Alachua County Board of County Commissioners


County Administration Building - Jack Durrance Auditorium
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601
  • Commissioner Mary Alford, 
  • Chair Charles S. Chestnut, IV, 
  • Vice Chair Ken Cornell, 
  • Commissioner Anna Prizzia, 
  • and Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler 

Pastor Azael D. Pitti provided the Invocation.

Chair Chestnut led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Chair Chestnut called the meeting to order at 11:33 a.m.

Commissioner Cornell moved adoption of the Regular and Consent Agenda as printed. The motion carried 5-0.

2nd Commissioner Alford

Communications Director, Mark Sexton, presented the following announcements:

  • Alachua County 200 Anniversary Proclamation was read and presented to the public by the Commission. 

Mr. Sexton presented the new County website which features all the activities available in celebration of Alachua County's 200 years of history. 

  • World Masters Update

Vice President of RADDSports Stephen Rodriquez and Vice President of Competition for the World Masters Alan Bell stated that there are 186 national associations associated with the event and there will be 4,000 athletes in Alachua County for one week. 

Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Alford, Chair Chestnut, and County Manager Lieberman presented comments. 

Commissioner Alford exited at 12:02 p.m.

County Manager Lieberman presented comments regarding Animal Services and Care Department.

Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Prizzia, and Assistant County Manager Peebles presented comments. 

Chair Chestnut recognized Al Schmit who presented comments regarding the unsafe condition of County Road 234.

Chair Chestnut recognized Sarah Younger and Mariam Elliot who presented comments regarding the proposed Mill Creek Sink development in the City of Alachua. 

Pastor Adam Joy presented comments regarding the need for a Community Center in High Springs Florida.

Chair Chestnut recognized Marley Pritcher, John L. Gainey, and Bracken who presented comments regarding the Florence Landfill.  

 A citizen presented comments regarding UF married student housing.

Chair Chestnut recognized Laura, Cheyenne Lukander. Autumn Payne, Tamara Robbins, Hannah Rukab presented comments to the Board regarding Animal Resources and Care.

Chair Chestnut recognized Mark van Soestbergen who presented comments. 

Chair Chestnut recognized Sterling Grindle who presented comments regarding traffic court. 

Commissioner Prizzia stated that she would like to discuss community centers in a broad conversation as several of them are struggling in the current economy rather than just discussing the need in High Springs. She would like to discuss this at a Policy Meeting.

Count Manager Lieberman stated that a Comprehensive discussion of Community Centers will be scheduled for March with the appropriate staff.

Commissioner Prizzia requested an update on the construction scheduled for CR 234. She knows it is scheduled to start in the near future but was hoping for an update by the end of the meeting.  

County Manager Lieberman stated that the Florence Land Fill is currently scheduled for January 14, 2025, as the only item for the evening. By consensus the Board agreed to discuss the matter on January 28, 2025, since the evening is open.

Commissioner Prizzia requested an update on the bulk waste recycling facility when this discussion takes place. 

Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, and Commissioner Prizzia presented comments regarding Animal Services. 

Deputy Clerk Donahey called on each Commissioner for their one nomination for the Citizen-at-Large Representative to a term ending August 31, 2026.

Commissioners Chestnut, Cornell, and Prizzia nominated Daniel Saiz.

Commissioner Wheeler was out of the room nominations but returned for the vote.

Commissioner Cornell moved appointment of Daniel Saiz as the Citizen-at-Large Representative to a term ending August 31, 2026. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent.

2nd Commissioner Prizzia

Deputy Clerk Donahey called on each Commissioner for their top 4 nominees.

Commissioners Cornell and Wheeler nominated Maddy Coy, Barbara Goodwin, Rebekah McKinzie, and Alison Ungaro. 

Commissioner Chestnut nominated Madison B., Maddy Coy, Rebekah McKinzie, and Alison Ungaro.

Commissioner Prizzia nominated Ayana Archer, Barbara Goodwin, Rebekah McKinzie and Alison Ungaro.

Commissioner Prizzia moved appointment of Alison Ungaro, Rebekah McKinzie, Barbara Goodwin, and Maddy Coy to terms ending September 30, 2026 and Ayana Archer, Madison B., and Khushman Hans to term ending September 30, 2025. Further adopt the Resolution establishing the Advisory Board.  The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent. 

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Deputy Clerk Donahey called on each Commissioner for their one nomination for the Equity Advisory Board.

Commissioners Chestnut, Prizzia, and Wheeler nominated Martiza, Quiroga Arcos.

Commissioner Cornell nominated Levy Odera. 

Commissioner Cornell moved appointment of Martiza Quiroga Arcos. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent.

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

Commissioner Prizzia moved appointment of Lyman Conover as the Farm Bureau Representative to a term ending November 30, 2027, Jacobi Bedenfield as the Unincorporated Area Representative to a term ending November 30, 2027, and Tyrone Johnson as the Alternate Member at Large to a term ending November 30, 2027. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent. 

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Chair Chestnut recognized Jeff Glenn, Catherine Lee, Brian Block, and Staff Liaison Emily Ulmann who presented comments from Dr. Claudio Spiguel who expressed their desire to serve on the Land Conservation Board. 

Deputy Clerk Donahey called on each Commissioner for their two nominations for the Citizen-At-Large Representative. 

Commissioners Chestnut, Cornell, Prizzia, and Wheeler nominated Brian Block and Catherine Lee as the Citizen-At-Large Representatives to terms ending September 30, 2028.

Commissioner Cornell moved appointment of Brian Black and Catherline Lee to terms ending September 30, 2028. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent.

2nd Commissioner Prizzia

Deputy Clerk Donahey called on each Commissioner for their one nominee for the Alternate Representative

Commissioners Chestnut, Cornell, Prizzia, and Wheeler nominated Jeff Glenn.

Commissioner Cornell moved appointment of Jeff Glenn as the Alternate Representative to a term ending September 30, 2025. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent.

2nd Commissioner Prizzia

Chair Chestnut recognized Svetlana Korotkevitch who expressed her desire to serve on the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee. 

Deputy Clerk Donahey called on each for their two nominees or the Citizen-At-Large/Alternate Representatives the Animal Services Welfare Advisory Committee.

Commissioners Chestnut, Cornell, Prizzia, and Wheeler nominated Svetlana Korotkevitch and Jacob Schaffer. 

Commissioner Cornell moved appointment of Dr. Patricia Gordon as the Veterinarian Owner/Employed Representative to a term ending September 30, 2027, Jennifer Applebaum as the Certified Verterinary Technician Representative to a term ending September 30, 2025, Jacob Schaffer as the Citizen-At-Large Representative to a term ending September 30, 2025, and Svetlana Korotkevitch as the Alternate Representative to a term September 30, 20207. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford Absent.

2nd Commissioner Prizzia

  • Request to Appoint one (1) Citizen at Large with a Term Ending Sep. 30, 2025; one (1) Alternate with a Term Ending Sep. 30, 2027; one (1) Certified Veterinary Technician or Graduate of AVMA Accredited Veterinary Technology Program with a Term Ending Sep. 30, 2025; and one (1) Veterinarian (DVM) owner/employed by Alachua County private veterinary practice with a Term Ending Sep. 30, 2027 to the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee.

Commissioner Cornell moved appoint of County Commissioners to the boards and committees for 2025 as approved by the Chair. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent.

2nd Commissioner Prizzia

County Manager Lieberman, The Griffin Group Tom Griffin and Foley & Lardner LLP Katie Schoettler presented the above item.

Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, and Commissioner Wheeler presented comments.  

Commissioner Cornell moved to approve the list has presented. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent.

2nd Commissioner Prizzia

City of Gainesville Reinvestment Area (GCRA) Director Rick D. Smith presented the above item. 

Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, and Chair Chestnut presented comments. 

Sustainability Manager Betsy Reily and Samuel Debose presented the above item.

Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Prizzia, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments. 

Commissioner Prizzia encouraged staff to present the Program to the Realtors Association.

EPD Director Stephen Hoffsteter presented the above item. 

Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Prizzia, and County Manager Lieberman presented comments. 

Land Conservation Manager Andi Christman presented the above item. 

Commissioner Prizzia presented comments. 

Commissioner Prizzia moved the following:

  1. Approve and authorize the Chair to exercise the option to purchase under Lake Forest Creek – K Squared Option Contract to purchase Real Property, subject to the County’s rights to conduct due diligence inspections and notice Seller of Title Defects and Environmental Defects as set forth in the Contract; and
  2. Approve the acquisition subject to the non-permitted title exceptions, #5, #6, #7, #8 & #9 and to the subject to the concurrence of the county attorney and of the closing attorney; and
  3. Authorize staff to execute additional documents as necessary to close the transaction; and


  4. Approve the attached budget amendment authorizing the expenditure of funds for due diligence and associated closing costs; and


  5. Authorize staff to negotiate and prepare lease agreement with State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection, assigning management responsibility and authority for property to Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park; and


  6. Direct staff to prepare license agreement authorizing FL DEP staff to utilize ACPA tax parcel 16187-064-000 for management access to the K Squared property.

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent.

2nd Commissioner Cornell

County Attorney Torres presented the rules and procedures for the Public Hearing.

Deputy Clerk Donahey issued the Oath to all those who wished to participate. 

Planner Mehdi Benkhatar presented the above item. 

Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, and Commissioner Wheeler presented comments.  

Commissioner Prizzia moved that the Board of County Commissioners approve Z24-000007, with the conditions and bases as listed in the staff report with the addition of a condition that if the existing system is expanded or an additional system is added that it be an enhanced nutrient reducing septic system. 

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Agent for the Applicant Clay Sweger presented the above item. 

Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, EPD Director Hoffstetter, and Growth Management Director Jeff Hayes presented comments. 

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent.  

Chair Chestnut recognized Sterling Grindle who raised concerns about a trespass issued to a citizen at the Farmer's Market. The person that was trespassed was simply using his 1st Amendment Rights. He stated that the next week the citizen returned to the Farmer's Market and was arrested. He questions the legality of the arrest and wanted the Commission to be aware of what occurred.

Chair Chestnut encouraged Mr. Grindle to present these comments to the City of Gainesville Commission as it was an arrest made by Gainesville Police Department.  

There were no comments offered.

Assistant County Manager Daniels presented comments regarding the CR 242 project. The first section discussed this morning will have the bid documents going out late December early January. That would put the start of construction in April of 2025. The Windsor portion of the road is scheduled for 2025 as well. From US 441 to the Marion County Line is scheduled for 2028. 

Commissioner Prizzia inquired if the newly acquired pavement equipment could be tested on this portion of road as it is in such bad shape.

Commissioner Cornell requested that staff provide the update on CR 242 to Mr. Schmit who provided comments earlier in the meeting. 

Animal Resources Staff

County Manager Lieberman thanked the Board on behalf of the staff of Animal Resources. She stated that the matters raised will be investigated and addressed but the staff is working very hard at the facility and the support of the Board is very important.

Florida Association of Counties (FAC) Meeting

Commissioner Wheeler was proud of Commissioner Cornell's campaign for a leadership position in the Florida Association of Counties. She also stated that instead of bottled water FAC provided water in cans which could be easily recycled. She would like to see if the County could do anything to encourage the practice of using cans instead of plastic bottles.

County Road 22

Commissioner Wheeler inquired if the County could use the condition of CR 242 to speak to trucking companies and encourage them to use designated routes to avoid the destruction being caused to the County Roads. 

Animal Services Staff Appreciation Luncheon

Commissioner Wheeler stated that next Wednesday she is working with a few community members to provide an appreciation luncheon for the staff and encouraged any Commissioner available to attend and show support. 

Climate Summit

Commissioner Prizzia thanked the County staff for the Climate Summit event. She stated it was a wonderful event. She requested an update on the sustainability purchasing program. The catering at the event was done in a very sustainable manor and she wants to make sure the County is walking the walk. 

Christmas Parade

Commissioner Prizzia thanked the City of Gainesville for the Holdiay Parade with Shaq. It was a wonderful event for the Community and very well done. 

Voter Precinct Maps

Commissioner Prizzia stated that she had a conversation with the Supervisor of Elections about the boundaries of our voting precincts. She stated that there is some work that needs to be done to address some issues. Certain voting sites have to carry 4 different ballots. Also  work to address the demographics of the areas as well.  

Commissioner Prizzia moved to have the County coordinate with the Supervisor of Elections on a few options as far as maps to address the demographics of the County. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford absent. 

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Updates that were Scheduled for this Meeting

Commissioner Prizzia stated that the Fire Tower/Farmers Market was supposed to be scheduled for today but was not on the agenda. 

County Manager Lieberman stated that staff is still meeting with the parties involved and the matter was pushed back to January for discussion. 

Commissioner Prizzia stated the deconstruction and reuse of materials was supposed to be on today's agenda as well. County Manager Lieberman stated that she will have to check on that matter. 

Court Services Report

Commissioner Prizzia wondered when the Court Services Report will be brought back to the Board. 

County Manager Lieberman stated that the report has been provided to all Commissioners. Staff is working with the makers of the report for consultant services to assist the County with developing a plan to implement the recommendations in the report. 

Advisory Board Vacancies

Commissioner Prizzia stated that there are 8 Boards with vacancies and encouraged staff and Commissioners to try have qualified individuals apply. 

St. Elmo Cherry plat vacation

Commissioner Cornell inquired regarding the plat vacation of Ms. Cherry and if staff has any updates on the matter. 

Assistant County Manager Daniels stated that the application and payment have been made, and the Public Works Director has a meeting scheduled with the applicants to discuss the matter. 

Strategic Plan

Commissioner Cornell stated that the Florida Association of Counties just adopted a 10-year strategic plan. He stated they used John Strohmeyer and wondered if the County had his contact information as he did an excellent job. 

County Manager Lieberman stated that they do have his contact information, but the County staff would like to go a different direction with the strategic plan. She will be meeting with each Commissioner individually to discuss the reasoning, and the matter will be up for discussion in January at a Board meeting. 

Florida Association of Counties Campaign

Commissioner Cornell wanted to thank all his supporters for their efforts with his campaign. Although he did not win, he stated his supporters' efforts were extraordinary. He made the run-off after the first round. In the second round he lost by one vote. 

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 4:11 p.m.

  • Request the Board to adopt the resolution authorizing the removal of uncollectible accounts from the financial statements. All of the receivable accounts have allowances for doubtful accounts. The receivable accounts and correlating allowances will be written down by a total amount of $2,622,969.31. A breakdown of this amount by fund and type is provided in the following attachments: (1) by fund: Write-off Summary: (2) by type: see Exhibit A which is the last page of the attached Resolution.

  • Approve the re-appointment of Terry L. Zinn to act as a Code Enforcement Special Magistrate and authorize the County Manager to sign a Second Amendment to the Agreement with Mr. Zinn to provide for hourly rate and to extend the term of services for an additional three years.

    1. Approve the allocation of 10% of Housing Trust Fund dollars to administrative costs, not to exceed, $30,000 annually to support the effective management and oversight of housing programs.
    2. Approve the agreement with Alachua County Housing Authority and Family Promise of Gainesville, Florida Inc., and authorize chair to sign
  • Approve the funding agreement with TaskForce Fore Ending Homelessness in an amount not to exceed (NTE) $350,000.00 for the period through November 30, 2025 for Street Outreach Services and authorize the Chair to execute same on behalf of the County

  • Terminate agreement with Patrice Boyes, P.A. (Attachments 1a and 1b), approve Agreement for Professional Legal Services with Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. (Attachment 2), and authorize the Chair to execute same to retain Attorney Patrice Boyes to serve as special attorney for the Local Government Infrastructure Surtax Citizen Oversight Board

  • Appoint Linda Bond Edwards and the law firm of Rumberger Kirk as special counsel to represent the County in an employment dispute. Authorize the County Attorney to sign the attached engagement agreement.

  • 1. Approve and Authorize Chair Signature on the Notice of Grant Requirements for the Lochloosa Slough property (Exhibit 1); and

    2. Approve and Authorize Chair Signature on the Notice of Grant Requirements for the Fox Pen Connector property (Exhibit 2); and

    3. Direct staff that the Notice of Grant Requirements for the Lochloosa Slough property and the Notice of Grant Requirements for the Fox Pen Connector property be recorded in the official records for Alachua County.

  • The Development Review Committee reviewed the replat at its November 21, 2024, hearing and recommended the Board of County Commissioners approve the replat based on a finding of consistency with Florida Statutes, the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan, and the Alachua County Unified Land Development Code.

  • Approve the Award and Authorize the Chair to execute Agreements with Causseaux Hewett & Walpole, LLC (14059), Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (14060), Hanson Professional Services, Inc. (14061), Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC, LLC (14062), Bentley Group, Inc. (14063).

  • Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the following Addendum Agreements for On-Call Mechanical Services, and delegate to the County Manager or her designee the authority to issue up to $4,000,000.00 in Work Orders annually per Addendum Agreement:

    Addendum Agreement 14452 with Bernhard MCC, LCC. for On-Call Mechanical Services

    Addendum Agreement 14453 with Engineered Cooling Services, LLC. for On-Call Mechanical Services

    Addendum Agreement 14454 with Energy Air Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services

    Addendum Agreement 14456 with Kalos Services, Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services

    Addendum Agreement 14457 with Mechanical Services of Central Florida, Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services

    Addendum Agreement 14458 with S.I. Goldman Company, Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services

    Addendum Agreement 14459 with W.W. Gay Mechanical Contractor of Orlando, Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services

  • Approve the issuance of a purchase order to Ring Power Corp – St. Augustine, in the amount of $418,608.00. Also, Fiscal Services is requesting approval of Budget Amendment (2025-479) to move the funds.

  • Adopt a resolution approving the conveyance of a Utility Easement to the City of Gainesville d/b/a Gainesville Regional Utilities over Parcel #07878-030-008 and authorize the Chair to sign the Easement, Resolution and any other documents, approved by the County Attorney, necessary to complete the conveyance.

  • Approve increase in Inter-Fund Loan for the Fleet Management Fund from $750,000 up to $1,500,000 which will be paid back at the end of each fiscal year.

  • No action necessary; for informational purposes only. The report and a copy of the contracts have been submitted to the Clerk for inclusion into the minutes.

No Item Selected