Veteran Plaque
Commissioner Alford moved the amended motion to donate the plaque that was put on the Courthouse in 1927 to the Kirby-Smith Chapter 202 of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) if it is approved by the Remembrance Committee.
Chair Prizzia and Commissioner Chestnut presented comments. Commissioner Chestnut stated that it is on the agenda to discuss the plaque at the next meeting of the Community Remembrance Project tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. He will report back with the decision of the Committee.
Commissioner Cornell stated that he will follow the direction of the Remembrance Project Committee.
Commissioner Alford withdrew the motion.
Sheriff's Office Complaint Letter
Commissioner Alford stated that the Board received a letter of complaint from an inmate Michael Delaney. She stated there was a response from the Sheriff's Office but there were six attachments in the response that were not provide. She would like to obtain those attachments if it is the will of the Board. She further advised that with a legislative change the Board can visit the jail at any time unannounced. She intends to do so.
Chair Prizzia requested that staff follow up with the Sheriff on the attachments as well as the list of medications available on the formulary. She stated that she is willing to do a Chair Letter if necessary but would like to try to coordinate with staff first.
Children's Trust of Alachua County Update
Commissioner Cornell stated that the Board decided to allocate an additional $2,500,000 of fund balance bringing the total to $4,500,000 for the year to support goals he believes the County shares. Also, there is a 10% continuous stream of funding for the goal of "children and youth live in a safe community" which is close to $1,000,000.
Florida Association of Counties (FAC) Policy
Commissioner Minor from Leon County is pushing for a policy meeting to explore possible changes and enhancements to the Live Local Act, SHIP, and Sail to ensure Florida renters can remain in their homes and that the homeless can obtain funding for rental housing.
Commissioner Cornell moved to direct Community Support Services Director Claudia Tuck to work with this proposal to bring back recommendations to enhance the proposal. The motion carried 5-0.
2nd Commissioner Chestnut
Schedule Discussion of Newberry Motion
Commissioner Cornell would like to discuss the motion to clarify the Board's intent from the motion passed at the Joint Meeting with the City of Newberry.
County Manager Lieberm and Commissioner Alford presented comments.
County Manager Lieberman stated that the traffic study should be back in the September/October timeframe which will provide necessary information for the Board to consider. She would look to schedule the discussion regarding the rural collection center and traffic at that time.
Commissioner Wheeler presented comments.
Agenda & Minutes
Chair Prizzia stated that the complaint received about the agenda and minutes for advisory boards only being available upon request seems valid to her. She thinks the materials should be available online without having to request them.
County Manager Lieberman stated that the materials are available as attachments to Board agendas however you would have to know how to search for them. Since it is the will of the Board for them to be available she will meet with staff to determine the easiest and best way to accomplish the materials being available online.
County Attorney Torres presented comments.
Impacted individuals Participation.
Chair Prizzia stated that the County is making efforts to get impacted parties involved in issues such as re-entry programs, Mental Health Programs, and even jobs. Often these individuals cannot pass a Teir 2 background check which is limiting participation. She would like to explore any options the County has to work around this problem.
Commissioner Cornell stated that Deputy County Attorney Bob Swain should be involved as he is the Attorney for the Trust and was involved in the Teir 2 requirement in order to meet legal requirements.
Small, Minority, and Local Preference criteria
Chair Prizzia stated that a memo regarding the recommendation for the County ability to have these programs was provided by staff. She stated that the memo was quite complicated, but she feels there are opportunities. If this can be brought back in conjunction with the sustainable procurement initiatives that would be great. She does not want this to delay the sustainable initiatives.
Commissioner Alford stated that the University of Florida has a very good process that she would like staff to consider.
Commissioner Cornell stated that he is in support of the effort he simply does not want local companies being used as passthroughs to qualify for jobs.