 (Fleet Management, Inventories)

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Sole Source to Ring Power Corporation for purchase of Caterpillar parts, supplies and services.

Fiscal Note:
Facilities budgeted sufficient funds in account 001.19.1912.529.46.80 (Repairs and Maintenance Services Maintenance Contracts) for this contract.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Third Amendment to Agreement 11087 with Montgomery Technology Systems, LLC., not to exceed $58,368.00 annually.

Fiscal Note:
The FY25 budget includes funding for Mosquito Mitigation Services in accounts: 008.79.7900.541.34.00 (Other Svcs Contractual Svcs) and 021.41.4126.572.46.00 (Repairs and Maintenance Svcs)

Strategic Guide:
Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Second Amendment to Agreement with Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc. (11970), not to exceed (NTE) $145,000.00 annually.

Fiscal Note:
Sufficient funds exist in the Parks and Open Spaces’ Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) budget to cover the approximately $68,600 per year historically spent at Cuscowilla, Poe Springs and all other parks from the following accounts:

001.41.4100.572.31.00, 001.41.4130.572.31.00, 008.41.4100.572.31.00, 008.41.4130.572.31.00, and 021.41.4126.572.31.00 (general fund, unincorporated, Wild Spaces Public Places).

In addition, there is sufficient budget in FY25 for the average annual expenditures of $5,800 for the Ag & Equestrian Center from account 130.45.4502.575.31.00 and the average of $16,500 for Public Works from 235.56.5600.533.34.00. Expenditures closer to the Not To Exceed limit of $500,000 are not funded in the budgets of the departments that utilize this vendor, and would need Budget Amendments.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Second Amendment to Agreement with Two-Fold Engineering Inc. (13716), not to exceed $500,000.00 annually.

Fiscal Note:
The FY25 Budget has allocated funds to cover this contract in account 149.79.7900.541.46.00 (Repairs and Maintenance).

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Award and authorize the Chair to execute First Amendment with USA Services of Florida, LLC (14027), NTE $110,856.00 annually.

Fiscal Note:
Facilities Management has $80,000.00 budgeted in account: 001.19.1919.519.46.00 (Repairs and Maintenance)

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Award and authorize the Chair to execute Agreement 14369 with Joseph Hoffman Construction LLC, d/b/a JH Construction for Bid 24-474-LC Rebid Fleet Building Siding Replacement, for a total fiscal impact of $65,940.00.

Fiscal Note:
The funds for Annual Processing and Beneficial Reuse/Composting of Vegetative Waste are budgeted within the MSBU (Municipal Service Benefit Unit) Refuse Collection Fund, Solid Waste System Fund, and Rural Collection Center Fund budgets in account codes: 148.76.7600.534.43.00 (utility services), 400.76.7630.534.34.00 (other contractual services) and 403.76.7610.534.43.00 (utility services).

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Agreement 14297 with Life Soils Florida, LLC., for Bid 25-57-MM Annual Processing and Beneficial Recycling/Composting of Vegetative Waste for Alachua County and the City of Gainesville, in the amount not to exceed $200,000.00.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    No Action necessary. For Informational purposes only

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    No Action necessary. For Informational purposes only.

Below is the link to the most up-to-date Alachua County Meetings & Events Calendar.

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