Jaye Athy Capp/Choices program manager presented the above item to the Board.
Recommended CAPP Funding Categories
- Quality Childcare and Education
- Adequate Food
- Quality Healthcare
- Safe, Affordable Housing
Key Updates in RFA 25-198
- Each agency is limited to one application
- Agencies may only apply for CAPP or CHOICES, not both.
- Current CHOICES awardees will be grandfathered in and may apply for CAPP this funding cycle but will not be eligible for CHOICES funding in the next cycle
- Agencies are eligible for SBE consideration
- Pass through funding and subcontracting of programs is prohibited
- Changes to evaluation criteria
- Changes to reporting requirements, including return on investment metrics
- Grant review committee will be comprised of staff and community service professionals
- If an agency is receiving designated funding from the County, they are not eligible for CAPP funding
Changes to Evaluation Criteria
- Evaluation criteria has been supplemented with a list of items that must appear in each application
- Application questions will mirror the evaluation criteria
- Points allowed increased as recommended by Procurement
Commissioner Prizzia, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments.
Commissioner Cornell moved approval of the following:
1. staff recommendations to approve RFA 25-198 with updated funding categories and proposed scoring criteria
2. Delegate appointment of CAPP Grant Review Committee Members to the County Manager
3. Have Capp staff work with Children's Trust of Alachua County staff to determine how the CAPP program can improve service delivery with our partners that serve children and their families
4. Small grants would relate to the SBE entities
2nd Commissioner Wheeler
Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Alford, Commissioner Cornell, Jaye Athy Capp/Choices program manager, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments.
Public Comment
Chair Alford recognized Armando Grundy-Gomez who presented comments.
Chair Alford, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Prizzia, Deputy County Manager Carl Smart, commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Prizzia, and Commissioner Wheeler all presented comments.
The motion caried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent.
Commissioner Prizzia moved that the County work with the Childrens Trust of Alachua County to fund a comprehensive literacy needs assessment, and that the County split the cost of that. Also, for the County to write a letter to the School Board asking them to also split the cost of the comprehensive needs assessment with the County and the Childrens Trust.
2nd Commissioner Cornell
Public Comment
Chair Alford recognized Armando Grundy and a citizen who presented comments to the Board.
The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent.
Commission recessed at: 3:00pm
Commission reconvened at: 3:20pm