Alachua County Board of County Commissioners


County Administration Building - Jack Durrance Auditorium
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601
  • Vice Chair Mary Alford, 
  • Commissioner Charles S. Chestnut, IV, 
  • Commissioner Ken Cornell, 
  • Chair Anna Prizzia, 
  • and Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler 
Also Present:
  • County Manager Michele Lieberman, 
  • County Attorney Sylvia Torres, 
  • Deputy County Manager Carl Smart, 
  • Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby, 
  • Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels, 
  • Assistant County Manager Gina Peebles, 
  • and Deputy Clerk Steve Donahey 
Staff Absent:
  • Deputy County Attorney Bob Swain, 
  • Deputy Clerk Casey Miller , 
  • Admin Kimberly Kittle, 
  • and Admin Gina Peebles 

Bishop James Dixon provided the Invocation.

Chair Prizzia led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Chair Prizzia called the meeting to order at 11:30 am.

Chair Prizzia recognized Tamara Robbins, Elizabeth Howard, Jo Beaty, Kali Blount, and Karen Herrington who presented comments. 

County Attorney Torres provided comments regarding the Board Rules of Procedure.

County Manager Lieberman stated that the Meat Processing Plant will be on the agenda for the July 10, 2023 Joint Meeting with the City of Newberry as well as on the July 11, 2023 Board Regular Meeting. 

Commissioner Chestnut, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments. 

  • Moved ByCommissioner Cornell
    Seconded ByCommissioner Alford

    Adoption of the Regular/Consent Agenda with moving the following items from Consent Agenda to the Regular Agenda for discussion:

    Item #2a, Budget Amendment - Broadband - American Rescue Plan State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds  23-0309

    Item #14a, Cultural Facilites Capital Projects that Promote Tourism 2300314

    Carried (5 to 0)

Communications Director, Mark Sexton, presented the following announcements:

1. A demonstration of the Alachua County Meeting and Events Calendar was presented for the public. 

2. A video of the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the New Alachua County Sports and Event Center at Celebration Pointe.

3. A video of the Sankofa Statute unveiling was displayed for the public. 

moved approval all Proclamations on the agenda.

Chair Prizzia read and presented the award to Grow Hub Executive Director David Banes who accepted it with gratitude. 

  • Present award to Grow Hub and Keep Alachua County Beautiful

Chair Prizzia recognized Holly Florence who expressed her desire to serve on the Environmental Protection Advisory Committee (EPAC). 

Deputy Clerk Donahey called on each Commissioner for their four nominees to the EPAC Committee. 

Commissioners Cornell, Wheeler, and Prizzia nominated George Papadi, Holly Florence, Richard W. Wilhelm, and Christopher R. Stoney.

Commissioner Alford nominated George Papadi, Holly A. Florence, Hella I. Shull, and Christopher R. Stoney.

Commissioner Chestnut nominated George Papadi, Holly A. Florence, Richard W. Wilhelm, and Hella I. Shull. 

  • Moved ByCommissioner Cornell
    Seconded ByCommissioner Chestnut

    The appointment of George Papadi, Holly A. Florence, Richard W. Whilhelm, and Christopher R. Stoney as the Citizen-At-Large Representatives to a term ending June 30, 2026. Hella I. Shull was appointed as the Alternate Representative to a term ending June 30, 2026. 

    Carried (5 to 0)

EPD Director Stephen Hofstetter presented the above item. 

Mr. Hofstetter stated the goal is to have a climate action plan with recommendations and policy proposals for the Board to consider in 2024. Staff is looking for funding opportunities as well.

Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Wheeler, and Chair Prizzia presented comments. 

  • Hear Presentation

Senior Planner Kathleen Pagan and Historical Commission Member Melanie Barr presented the above item.

A PowerPoint Presentation on the Thelma Bulton Center was presented. Ms. Barr informed the Board and the public that the building is scheduled to be demolished by the City of Gainesville and that she is leading an effort to save the building. She stated that two walls of the building will be left but the rest of the building will be removed. 

Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Alford, and Commissioner Chestnut presented comments. 

The Board thanked Ms. Pagan for her years of service to the County and wished her well on her retirement. 

  • Hear the presentation

Chair Prizzia recognized Kali Blount, Elizabeth Howard, Lee Scott, Dijon Cain, Karen Herrington, Tamara Robbins, Jo Beaty, Debbie Martinez, Telford Cartwright, and Adele Franson, who presented comments.

Chair Prizzia and Commissioner Cornell presented comments. 

County Manager Lieberman presented the above item.

Ms. Lieberman stated that the purpose of this action is to transfer the funds to the General Fund so that the time limits on spending the funds will not apply. However, the funds will still be allocated to the projects as approved by the Board. Further she advised the Board that the Meat Processing Plant funding allocated by the State Legislature was vetoed by the Governor. Staff will continue to work on the effort as directed by the Board and seek other funding opportunities.

Commissioner Cornell, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Wheeler, and Commissioner Chestnut presented comments. 

Chair Prizzia recognized Tamara Robbins, Kali Blount, and Jo Beaty who presented comments. 

  • Moved ByCommissioner Cornell

    The motion failed for lack of a second

    1. To approve the Resolution and Budget Amendment.
    2. Direct staff to discontinue working on the Meat Processing Plant Project. Cancel the agenda item on the Joint Meeting with Newberry scheduled for July 10, 2023. Ask staff to bring back recommendations for alternative uses for the $2,500,000 in ARPA funding.
  • Moved ByCommissioner Cornell
    Seconded ByCommissioner Chestnut

    Approve the Resolution and Budget Amendment. 

    Carried (5 to 0)

Tourism Manager Jessica Hurov presented the above item.

Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Chestnut, and Chair Prizzia presented comments. 

Chair Prizzia recognized Tamara Robbins who presented comments to the Board. 

  • Moved ByCommissioner Cornell
    Seconded ByCommissioner Alford
    1. Approve the Non-Profit Cultural Facilities Capital Projects that Promote Tourism guidelines and grant application as presented. Authorize staff to advertise the funding grant and conduct two community workshops to inform eligible entities regarding the opportunity. Make the legislative factual determination that the Non-Profit Cultural Facilities Capital Projects that Promote Tourism program funded with revenue from Tourist Development Taxes (TDT) serves a public purpose and is primarily related to promoting and advertising tourism in Alachua County, and that the development of capital cultural facilities spotlights Alachua County as a desirable place to visit by promoting the positive qualities and numerous cultural, artistic, historic, natural and other tourist-related attributes and activities available in Alachua County for tourists to enjoy.
    2. Direct staff to return with an additional RFP process for capital projects that are non-cultural open to nonprofits but not municipalities that put heads and beds but is not limited buy the type of project for another $1,000,000.

Under Sheriff DeCoursey, Chief of Staff Major Lance Yaeger, Sheriff's Office HR Director Reshone Flanders, Major Dorian Keith, Chief Financial Officer Patti Justice, and Major Josh Cruz presented the above item. 

Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Wheeler, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments. 

Chair Prizzia recognized James Dixon, Ian, Kimber, Kali Blount, Larry McDaniel, Karen Herrington, Tamara Robbins, Max Tipping, and Emily Westerhome who presented comments. 

  • Hear presentation

Community Support Services Director Claudia Tuck presented the above item. 

Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Alford, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, and Commissioner Chestnut presented comments.

Chair Prizzia recognized Larry McDaniels, James Dixon, Max Tipping, and Emilly Westerhome who presented comments.

  • Moved ByCommissioner Wheeler
    Seconded ByCommissioner Cornell
    • Approve County Staff to work with stakeholders (who are not connected to potential respondents) to develop the Scope of Work for a Reentry Hub RFP.
    • Approve CSS staff to work with OMB to develop a budget for the program.
    • Approve CSS staff to work with Purchasing to release an RFP for the operation of a Reentry Hub.
    • Approve that if RFP is responsive, authorize CSS staff to develop and monitor the contract.
    • Approve that if the RFP is non-responsive, authorize staff to implement a pilot reentry hub in conjunction with input from stakeholders.
    • Staff to review past reentry programs and bring recommendations to resurrect past successful programs. 
    Carried (5 to 0)

Parks and Open Space Director Jason Maurer and Project Coordinator Ed Williams presented the above item.

Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Cornell, and Chair Prizzia presented comments. 

Chair Prizzia requested that the full list be provided to the Board as it would be helpful when they receive questions from the public as well as the link to the map of services. 

  • Moved ByCommissioner Cornell
    Seconded ByCommissioner Chestnut

    Approval of the Plan

    Carried (5 to 0)

Solid Waste Director Gus Olmos and Assistant County Attorney Dave Forziano presented the above item. 

Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Chestnut, Dayna Miller, and Commissioner Wheeler presented comments. 

  • Moved ByCommissioner Alford
    Seconded ByCommissioner Chestnut

    1.Select GFL Solid Waste Southeast, LLC as the top rank proposal received in response to Request for Proposal (RFP) 24-26 Annual Collection Services of Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials; and

    2.Approve the contract for Exclusive Franchise for the Collection of Residential and Commercial Solid Waste between Alachua County and GFL Solid Waste Southeast, LLC and authorize the Chair to execute same on behalf of the County.

    Carried (5 to 0)

There were no reports offered. 

There were no reports offered. 

Coalition Against Bigger Trucks

Commissioner Cornell stated the coalition had a good trip to Washington D.C. There is a growing coalition pushing the initiative. The Florida Association of Counties, the National Association of Counties, and the National Sheriff's Association were all present in Washington.

Groundbreaking of the Eastside Facility

Commissioner Cornell stated that he would like to refer to staff to see what can be done to have an inclusive and public groundbreaking so that the community can celebrate this achievement.

Small Farms Grant

Commissioner Alford stated she has received inquiries from the public regarding the small farms' grants. Her understanding is the matter is not progressing and she is wondering if additional staff is needed. 

County Manager Lieberman stated that Mr. McLendon is currently contacting the applicants to obtain information and that the process is moving forward. 

Seirra Club

Chair Prizzia stated that the Seirra Club has reached out to the Board regarding the development code in Bradford County. A previous Commission and different County Manager extended help to the Bradford Board in dealing with phosphate mines. The Chair inquired if this Board would like to extend an offer of assistance to Bradford County for this endeavor as well. 

GRACE Marketplace

Chair Prizzia stated that the Board received a letter from the City of Gainesville requesting financial support of GRACE Marketplace since the City is having to cut its funding. She would like to refer it to staff for a discussion during the budget meetings. 

Commissioner Cornell stated that he would like to know what the City's commitment is prior to the County discussion. 


Chair Prizzia stated that the Board has discussed the flooding in Alachua Verde and Saddle Brook area off of 23rd. Residents are reporting that the flooding is getting worse and she feels the flooding is from the new development she would like for Public Works Director Gavarrete to visit the site and report back to the Board on the matter. 

Growth Management Direct Hays stated that the development in question is Tara Esmeralda. To his knowledge Tara 23 which is on 23rd has been resolved. 

Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Alford, County Manager Lieberman, and Assistant County Attorney Bob Swain presented comments on flooding. 

By consensus, the Board referred this matter to Public Works Director Ramone Gavarrete. 

  • Moved ByCommissioner Cornell
    Seconded ByCommissioner Alford

    To refer to staff the matter of having a public and inclusive groundbreaking for the Eastside Facility.

    Commissioner Chestnut and Commissioner Wheeler out of the room. 

    Carried (3 to 0)
  • Moved ByCommissioner Cornell
    Seconded ByCommissioner Alford

    To offer County assistance to Bradford County with the Land Development Regulations that they are developing.

    Commissioner Chestnut out of the room. 

    Carried (4 to 0)
  • Moved ByCommissioner Alford
    Seconded ByCommissioner Wheeler

    To refer to staff the GRACE Marketplace funding request from the City of Gainesville for a Board discussion during the budget process. 

    Commissioner Chestnut out of the room. 

    Carried (4 to 0)

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:53 p.m.

  • To adjourn the meeting. 

  • The Development Review Committee reviewed the Replat at its June 1, 2023 hearing and recommended that the Board of County Commission (BoCC) approve the Replat based on a finding of consistency with Florida Statutes, the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan, and the Alachua County Unified Land Development Code.

  • Approve the issuance of a Purchase Order 2023-1967 to Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in the amount of $78,750, for the purchase 375,000 1st Generation Improved Containerized Longleaf Pine Seedlings, for Environmental Protection, Land Conservation and Management Program.

  • 1: Extend the pilot program through September 30, 2023

    2: Approve the First Amendment to the Agreement Between Alachua County And Rebuilding Together North Central Florida For Energy Efficiency And Weatherization Of Affordable Housing Grant Program Management Services No. 13489

No Item Selected