Alachua County Board of County Commissioners


County Administration Building - Jack Durrance Auditorium
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601
  • Vice Chair Mary Alford, 
  • Commissioner Charles S. Chestnut, IV, 
  • Commissioner Ken Cornell, 
  • Chair Anna Prizzia, 
  • and Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler 
Also Present:
  • County Manager Michele Lieberman 
  • and County Attorney Sylvia Torres 

Pastor Graham Glover provided the Invocation.

Chair Prizzia called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m..

  • Moved ByCommissioner Alford
    Seconded ByCommissioner Cornell

    Adoption of the Regular and Consent Agenda with the recommended changes remove item 3b from consent for a future meeting and move item 4.

    Carried (5 to 0)

Communications Director, Mark Sexton, presented the following announcements:

  1. The 12th Annual Alachua County/City of Gainesville Employment Law Seminar will be hosted via ZOOM on June 18, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 1;00 p.m. The seminar is available to all interested parties. 
  2. The County Manager will be presenting the 2023 annual report, the FYI 2024 budget message, and the Tentative Budget for 2024 will be presented to the Board this evening at 5:00 p.m.
  • Moved ByCommissioner Chestnut
    Seconded ByCommissioner Alford

    moved approval all Proclamations on the agenda.

    Carried (5 to 0)

Alachua County Citizens Academy Coordinator Donna Bradbrook presented the above item. 

The Board thanked the citizens for their involvement in County Government and a photo with the graduating class was taken. 

  • Recognize the graduates of the 2023 Alachua County Citizens Academy program and present the graduates with a Certificate of Completion and a copy of the Class Photo.

EPAC Chair David Moritz and EPAC Member George Papadi presented the above item.

Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Cornell, and Commissioner Wheeler presented comments. 


  • Hear presentation

Chair Prizzia recognized Pete Rivera, Pastor Marty Moon, Mitch Fulsome, Cindy Bear, Elizabeth Howard, Tamara Robbins, and Sully Leonard who presented comments to the Board. 

Animal Services Director Joy Johnson and Field Services Supervisor Faye Gould presented the above item.

Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, and County Manager Lieberman presented comments. 

Chair Prizzia recognized Tamara Robbins who presented commens to the Board. 

  • Moved ByCommissioner Cornell
    Seconded ByCommissioner Wheeler

    Hold the Public Hearing and adopt the proposed ordinance, as presented, and authorize the Chair to sign.

    Carried (5 to 0)

Senior Planner Ben Chumley presented the above item.

Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Alford, Assistant City of High Springs Manager Bruce Gillingham, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Prizzia, Water Resources Programs Manager Staci Greco, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Chestnut, and County Manager Lieberman, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments. 

Chair Prizzia recognized Rick Testi, Nancy Ivey, Catherine Whites, Tamara Robbins, Commissioner Alford, and Commissioner Cornell who presented comments. 

  • Moved ByCommissioner Wheeler
    Seconded ByCommissioner Chestnut

    Direct staff to work with the City of High Springs to prepare an interlocal agreement for County and City approval that would potentially allow for the extension of municipal water and sewer lines into the unincorporated area and shall include the following parameters:

    1. The interlocal agreement shall be adopted by both the City and County prior to the City’s adoption of its ordinance establishing a Utility Services District in accordance with Section 180.02 Florida Statutes and its ordinance addressing connections in the unincorporated area. The City’s ordinances shall reflect any mutually agreed upon conditions of the interlocal agreement.


    2. The interlocal agreement shall identify any potential basis for approval by the County Commission of the extension of water and sewer lines into the unincorporated area in accordance with Policy 3.1.5 of the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer Element.


    3. The extension of municipal water and sewer services is limited to the corridor extending generally along NW County Road 236 from the current High Springs City Limits to the interchange with I-75 (a map depicting this area will be included in the interlocal agreement). Any future extensions outside of this area will be subject to additional approval by the BoCC.


    4. Existing or proposed development around the interchange of I-75 and CR 236 on property with a “Tourist/Entertainment” land use designation pursuant to the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan may connect to the City’s water and sewer systems.


    5. Proposed development within all other unincorporated areas not described in #4 above shall require additional approval by the County Commission to connect to the City’s water and sewer systems.


    6. The City's wastewater (sewer) line shall be engineered so that it is not available for connection, as defined in Florida Statutes, within the unincorporated areas other than those designated "Tourist Entertainment" pursuant to the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan around the I-75 interchange.


    7. The City of High Springs acknowledges that a portion of the City's proposed Utilities Service Area is within the County Growth Management Area as designated in the Alachua County Home Rule Charter, and that development within that area is governed by the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations in accordance with the County's Charter.
    8. The interlocal agreement shall address considerations relating to how potential future annexation into the City of High Springs may affect connection requirements. The updated map presented by the City of High Springs is the one to be used wih the change to include the entire Tourist Area. 


    Carried (5 to 0)

Clerk of Court J.K. "Jess" Irby, Purvis Grey Independent Auditor Ron Whitesides, and Chief Deputy Todd Hutchison presented the above item.

Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, and Commissioner Alford presented comments. 

  • Moved ByCommissioner Cornell
    Seconded ByCommissioner Alford

    Accept the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY2022) Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), and the Florida State Comptrollers Annual Financial Report (AFR).  Authorize the Chair to certify the AFR to the State. Acknowledge receipt of the audit reports and letters for Single Audit report from the County's independent Certified Public Accountants, Purvis Gray and Company, LLP.  Acknowledge receipt of the Management Response Letter to the Auditor General. Authorize the Clerk to transmit the ACFR and the Single Audit Report to the Auditor General. Acknowledge receipt of SAS 114 letter from Auditors.

    Carried (5 to 0)

Senior Planner Gerald Brewington presented the above item. 

Deputy County Attorney Bob Swain read the rules of procedure for the Quasi-Judicial Hearing. 

Deputy Clerk Donahey issued the Oath to all those who wished to address the item. 

Commissioner Wheeler, Agent for the Applicant Byron Flagg, Applicant Mr. Burrset, Commissioner Alford, and Chair Prizzia presented comments.  

  • Moved ByCommissioner Cornell
    Seconded ByCommissioner Alford

    That the Special exception is consistent with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan and the Unified Land Development Code with the basis and conditions as noted in the staff report and that the County Commission adopt Resolution Z-23-01 approving the requested special exception

    Carried (5 to 0)

Public Works Director Ramon Gavarrete presented the above item.

Deputy Clerk Donahey issued the oath to all those who wished to address this matter. 

  • Moved ByCommissioner Wheeler
    Seconded ByCommissioner Chestnut

    To adopt the Resolution to vacate a portion of the streets as requested in the application for the Right-of-Way vacation of a portion of Palmetto Drive in the Plat of Palmetto Acres. 

    Carried (5 to 0)

Public Works Director Ramon Gavarrete presented the above item.

Deputy Clerk Donahey issued the Oath to all those who wished to address this matter. 

  • Moved ByCommissioner Chestnut
    Seconded ByCommissioner Wheeler

    Adopt the resolution vacate a portion of the unimproved rights-of-way and alleyways requested in the application for the Right of Way Vaction of a portion of Third Street and alleyways in the revised Plat of Orange Heights. 

    Carried (5 to 0)

There were no reports offered.

There were no reports offered.

Commissioner Cornell presented the following reports:

1. Coalition against bigger trucks

Commissioner Cornell stated that he was asked to go and represent Florida with the Coalition next week. He will have to miss the Eastside Ribbon Cutting Ceremony as a result. 

2. Children's Trust Strategic Plan

Commissioner Cornell provided a copy of the strategic plan to the Commission. He stated that he is very happy with the plan. The two goals are Health and the second is safety. 

3. Gun Violence Summit

Commissioner Cornell stated that the City is requesting that the County adopt a mirror resolution in support of the City of Gainesville's efforts.  

Polling Place Liability

Commissioner Alford stated that she was very interested in the comments from North Gainesville Baptist Church. She would like to see what options are available to relieve the voting sites of liability for providing the service to the Community. 

Deputy County Attorney Bob Swain stated that staff is working to provide license agreements to cover liability for voting sites. He advised that the injury in question did not occur during an election. 

Assistant County Manager Crosby presented comments.

Leveda Brown Issues

Commissioner Wheeler stated that the Board received an email regarding issues of concern at the Leveda Brown Transfer Station she would like to ensure that staff is looking into the matter. 

Commissioner Cornell stated that he received a report from HR Director Heather Akpan that staff is already working on the matter.

County Manager Lieberman assured the Board the mattters are being addressed. 

Advisory Board Review

Chair Prizzia stated that she would like to have a discussion with regards to how the County Advisory Boards operate. There seems to be a wide range of latitude with procedures and processes. 

Commissioner Alford would like to be included in that discussion how the County thanks citizens for their service when they leave their positions. 

Prohibited Events at County Facilities

Chair Prizzia stated that she realized that Gun Shows are not on the list of prohibited activities. She would like to add these events to the list in light of the recent gun violence in the community.

Commissioner Cornell would like to have the list of prohibited activities of the city when this matter comes back before the Board.

Phone Calls at the Jail

Chair Prizzia stated that she had a conversation with the Sheriff regarding the free phone calls at the Jail. He advised that he is ready to implement the policy, but the County contract is set to begin October 1, 2023. 

County Manager Lieberman stated that the free calls are in fact to begin October 1, 2023 as it is a budget impact for the next fiscal year. 

Commissioner Cornell and Commissioner Alford presented comments.  



  • Moved ByCommissioner Cornell
    Seconded ByCommissioner Alford

    To refer to staff the Gun Violence Resolution and direct staff to investigate to see what as a County can be required for security at gun shops. 

    Carried (5 to 0)

There was no one present who wished to address the Board. 

County Manager Lieberman presented the annual report.

A video of the accomplishments for the 2022- 2023 fiscal year was displayed. The video is available for review on the County website.

Some Highlights included the following:

  • Fire Collective Bargaining Agreement
  • Mobile Stroke Transport Unit
  • Climate Action Plan 
  • Irrigation Code Update
  • Road projects funded by the new Surtax.
  • Eco Loop
  • Suicide Crisis Center
  • Sports Event Center
  • Central Receiving Facility

Chair Prizzia presented comments. 

County Manager Lieberman presented the above item. 

The tentative budget is recommending a millage decrease of .1248 mills. The two proposed increases in the butget are a $10 increase in the Stormwater Fee and a increase in the Solid Waste Fees. These are necessary to deal with the effects of inflation on the provision of services. Based on the increase in property values it is expected that there will be an increase of 10.68% in the General Fund and a 9.05% increase in the MSTU Law Enforcement Fund. 

She stated that the recommendation is to increase the County Minimum Wage to $1700 and hour with 6%cost of living increase. There will be $11,700,000 in surtax funds for road projects with an additional $8,000,000 in general fund revenue. One million dollars is recommended to be placed in the affordable housing trust fund. The American Rescue Plan Act funds have been categorized as revenue recovery funds which will allow the funds to be used as directed by the Board without the shortened deadlines in the Act. 

As for critical infrastructure needs the County is proceeding with plans to construct the addition to the Courthouse. This will free up the space in the current Civil Courthouse. The Armory Building has been purchased for the relocation of Fire Services Administration and the County continues to seek a new location for Animal Resources and Care. 

Chair Prizzia and Commissioner Cornell presented comments. 

Planner Leslie McLendon presented the above item.

Assistant County Attorney Corbin Hanson read the rules and procedures for the Public Hearing. 

Commissioner Alford disclosed a conversation with Newberry Mayor Jordan Marlowe involving this application.

Deputy Clerk Donahey issued the oath to all those who wished to participate in the Hearing. 

Agent for the Applicant Clay Sweger presented the application to the Board.

Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Alford, and EPD Mark Brown presented comments. 

  • Moved ByCommissioner Cornell
    Seconded ByCommissioner Chestnut

    Approve the proposed Preliminary Development Plan and Resolution DR-23-21 based on a finding of consistency with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan and the Alachua County Unified Land Development Code and include the 3 stipulations in the MOU as conditions.

    Carried (5 to 0)

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:56 p.m.

  • Approve the issuance of Change Order 1 to Purchase Order 23-766 to Fire Dex GW, LLC in the amount of $20,000.00 for cleaning and repair of Uniforms and Bunker Gear for Fire Rescue. The revised Purchase Order total is $70,000.00. Prices, terms, and conditions are per piggyback with Hillsborough, Florida Contract #222213780,0.

  • Approve the issuance of Change Order 1 to Blanket Purchase Order 23-412 to Bennett Fire Products Co. Inc., in the amount of $200,000.00 for the purchase of Uniforms, Bunker Gear, and Miscellaneous Items for Fire Rescue. The revised Purchase Order total is $500,000.00. Prices, terms, and conditions are per piggyback with Lake County, Florida Contract #22-730B.

  • Approve the following Addendum Agreements and authorize the Chair to sign the agreements:

    13824 ADDENDUM AGREEMENT between Alachua County and Burgess and Dudley, Inc. d/b/a B&D Electrical

    13825 ADDENDUM AGREEMENT between Alachua County and Craft Electric, Inc.

    13826 ADDENDUM AGREEMENT between Alachua County and Del Sol Electric, LLC

    13827 ADDENDUM AGREEMENT between Alachua County and Base 3 LLC d/b/a Gibson Electric

    13828 ADDENDUM AGREEMENT between Alachua County and Preston-Link Electric, Inc.

    13829 ADDENDUM AGREEMENT between Alachua County and Southern Atlantic Electric Company, Inc.

  • Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for RFP 23-391 Engineering Services for Santa Fe Hills Water System Replacement for Public Works:

    1.JBrown Professional Group, Inc.

    2.Causseaux, Hewett, & Walpole, Inc. d/b/a CHW

    Authorize staff to negotiate agreement with top ranked firm, JBrown Professional Group, Inc., and with the second ranked vendor Causseaux, Hewett, & Walpole, Inc. d/b/a CHW if negotiations with the top ranked vendor fail.

  • Approve the following First Amendments and authorize the Chair to sign the agreements:

    #13639 First Amendment between Alachua County and Santangini Appraisals, LLC for Annual Property Appraisal Services.

    #13640 First Amendment between Alachua County and Pinel & Carpenter, Inc., for Annual Property Appraisal Services.

    #13641 First Amendment between Alachua County and Clayton, Roper & Marshall, Inc., for Annual Property Appraisal Services.

    #13642 First Amendment between Alachua County and Florida Property Consultants Group (aka Deighan Appraisal Associates, Inc.), for Annual Property Appraisal Services.

    #13643 First Amendment between Alachua County and The Urban Group, Inc., for Annual Property Appraisal Services.

No Item Selected