Alachua County Board of County Commissioners


County Administration Building - Jack Durrance Auditorium
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601
  • Chair Mary Alford, 
  • Commissioner Ken Cornell, 
  • Commissioner Anna Prizzia, 
  • and Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler 
  • Vice Chair Charles S. Chestnut, IV 

Deputy County Manager Carl Smart provided the Invocation.

Chair Alford called the meeting to order at 11:34am

County Manager Lieberman recommended the following item be pulled from consent for discussion:

- Pull item 7E the agreement for request for proposal for the jail inmate phone system and services for information telecom services. 


County Manager Lieberman recommended the following items be pulled and discussed at a future meeting:

- Pull item 8A Approval of lease agreements for Employee Health Clinic and Pharmacy

- Pull item 9A Alachua County Energy Efficiency Program Technical Assistance Grant


Commissioner Prizzia moved to approve agenda with the suggested changes from the manager:

-Pull item 7E and move to regular agenda

-Pull items 8A and 9A to be discussed on a future agenda. 


2nd Commissioner Cornell


Public Comment

Chair Alford recognized Tamara Robbins, and Khali Blount who presented comments. 


The motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Chestnut and Commissioner Wheeler absent.

  • To approve the Regular and Consent Agenda. 

Communications Director, Mark Sexton, presented the following announcements:

-The citizens academy will take place this spring. Residents are encouraged to sign up by March 17th, 2024. This free program starts April 4th, 2024, and takes place on consecutive Thursday mornings for eight sessions. To view a complete schedule of classes and learn more about the program you can register online. For more information contact Donna Bradbrook, the strategic performance manager at 352-264-7066.

Applicant Patricia Lee presented comments to the Board.


Commissioner Wheeler entered the meeting at 11:52am.


Deputy Clerk Miller called on each Commissioner for their two nominees.

Commissioner Cornell nominated David Wisener and Patricia Lee.

Commissioner Prizzia nominated Grace Gleenon and Patricia Lee.

Commissioner Wheeler nominated David Wisener and Patricia Lee.

Chair Alford nominated David Wisener and Patricia Lee.


Commissioner Cornell moved to nominate Patrice Lee for the term ending in 2026 and David Wisener for the term ending in 2025.

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

  • Appoint one Economic Development Advisory Committee member to fill the Alachua County resident at large position with a term ending in 2025. Appoint one Economic Development Advisory Committee member to fill the actively engaged in economic development position with a term ending in 2026

Gina Peebles, Assistant County Manager Chief of Staff read a letter received from applicant Allen Kurian.

Applicant Stephen Rodriguez presented comments to the Board.


Deputy Clerk Miller called on each Commissioner for their nominee.

Commissioner Wheeler nominated Stephen Rodriguez. 

Commissioner Cornell nominated Stephen Rodriguez.

Commissioner Prizzia nominated Stephen Rodriguez.

Chair Alford nominated Stephen Rodriguez.


Commissioner Cornell moved to nominate Stephen Rodriguez with a term ending September 30th, 2027. 

2nd Commissioner Wheeler 

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

  • Appoint full member to Recreation & Open Spaces Advisory Committee vacancy with a term ending September 30, 2027

Applicant Tom Mirti presented comments to the Board


Deputy Clerk Miller called on each Commissioner for their nominee.

Commissioner Prizzia nominated Tom Mirti.

Commissioner Cornell nominated Tom Mirti.

Commissioner Wheeler nominated Tom Mirti.

Chair Alford nominated Tom Mirti.


Commissioner Cornell moved to nominate Tom Mirti to the Land Conservation Board a partial term ending 9/30/2024 followed by a full term ending 9/30/2028

2nd Commissioner Prizzia

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

  • Appoint one Natural Resource Professional to a partial term ending 09/30/2024 followed by a full term ending 9/30/2028.

Applicant Kali Blount presented comments to the Board. 

Citizens at large term ending 08/31/2027

Deputy Clerk Miller called on each Commissioner for their two nominees.

Commissioner Cornell nominated Khali Blount and Davin Woody.

Commissioner Prizzia nominated Khali Blount and Davin Woody.

Commissioner Wheeler nominated Khali Blount and Davin Woody.

Chair Alford nominated Khali Blount and Davin Woody.


Commissioner Cornell moved to nominate Khali Blount and Davin Woody to the Citizens at large with a term ending 8/31/2027.

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 


Citizens at large Knowledgeable in labor, finance and commerce term ending 8/31/2027

Deputy Clerk Miller called on each Commissioner for their two nominees.

Commissioner Cornell nominated Haley Short and Genile Morris.

Commissioner Prizzia nominated Haley Short and Genile Morris.

Commissioner Wheeler nominated Haley Short and Genile Morris.

Chair Alford nominated Haley Short and Genile Morris.


Commissioner Cornell moved Haley Short and Genile Morris to the Citizens at large Knowledgeable in labor, finance and commerce with a term ending 8/31/2027.

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

  • Appoint two applicants to the Citizen-at-Large (knowledgeable in labor, finance or
    commerce) positions with a term ending 08/31/2027.

    Appoint two applicants to the Citizen-at-Large position with a term ending

Dr. Rodney Clouser, Chair of the committee presented an update to the Board. 


Commissioner Prizzia, Dr. Rodney Clouser, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Alford, and Dr. Rodney Clouser presented comments. 

  • Hear presentation

Chair Alford recognized citizens Jackie Johnson, Beth, Khalil Blount, Lauren Hopkins, James Lofton, Kathleen Richardson, Melana Watts, Shelia Miller, Evan Lefever, Phoenix, Wes, Shannon, Joe Green, Royce, Angela Woodhull, Chelsea, Tamara Robbins, and Telford Cartwright who presented comments.  

Commissioner Prizzia exits the meeting at 12:51pm 

Commissioner Prizzia returns to the meeting at 12:54pm


Commissioner Cornell referred to county attorney office to review the materials presented during citizen comment by Tamara Robbins and report back to the board. 


Commissioner Prizzia stated she pulled the above item to discuss with the Board. Commissioner stated she would like to see a provision about surveillance and recording generally. 


Commissioner Prizzia moved the following: 

The provision relating to phone call recording eliminate the use of voice recognition and identification. Disallow the use of any surveillance software, ai or other tools to monitor, track, scan or otherwise use phone or video call data without a warrant. To only allow access to any call or video data with a warrant or other legal framework for getting the data and clear easy use process to ensure attorney/client calls are not being recorded. 

The motion failed for lack of second. 


Commissioner Prizzia, Sheriff Emory Gainey, Commissioner Prizzia, and ASO Detective presented comments. 


Commissioner Cornell moved staff recommendations to approve and authorize the Chair to execute Agreement 14039 with Securus Technologies, LLC for RFP 24-38 Annual Alachua County Jail Inmate Phone System and Services, in the amount of $750,000.00.

2nd Commissioner Wheeler


Commissioner Cornell, Sheriff Gainey, ASO Detective, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Prizzia, Sheriff Gainey, Chair Alford, Commissioner Prizzia, Jeff Clooney Jail Director, Commissioner Wheeler, Sheriff Gainey, and Chief assistant state attorney office Heather Jones presented comments.


The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

Gina Peebles, Assistant County Manager Chief of Staff introduced Travis Parker, the Parks Recreation & Facilities Director for the city of Newberry who presented the above item via zoom. 


Commissioner Pizzia moved to approve the request of the funds from Newberry allocated in the joint wild spaces public places partnership project funding.


Chair Alford, County Attorney Torres, Commissioner Prizzia and Chair Alford presented comments. 


2nd Commissioner Wheeler


The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

  • Approve the City of Newberry’s two applications for Municipal Partnership Program surtax grant funding, one for WSPP grant funding in an amount not to exceed $200,000 and one for Other Infrastructure grant funding in an amount not to exceed $333,333.00; authorize County staff to finalize the Grant Agreements using the attached Form Grant Agreement, and upon approval from the County Attorney’s Office authorize the Alachua County Chair and Clerk to sign the Grant Agreements.

Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby presented the above item. 


Commissioner Cornell moved staff recommendations to approve and authorize the Chair to execute the first Addendum to the Energy Savings Contract with Cenergistic LLC, No. 11462.

2nd Commissioner Prizzia 


Chair Alford, Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby, Commissioner Prizzia, Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby, and Steve Jones with Cenergistic presented comments. 


The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

  • Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the First Addendum to the Energy Savings Contract with Cenergistic LLC, No. 11462.

Jaye Athy Capp/Choices program manager presented the above item to the Board. 

Recommended CAPP Funding Categories
- Quality Childcare and Education
- Adequate Food
- Quality Healthcare
- Safe, Affordable Housing

Key Updates in RFA 25-198
- Each agency is limited to one application 
- Agencies may only apply for CAPP or CHOICES, not both. 
- Current CHOICES awardees will be grandfathered in and may apply for CAPP this funding cycle but will not be eligible for CHOICES funding in the next cycle
- Agencies are eligible for SBE consideration
- Pass through funding and subcontracting of programs is prohibited

- Changes to evaluation criteria
- Changes to reporting requirements, including return on investment metrics
- Grant review committee will be comprised of staff and community service professionals
- If an agency is receiving designated funding from the County, they are not eligible for CAPP funding

Changes to Evaluation Criteria
- Evaluation criteria has been supplemented with a list of items that must appear in each application
- Application questions will mirror the evaluation criteria
- Points allowed increased as recommended by Procurement

Commissioner Prizzia, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments.  

Commissioner Cornell moved approval of the following:

1. staff recommendations to approve RFA 25-198 with updated funding categories and proposed scoring criteria

2. Delegate appointment of CAPP Grant Review Committee Members to the County Manager

3. Have Capp staff work with Children's Trust of Alachua County staff to determine how the CAPP program can improve service delivery with our partners that serve children and their families

4. Small grants would relate to the SBE entities 


2nd Commissioner Wheeler


Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Alford, Commissioner Cornell, Jaye Athy Capp/Choices program manager, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments. 


Public Comment

Chair Alford recognized Armando Grundy-Gomez who presented comments. 


Chair Alford, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Prizzia, Deputy County Manager Carl Smart, commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Prizzia, and Commissioner Wheeler all presented comments. 


The motion caried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 


Commissioner Prizzia moved that the County work with the Childrens Trust of Alachua County to fund a comprehensive literacy needs assessment, and that the County split the cost of that. Also, for the County to write a letter to the School Board asking them to also split the cost of the comprehensive needs assessment with the County and the Childrens Trust.


2nd Commissioner Cornell


Public Comment

Chair Alford recognized Armando Grundy and a citizen who presented comments to the Board. 


The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 


Commission recessed at: 3:00pm 

Commission reconvened at: 3:20pm

  • 1. Approve RFA 25-198 including the revised funding categories and scoring criteria; 2. Delegate

    authority to appoint individuals to the CAPP Grant Review Committee to the County Manager; 3. Provide direction on budget and funding of institutional programs

Community Support Services Director Claudia Tuck and Facilities Director Dan Whitcraft presented the above item.


Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, Community Support Services Director Claudia Tuck, and Chair Alford presented comments. 


Commissioner Wheeler moved to approve staff recommendations to approve the Permanent Housing Pilot program of container homes to be situated on the northern end of the County owned property formerly known as the Scottish Inn. Direct County staff work with Grace Marketplace, City of Gainesville, and other stakeholders to develop a master housing plan onsite at Grace Marketplace Campus.

2nd Commissioner Prizzia 


Public Comment

Chair Alford recognized Armando Gundy-Gomez who presented comments. 


The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent.


Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Prizzia, Chair Alford, Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Alford, Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Alford, Commissioner Prizzia, Communications Director Mark Sexton, Chair Alford, Commissioner Prizzia, and Commissioner Cornell all presented comments. 

  • Approve the Permanent Housing Pilot program of container homes to be situated on the northern end of the County owned property formerly known as the Scottish Inn. Direct County staff work with Grace Marketplace, City of Gainesville, and other stakeholders to develop a master housing plan onsite at Grace Marketplace Campus.

County Attorney Torres read and presented the rules and procedure for this hearing. 


There were no ex parte communications disclosed.


Deputy Clerk Miller issued the Oath to all those who wished to address this matter. 


Planner Mehdi Benkhatar presented the above item. 


Chair Alford, Applicant Sharon Jones, Chair Alford, Planner Mehdi Benkhatar, Growth Management Director Jeff Hays, Commissioner Cornell, and Applicant Sharon Jones presented comments. 


Commissioner Wheeler moved staff recommendations to approve Z22-000008 with the conditions and bases as listed in the staff report.

2nd Commissioner Cornell

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

  • Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Z22-000008 with the conditions and bases as listed in the staff report.

Planner Mehdi Benkhatar presented the above item. 


Commissioner Cornell, Planner Mehdi Benkhatar, Clay Swager with EDA Consultants, Chair Alford, Commissioner Wheeler, Clay Swager with EDA Consultants, and Commissioner Prizzia presented comments. 


Commissioner Cornell moved staff recommendations to approve Z23-000008 with the conditions and bases as listed in the staff report.


2nd Commissioner Wheeler


Public Comment 

Chair Alford recognized Angela Woodhull who presented comments. 


Chair Alford presented comments. 


The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent.


  • Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Z23-000008 with the conditions and bases as listed in the staff report.

Jerry Brewington, Senior Planner with Alachua County Department Growth Management gave a brief overview of the above item. 


Commissioner Prizzia moved to approve staff recommendations to Adopt Ordinance 24-xx dissolving the Springhills South CDD incorporating the Petition for Dissolution by Reference.


2nd Commissioner Cornell


The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

  • Adopt Ordinance 24-xx dissolving the Springhills South CDD incorporating the Petition for Dissolution by Reference

Chair Alford convened the commission as the Land Development Board.


Angeline Jacobs answered any question and gave the board a brief update. 


Commissioner Prizzia moved the Board finds staff recommendations consistent with the comprehensive plan and move approval. 


2nd Commissioner Cornell


The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 


Chair Alford convened back as the Board of County Commissioners.


Commissioner Prizzia moved staff recommendation and approval of the ordinance.


2nd Commissioner Cornell


The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

  • Convene as the Land Development Regulation Commission and find the proposed amendments to the Unified Land Development Code consistent with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan. Reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners and approve the ordinance.

Growth Management Director Jeff Hayes stated he was available to answer any questions the Board may have regarding the above item.


Commissioner Cornell moved to adopt the ordinance.


2nd Commissioner Prizzia


The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

  • Hold a Public Hearing and adopt the Ordinance

The meeting reconvened at 5:15pm

Growth Management Director Jeff Hays presented the above item. 


Commissioner Prizzia moved staff recommendations to approve the agreement and authorize the chair’s signature.


2nd Commissioner Cornell


Commissioner Cornell presented comments.


Public Comment

Chair Alford recognized Mary Jo Vanken, Michael Warren, and Charles Vitally who presented comments. 


Commissioner Cornell presented comments.


The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

  • The Board of County Commissioners approve the agreement and authorize the chair’s signature.

Assistant County Attorney Corbin Hanson read and presented the rules and procedures for this hearing.


There were no ex parte communications disclosed.


 Assistant County Attorney Corbin Hanson stated there are three citizens who have requested party status, Elizabeth Dalusio, Katlyn Nason, and Al Shoemaker. 


Al Shoemaker presented comments to no longer request party status. 


Commissioner Cornell moved to grant Elizabeth Dalusio and Katlyn Nason party status.


2nd Commissioner Prizzia


The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 


Deputy Clerk Miller issued the Oath to all those who wished to participate in the Hearing.


Planner, Jacob Stout presented the above item to the Board. 


Commissioner Prizzia, Growth Management Director Jeff Hays, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments. 


The applicant representative Clay Swagger with EDA Consultants gave a presentation. 


Commissioner Prizzia, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments. 


Commissioner Cornell moved to deny the preliminary development plan for south pointe pd phase 2 based on the basis that it's not consistent with the county comprehensive plan and that once the road is built come back. 


Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Cornell, and Commissioner Prizzia presented comments. 


2nd Commissioner Prizzia


Jose Reyes EDA Consultant, Chair Alford, Commissioner Cornell, Jeff Hays Growth Management Director, Commissioner Prizzia, Jose Reyes EDA Consultant, Clay Swagger with EDA Consultants, Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler and Commissioner Cornell presented comments to the Board. 


Commissioner Cornell withdrew his motion.


Growth Management Director Missy Daniels, and Clay Swagger with EDA Consultants presented comments. 


Commissioner Cornell moved to defer the approval of the preliminary development plan. 


2nd Commissioner Wheeler


Public Comment

Chair Alford recognized Paul Moore, and Charles Vitally who presented comments.


Commissioner Cornell, and Growth Management Director Jeff Hays presented comments. 


The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent.


  • Approve the proposed Preliminary Development Plan and Resolution DR-24-08 based on a finding of consistency with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan, and the Alachua County Unified Land Development Code

Chair Alford recognized Farah Musudi, Alex Sellers, Alan Skimbacker, Lewis Diez, and Hanna Stringfield who presented comments. 

There were no comments presented. 

County Manager Lieberman asked for a clarification on Kinkade loop whether or not the Board would like to see them again because if so staff would need to make some change that they are working on for the consultant to come back to have that conversation.

The Board would like an informational update on Kinkade loop trail.

County Manager Lieberman gave a brief update on career source. There has been little movement on the proposed structure or mediated agreement between district 7 and 9. District 7 did receive the determination letter from their most recent monitoring and were given options by career source Florida. 

Commissioner Wheeler stated she and Missy Daniels had a meeting with two levy county residents and Carey Busch at Mark Kaplans office regarding a sand mine in levy county. 

Commissioner Prizzia would like to have a policy meeting to have a conversation regarding American rescue plan dollars $4 million available.

Commissioner Cornell would like the Board to think about putting on the ballot in 2024 whether or not if 12-year term limits are something that the community wants to put to a vote. Commissioner stated the Board may want to have a discussion about what to do as a charter amendment. 

Commissioner Prizzia exits meeting at 7:16pm


There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20p.m.

  • To adjourn the meeting. 

  • Approve the Grant Agreement with the FCASV, Waive Board policy regarding Intellectual Property, Approve the Resolution of Unanticipated Revenues, and Budget Amendment. Approve the resolution and budget amendment for FY23/24. Approve an interfund loan from General Fund of $30,000 for the grant (fund 231 - project 2342901) to be repaid at grant closeout.

  • Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the following agreements for Bid 24-63 Annual Fireline Road and Fuels Treatment Projects, not to exceed $150,000.00 annually:

    Agreement 14087 with Bird Dog Fire and Land Management Inc.,

    Agreement 14088 with Blackham Contracting Group, LLC,

    Agreement 14089 with Creative Concrete Design of Columbia County Inc.,

    Agreement 14090 with GRSC, Inc.,

    Agreement 14091 with Promise Habitat Services, LLC, and

    Agreement 14092 with R.O.T. Ranch Construction, Inc., Environmental Protection.

  • Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Agreement 13985 with Ajax Building Company, LLC for RFP 23-440 Construction Manager @ Risk for the new Civil Courthouse/Court Services Building, in the amount of $180,000.00 for pre-construction services.

  • Approve the issuance of a purchase order to Ring Power Corp – St. Augustine, in the amount of $169,110.00 for one Caterpillar 309 CFG16C with attachments and approve a resolution, as presented, for unanticipated revenues and a budget amendment (2024-1274).

No Item Selected