Board of County Commissioners
Meeting Agenda

County Administration Building - Jack Durrance Auditorium
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601

An in-person Public Comment period follows all non-ministerial motions. There are two General Comment periods: Noon and 5:30 p.m. (or at the end of the morning meeting if there is no evening meeting).  At Noon, commenters may be in person or call in. Commenters have 3 minutes for agenda items and 3 minutes for non-agenda matters. Those addressing agenda items can't comment again when that item comes up.


Noon call-in instructions (3 minutes for agenda items and 3 minutes for non-agenda matters):

     ● Dial 1-929-205-6099,
     ● Enter meeting ID 873 5974 1977.
     ● "Raise" your hand by hitting *9 (star 9). When called on, hit *6 (star 6) to speak.


For Quasi-Judicial Items, it is best to speak when the item comes up, as the Commission can only consider testimony given at the public hearing.

Meetings can be viewed on Cox Channel 12, the AC TV app (Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Roku), or online at
Citizens attending Alachua County public meetings downtown can enjoy free parking in the S.W. Parking Garage (105 SW 3rd St, Gainesville). To obtain parking validation, download the “Passport” app on your smartphone and pay for your session. Then visit the Alachua County Manager's Office, located on the 2nd floor of the County Administration Building, on noticed public meeting days to receive a validation code.
All persons are advised that, if they decide to contest any decision made at any of these meetings, they will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose they may need to ensure that verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes) 
If you have a disability and need an accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact the Alachua County Equal Opportunity Office at (352) 374-5275 at least 2 business days prior to the meeting. TTY users please call 711. (Florida Relay Service)




12 SE 1st Street ■ Gainesville, Florida 32601 ■ Tel. (352) 264-6900 ■ Fax (352) 338-7363 ■ TDD call 711 Relay ■ Commissioners’ E-Mail: [email protected] ■ Home Page:
An Equal Opportunity Employer M.F.V.D


Dr. Taraneh Darabi with Baha'is Faith - Any invocation that may be offered before the official start of the Commission meeting shall be the voluntary offering of, a private citizen, to and  for the benefit of the Commission. The views or beliefs expressed by the  invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the  Commission, and the Commission is not allowed by law to endorse the religious beliefs or views of this, or any other speaker.

  • Recommended Action:

    To approve the Regular and Consent Agenda. 

Fiscal Note:


Strategic Guide:

All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Appoint two (2) members to the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board with terms running September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2026

Fiscal Note:


Strategic Guide:

All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Appoint one (1) member to the Gainesville-Alachua County Regional Airport Authority with term running August 1, 2023 to July 31, 2026

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Hear the presentation by the advisory board describing the workplan and accomplishments

12:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible.
Limit comments to 3 minutes on non-agenda items & 3 minutes on agenda items.  Those speaking to items on the agenda cannot speak to them later. For Quasi-Judicial Items, it is best to speak when the item comes up, as the Commission can only consider testimony given at the public hearing.

Fiscal Note:
Advertising Costs: $0.50/mailer x 1,171 mailers x 3 meetings = $1,756.50 plus approximately $1,200.00 in advertising costs. Sufficient budget exists to cover these costs in account 001.65.6500.554.49.04.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the request to Advertise

Fiscal Note:
Financing is being used for acquisition of armory building and remodel, not to exceed $8,000,000.

Fund 346 will be used for the capital purchase and related work; Fund 291 will be used for the debt service payments.

Strategic Guide:
Public Safety

  • Recommended Action:

    Adopt the authorizing resolution and if applicable, budget amendment and authorize the Chair and Clerk to sign all bond closing documents at the pre-closing meeting tentatively scheduled for August 23, 2023.

Fiscal Note:
The total estimated cost of the Newberry Meat Processing Facility is $5.25 million. At the December 6, 2022 Board meeting, the Commission allocated $2,500,000 from revenue recovery sources. Project # ARP2021x014. Staff will submit for matching funds from Federal sources. As part of the public-private partnership with a developer-operator, private funds will also be sought by the County to construct the processing facility.

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the proposed scope of work and direct staff to 1) Create a solicitation for a developer-operator for a Meat Processing Facility,  2) Authorize the County Manager or designee to modify the draft scope to be consistent with the approved agreement with the City of Newberry, grant requirements, and to comply with laws on public-private partnerships, and 3) Direct staff to release the solicitation when finalized.

Fiscal Note:
Approve Capital Construction Contract for North Florida Regional Medical Center, Inc. in which North Florida will build a realignment of SW 41st Blvd and County will grant a drainage easement. Since County already maintains SW 41st Blvd, only projected expense could be the recording of easement of less than $100 in account 149.79.7900.541.49.00.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    That the Board adopt the Resolution to: conditionally approve the realignment of SW 41st Blvd; award of Capital Construction Contract #13939 to North Florida Regional Medical Center, Inc.; authorize the Chair to sign the resolution, the capital construction contract and conveyance documents described in the contract; and authorize the County Manager, or the designee, to sign any additional documents approved by the County Attorney necessary to complete the mutual transfers.

The earlier of 5:30 P.M. or at the end of the morning meeting if there is no evening meeting.

  • Recommended Action:

    To adjourn the meeting. 

Fiscal Note:
Fund 171 is used for Supervisor of Elections revenues and expenses. This revenue has been received.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Adopt the Resolution and Approve the Attached Budget Amendment

Fiscal Note:
This Budget Amendment addresses several different fiscal issues. They are:

1. Fund 507 – Health Insurance Fund – True-Up Beginning Fund Balance to Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) audited number.

2. Change $2,000,000 transfer going to Capital Transportation Fund from Revenue Recovery to a $1,500,000 transfer to Gas Tax Fund and $500,000 transfer to Stormwater Fund from said Revenue Recovery.

3. Use of MSBU-Fire reserves for additional Personal Services budget due to Kelly Day implementation.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve Budget Amendment

Fiscal Note:
Fund 120 increases by a total of $46,123 through DIR Journals:

2023-2128, 2023-2129, 2023-2154, 2023-2225, 2023-2283, 2023-2285, 2023-2407, 2023-2408, 2023-2771, 2023-2772, 2023-2814, 2023-2826, 2023-2832, 2023-2833, 2023-2834, 2023-2835, and 2023-2846.

Disabled Veterans Program - DVOP 120.46.4635.551.XX.XX - $12,283

Local Veterans Program - LVER 120.46.4640.552.XX.XX - $9,340

Rapid Response 120.46.4646.551.XX.XX - $24,500

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Accept the report and adopt the attached budget resolution.

Fiscal Note:
Budget in Fund 242.29.2975.554.34.63 $300,000.00 project 3222906

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and sign the agreement with Habitat for Humanity, Inc to provide for home repairs

Fiscal Note:
Metamorphosis Program fund 265 $469,084, Crisis Center Mobile Response Teams (MRT) fund 275 $475,485 and Crisis Center 988 $1,019,504,

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve Amendment 115 and the related budget amendment and fund resolution.

Fiscal Note:
Buck Bay Flatwoods – J.W.C. Farms Inc. (Conservation Easement) - Cost Estimates:

  • Alachua County Property Appraiser (ACPA) Value: $3,277,576*
  • Acquisition Due Diligence: $359,000
    • Due Diligence: title work, appraisal, survey, environmental assessment

Stewardship, initial 10 years: $5,500 (Conservation Easement)


Total estimated cost for acquisition and 10-year Stewardship: $3,642,076


The current annual property tax revenue of all the project parcels is: $24,640.07


Buck Bay Flatwoods – Burnsed (Fee Simple) – Cost Estimates:

    • Alachua County Property Appraiser (ACPA) Value: $592,400*
    • Acquisition Due Diligence: $68,300

Due Diligence: title work, appraisals, survey, environmental assessment,

Total estimated cost for acquisition and 10 year stewardship: $841,535


The current annual property tax revenue of all the project parcels is: $1,631.08


Estimated acquisition costs for both properties total: $4,297,276


Estimated stewardship costs for the initial 10 years for both properties total: $186,335


*Value is based on what is currently listed on the ACPA website. Actual sale value will be based on updated appraisals obtained for the property as part of the acquisition process.


Sufficient budget exists in the Wild Spaces Public Places (WSPP) Land Allocation for these costs.


Project 6184160 – WSPP-General Operating and Due Diligence: 021.41.4160.537.31.00

Project 6194101 – WSPP-Land Acquisition: 021.41.4160.537.61.00


If the WSPP Surtax budget in Fund 021 is exhausted if/ when either of these parcels are brought to the Board for acquisition, they will be funded from the new surtax (beginning 1/1/23) with budget in Fund 140.


(Exhibit 5)


Strategic Guide:


  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the addition of the following properties on the Active Acquisition List.

    1. Buck Bay Flatwoods – J.W.C. Farms Inc. (Full Price List)
    2. Buck Bay Flatwoods – Burnsed (Full Price List)

Fiscal Note:
The County has maintained the generator within its existing Emergency Management operating budget since the original agreement on July 14, 2020.

Strategic Guide:
Public Safety

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Memorandum of Agreement between the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) and Alachua County

Fiscal Note:
Adoption of the MMTM Agreement will allow the developer to utilize the MMTM Program. Payment of MMTM fees will occur prior to Certificate of Occupancy for any use. Fees will be utilized for eligible projects in the Capital Improvements Element of the Comprehensive Plan.

355.79.7910.324.3150 $165,000 in Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24)

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Multi-modal Transportation Mitigation Agreement (MMTM) between Alachua County and Reliant Real Estate Management, LLC and authorize the Chair’s signature

Fiscal Note:
There are sufficient funds in account 001.54.5450.526.64.00. Project 6195410-FY23.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the issuance of a Purchase Order to Strykers Sales Corporation, in the amount of $103,372.24.

Fiscal Note:
No fiscal impact at this time. This will be funded from Fund 150 – Tourist Development Tax (TDT) - the operating budget for the department. There will be sufficient funds in the budget once the agenda item for the use of TDT reserves for operating expenses is also approved.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for RFP 23-399 Visit Gainesville, Alachua County Website Redesign:

    1. Madden Media

    2. The Zimmerman Agency

    Authorize staff to negotiate an agreement with top ranked firm, Madden Media. If negotiations with the top ranked vendor fail, authorize staff to negotiate with The Zimmerman Agency.

Fiscal Note:
Sufficient funds exist in accounts 503.141.2300 ($20,000.00) and 503.141.2200 ($40,000.00).

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the issuance of Change Order 2 to Purchase Order 2023-90 to AG-Pro Companies., in the amount of $60,000.00.

Fiscal Note:
There are sufficient funds in account 001.36.3600.622.52.50 and 001.36.3640.523.52.50 and 001.36.3620.523.52.50. Budget Amendment is attached.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Budget Amendment and issuance of Change Order 1 to Purchase Order 23-227 to Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Inc., in the amount of $15,000.00.

Fiscal Note:
There are some budgeted funds in Fiscal Year 2024 (FY 24) in accounts 001-5511, 087-5511, and 146-5511 for projects that require analytical services. The contracts include an additional buffer, as additional grant funds may be received.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Second Amendment to Agreement 11404 with ALS Group, Inc. and 11405 with AEL for Annual Laboratory Analytical Services. Additionally, authorize the County Manager, or designee, to sign future amendments which do not increase the annual cost of the Agreement.

Fiscal Note:
There are sufficient funds available to cover this increase; no change in total project budget of $325,661.00.

Boating Improvement Program: 043.41.4100.572.62.00 - Project: 6194107 – Santa Fe Lake Park – New Construction – New Restrooms.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the issuance of Change Order 1 to Purchase Order 2021-2128 to Leesburg Concrete Company, Inc., in the amount of $2,469.00.

Fiscal Note:
No fiscal impact at this time

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for RFP 24-117 Annual Third Party Building Plan Review, for Growth Management:

    1. Willdan Engineering, Inc.

    2. SAFEBuilt Florida, LLC

    3. Joe Payne, Inc.

    Authorize staff to negotiate agreement with top ranked firm, Willdan Engineering, Inc., and with the

    second and third ranked firms SAFEbuilt and JPI, if negotiations with the top ranked vendor fail.

Fiscal Note:
No fiscal impact at this time.

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for request for proposal RFP 23-422 A&E Services for the New Civil Courthouse Building in Downtown Gainesville, for Facilities Management:

    1. DLR Group, Inc.

    2. Walker Architects, Inc.

    3. Hellmuth, Obata, & Kassabaum, Inc.

    Authorize staff to negotiate agreement with top ranked firm, DLR Group, Inc., and with the second ranked vendor Walker Architects, Inc., and the third ranked vendor Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc., if negotiations with the top ranked vendor fail.

Fiscal Note:
Approve budget amendment moving $674,350 (accounts 149.79.7900.541.12.00 & 23.10) to Cover Retirement payouts for long-time employees $15,000 (149.79.1721.541.12.00) and the following operating amounts (accounts) $135,000 (149.79.7900.541.34.00), $225,000 (149.79.7900.541.44.22), $63,000 (149.79.7900.541.46.00, $153,050 (149.79.7900.541.53.00), and $83,300 (149.79.7910.541.31.00). There are sufficient funds in lapse salaries to cover budget amendment.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve Budget Amendment Transferring Funds from “Lapsed” Salaries to Operations

Fiscal Note:
There could be recording fees associated with this easement which are accounted for and budgeted in account 149.79.7900.541.49.00

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Request that the Board adopt the resolution authorizing the granting of the perpetual easement and execute the easement.

Fiscal Note:
There will be recording costs of less than $100.00 paid for from fund 149.79.7900.541.49.04

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    The Board adopt the resolution approving the transfer of NE Cholokka Boulevard; authorize the Chair to sign the Resolution, Transfer Agreement and County Deed; and authorize the County Manager, or the designee, to sign any additional documents approved by the County Attorney necessary to complete the transfer.

Fiscal Note:
FDEP funding for this reimbursement grant is available for FY24. Future years funding is dependent on annual appropriation by the State of Florida. The total reimbursable costs are estimated to be $124,000. Additionally, the County will receive $90,000 for conducting the collection events. The Department is requesting an interfund loan in the amount of $214,000. All of this is included in Fund 236.

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) Household Hazardous Waste Co-op Grant No. HHW 401, authorize the Chair to execute same on behalf of the County, and approve the interfund loan in the amount of $214,000

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    N/A. For informational purposes only

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:

    N/A. For informational purposes only.

Fiscal Note:

Strategic Guide:
All Other Mandatory and Discretionary Services

  • Recommended Action:


No Item Selected