Alachua County Board of County Commissioners


County Administration Building - Jack Durrance Auditorium
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601
  • Chair Mary Alford, 
  • Vice Chair Charles S. Chestnut, IV, 
  • Commissioner Ken Cornell, 
  • Commissioner Anna Prizzia, 
  • and Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler 

Senior Paster Reverend Graham B. Glover provided the Invocation.

Chair Alford led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Chair Alford called the meeting to order at 11:32 a.m.

Commissioner Prizzia moved adoption of the Regular and Consent Agenda as printed. The motion carried 5-0.

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

Communications Director, Mark Sexton, presented the following announcements:

  • County Manager Lieberman and Tourist Development Director Jessica Hurov presented an update on their trip to Sweden for the World Masters Event.
  • Alachua County Crisis Center will host a symposium on September 16-18 via Zoom from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Registration is free at the County website.
  • A Hurricane Debbie Disaster Recovery Center will open at the Mill Hopper Library at 1:00 p.m. today. The hours of operation will be Monday thru Friday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. On Saturday the hours of operation will be 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and closed on Sundays. The facility will be in operation until October 9, 2024

Commissioner Cornell moved approval all Proclamations on the agenda. The motion carried 5-0.

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

Chair Alford read and presented the Proclamation to Crisis Center Director Ali Martinez who accepted it with gratitude. 

Commissioner Cornell and Commissioner Prizzia presented comments. 

Deputy Clerk Donahey called on each Commissioner for their one nomination for the Health Facilities Authority Board.

Commissioners Chestnut, Wheeler, Cornell, Prizzia, and Alford nominated Daniel Faron.

Commissioner Cornell moved appointment of Daniel Faron to the Health Facilities Advisory Board. The motion carried 5-0. 

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

Chair Alford recognized Donna Blanchard who presented comments regarding flooding in her neighborhood on SW 12th Avenue.

Chair Alford recognized General Manager of GFL Environmental Kevin Smith, Brian Bisher, Tamara Robbins, Mark Van Soestbergen and Dewayne Banes who presented comments.

Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, EPD Director Stephen Hoffstetter, Commissioner Chestnut, and Chair Alford presented comments. 

Commissioner Cornell requested an update on the stormwater matters raised by Donna Blanchard.

Commissioner Prizzia requested that the City be prepared for a long Joint Meeting since the City has cancelled other meeting opportunities. 

Assistant County Manager Gina Peebles presented the above item. 

Commissioner Cornell moved to approve Archer’s application for WSPP Surtax Partnership Grant funding in an amount not to exceed $333,333 and conditionally approve Archer’s application for Other Infrastructure Partnership Grant funding in an amount not to exceed $80,000 contingent on the Board approving Change Order #2 as part of Agenda Item 24-00814, and authorize the Chair and Clerk to execute a grant agreement for each application using the form grant agreement attached to this agenda item.  

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

Commissioner Prizzia presented comments.

Chair Alford recognized Dewayne Bains who presented comments. 

The motion carried 5-0. 

CAPP Program Manager Jay Athey and Cherisse Britton MPH Program Manager presented the above item. 

Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Community Health Care Worker Eremita Hamilton, Children's Trust Christy Goldwater, Pastor Duncan, Commissioner Wheeler, and Chair Alford presented comments.  

Commissioner Prizzia moved the following:

1. Approve the budget amendment.

2. Approve the updated template for the County CHW OJT Agreement. With regards to the application the addition of other on exhibit 3.

3. Refer back to staff for recommendations for funding and programmatic changes to have a sustainable Community Health Worker Program in Alachua County.

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Chair Alford recognized County Manager Lieberman, Nancy Darren, Dr Samara, Dewayne Bains, and Tamara Robbins who presented comments. 

The motion carried 5-0.

Stategic Initiatives Manager Sean McLendon Director of Working Food Shelby Dickson and Working Food Youth Director Jesse Wilson presented the above item.

Commissioner Cornell and Chair Alford exited at 1:43 p.m.

Chair Alford entered at 1:47 p.m.

Commissioner Cornell entered at 2:02 p.m.

Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Cornell, and Commissioner Prizzia presented comments. 

Chair Alford recognized Nancy Darren and Tamara Robbins who presented comments to the Board. 

Land Conservation Programs Manager Andi Christman presented the above item.

Commissioner Chestnut exited at 2:07 p.m.

Commissioner Cornell, Assistant County Attorney Dave Forziano, Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Alford, and County Manager Lieberman presented comments. 

Commissioner Prizzia moved the following:

  1. Adopt BOCC Resolution codifying mission & ranking matrix & citizen board structure and operational process.
  2. Allocate $10M of Wild Spaces and Public Places funding to acquisition of agricultural land conservation easements through the Agricultural Land Protection Strategy (and authorize staff to fund 3 existing projects with this funding).
  3. For Partner-Funded Easements, establish and require Minimum Easement Deed Requirements that retain county rights (enforcement, inspection, etc.).
  4. Direct staff to prioritize projects with cost-sharing from partners or landowner donation.
  5. Consider identified Staffing/Operational needs in upcoming budget cycles.
  6. Direct staff to return in FY26 with recommendations for amendment after initial implementation, including re-evaluation of small farm (40 acre or less) inclusion and climate action plan concurrency.
  7. Add sink holes and karst features to the ranking criteria. 

Chair Alford recognized Tamara Robbins, ACT Executive Director Tom Kay, and Nancy Darren and who presented comments to the Board. 

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut out of the room. 

Assistant County Attorney Diane Johnson presented the above item.

Commissioner Prizzia presented comments. 

Commissioner Cornell moved to authorize the levy and collection of a non-ad valorem special assessment against the property located at 1411 SE 41st Ave, Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida, as more particularly described in attached Resolution, for cost of abating the public nuisance on the certain property; Approve and adopt the Resolution imposing the special assessment on the assessed property and authorize the Chair to sign; and authorize the County Manager or designee to certify the nuisance abatement non-ad valorem assessment roll to the Tax collector. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut out of the room. 

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

Budget Manager Maureen Rischitelli presented the above item. 

Commissioner Cornell moved to adopt the Fire Service Final Assessment Rate Resolution for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 and authorize the County Manager to certify the Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll to the Tax Collector.

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

Chair Alford recognized Willy Thelosa, Commissioner Prizzia, and Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby who presented comments.

The motion carried 5-0. 

Budget Manager Maureen Rischitelli presented the above item. 

Ms. Rischitelli informed the Board that Exhibit C was inadvertently left out of the backup material. A copy has been provided to the Board and the motion would include adoption of the exhibit. 

Commissioner Prizzia moved to adopt the Stormwater Final Assessment Resolution for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 and authorize the chair to certify the Stormwater Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll to the Tax Collector.

2nd Commissioner Chestnut

Chair Alford recognized Isiah Smith Jr., Evan Clarkson, Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby, and Anthony Johnson who presented comments. 

The motion carried 5-0. 

Budget Manager Maureen Rischitelli presented the above item. 

Commissioner Wheeler moved to adopt the Sugarfoot Oaks/Cedar Ridge Special Assessment District Final Non-Ad Valorem Assessments Rates and Final Rate Resolution. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Prizzia out of the room. 

2nd Commissioner Cornell

I. Introduction to Public Hearing on Alachua County Fiscal Year 2025 Tentative Budget


The Alachua County Board of County Commissioners convenes this Public Hearing on the Alachua County Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Millage Rates and Tentative Budget as required by Florida Statutes, Chapters 129 and 200 and as advertised in the Truth-in-Millage (TRIM) Notices.
If anyone in our audience is here for the purpose of contesting their assessment, a petition for adjustment with the Value Adjustment Board
should be filed by 5:00 P. M. Friday, September 13, 2024. This information was included in the TRIM notices. Petition forms were available from the
Property Appraiser's Office.

This evening we will take a number of actions related to the adoption of proposed millage rates and budgets. The Final Public Hearing on these
matters will be held on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 5:01 p.m. in this same location, the Alachua County Administration Building, Jack Durrance
Auditorium. I urge you, if you have not already done so, to get a copy of the agenda so you may easily follow the proceedings this evening. Citizen comments will be taken following the overview of the tentative budget by the County Manager and the Assistant County Manager for Budget & Fiscal Services.

The County Attorney will now present an overview of the Truth-In-Millage Legislation followed by the County Manager's explanation of the proposed
and rolled back millage rates.

II. Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Millage Rates and Tentative General County and Municipal Service Taxing Units Budgets


A. Overview of Truth-in-Millage Legislation

In 1980, the Florida Legislature adopted what is known as the Truth-in-Millage Legislation or TRIM, as it's called. The goal of the legislation was
to ensure that taxpayers were advised of the public hearings at which the local taxing authorities' budgets and millage rates were to be
considered and adopted. Each year, the Property Appraiser completes an assessment of the value of all property and certifies to each taxing
authority the taxable value of the property within its jurisdiction. Each taxing authority then notifies the Property Appraiser of its proposed
millage rate, its rolled back rate and the date, time, and place of the public hearing to consider the proposed millage rate and the tentative
budget. Once the Property Appraiser receives the information, their office sends a notice by first class mail to every taxpayer on the
assessment role. The notice contains the information from the taxing authorities as to the proposed millage rate and the time and place of the
public hearing.

The notice sent to taxpayers is called the TRIM notice. The TRIM notice lists what the taxes were for the prior year, what the taxes will be if the
proposed budget changes are made, and what the taxes will be if no budget changes are made. This information is listed for each taxing
authority. The notice also lists all voted levies for debt service. The purpose of the TRIM notice is to provide taxpayers with sufficient basic
information to enable them to participate in the public hearing process.

B. Explanation of the General County and Municipal Service Taxing Units Proposed and Rolled Back Millage Rates


One of the requirements of the Truth-in-Millage Legislation is to provide information about why proposed millage rates differ from the rolled back
millage rates. The proposed millage for the Board of County Commissioners County-wide levy is 7.6180 mills, which is 6.87% greater than the rolled back rate of 7.1286 mills. The proposed millage for the Board of County Commissioners Municipal Service Taxing Unit- Law Enforcement levy is 3.5678 mills, which is 7. 78% greater than the rolled back rate of 3.3103 mills.

Rolled back millage rate is defined as "the millage rate, which, exclusive of new construction, additions to structure, deletions, and property added due to geographic boundary changes, will provide the same ad valorem tax revenue for each taxing authority as was levied during the prior year." The TRIM process requires that a notice of "tax increase" be advertised when the current year proposed aggregate millage rate exceeds the calculated aggregate rolled back millage rate.

The aggregate rolled back millage rate is calculated by dividing the prior year estimated property tax revenue by the current year taxable property
value, multiplied by 1,000. The current year taxable value does not include new construction and tax increment (CRA) values. For the 2024 tax year,
the proposed aggregate millage rate of 9.0866 is 6.9200% greater than the aggregate rolled back millage rate of 8.4985, resulting in advertising a
notice of tax increase.

The current year, FY24 property tax revenue for all taxing units, excluding voted millage, is $195,157,224. The FY25 Tentative Budget property tax
revenue of $212,636,204 is $17,478,980 greater than FY24. The increase in property tax revenue is necessary to fund the appropriations to operate
the General County and MSTU - Law Enforcement taxing units.

Tommy Crosby, Assistant County Manager for Budget & Fiscal Services, will now present an overview of the tentative budget for Fiscal Year 2025.

C. Overview of Fiscal Year 2025 Tentative Budget and of Adjustments made to that Budget

Assistant County Manager for Budget & Fiscal Services:

Madame Chair, the total County Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 is $866,896,138 which is a net increase of $60,242,245 compared to the
County Manager's Proposed Budget of $806,653,893. The details of the changes are reflected in the Fiscal Year 2025 Tentative Budget included in
your agenda packet.

Madame Chair this concludes my comments on the changes that were made to the tentative budget. I would be happy to answer any questions about the budget at this time.

Ill. Citizens Comments on Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Millage Rates and Tentative Budget


I would now like to invite citizens to comment on the Fiscal Year 2025 proposed millage rates and tentative budget. Please come forward to either
podium if you wish to address the Board. We do request each speaker try to limit his or her comments to 3 minutes. The hearing will 
continue until everyone who wishes to address the Commission has had an opportunity to speak.

Citizen Comments allowed at this time.

Chair Alford recognized Anthony Johnson who presented comments to the Board. 

CHAIR (following all citizen comments):

I will now close the public comment section of this public hearing.

IV. Board of County Commissioners Action on FY 2025 Proposed Millage Rates and Tentative Budget

A. Adjustments by Motion to the Fiscal Year 2025 Tentative Alachua County Budget

Assistant County Manager for Budget & Fiscal Services:

Madame Chair, the budget document before you, the "FY 2025 Tentative Budget", includes the changes that were described earlier. Any additional
adjustments to this budget can be made by motion at this time.


Adjustments adopted by motion (if any adjustments are entertained).

There were no adjustments made.

B. Adoption of Resolution Establishing Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed General County Millage Rates


Florida Statutes require the name of the taxing authority, the millage rate to be levied, the rolled-back rate and the percentage change over rolled-back rate be publicly announced. Accordingly, the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners has determined that a proposed millage rate of
7.6180 mills is necessary to fund the Tentative General County Budget. The proposed millage rate represents an increase of 6.87% over the rolled back rate of 7.1286 mills.


Commissioner Cornell moved adoption of Resolution 2024-71 Establishing FY 2025 Proposed
General County Millage Rates. The motion carried 5-0.

2nd Commissioner Prizzia

C. Adoption of Resolution Adopting Changed Revenue Estimates and the Fiscal Year 2025 Tentative General County Budget


Commissioner Chestnut moved adoption of Resolution 2024-72 Adopting Changed Revenue Estimates and the FY 2025 Tentative General County Budget. The motion carried 5-0.

2nd Commissioner Cornell

D. Adoption of Resolution Establishing Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Municipal Service Taxing Unit-Law Enforcement Millage Rate


Florida Statutes require the name of the taxing authority, the millage rate to be levied, the rolled-back rate, and the percentage change over rolled-back rate be publicly announced.

Accordingly, the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners has determined that a proposed millage rate of 3.5678 mills for the Municipal
Service Taxing Unit - Law Enforcement is required to fund the Tentative Municipal Service Taxing Unit - Law Enforcement budget. The tentative
millage rate represents an increase of 7. 78% over the rolled back rate of 3.3103 mills.


Commissioner Wheeler moved adoption of Resolution 2024-73 Establishing FY 2025 Proposed Municipal Service Taxing Unit- Law Enforcement millage rate. The motion carried 5-0.

2nd Commissioner Cornell

E. Adoption of Resolution Adopting Changed Revenue Estimates and the Fiscal Year 2025 Tentative Municipal Service Taxing Unit-Law
Enforcement Budget


Commissioner Prizzia moved adoption of Resolution 2024-74 Adopting Changed Revenue Estimates and the FY 2025 Tentative Municipal Service Taxing Unit - Law Enforcement Budget. The motion carried 5-0.

2nd Commissioner Cornell

V. Conclusion of Public Hearing


This concludes the Tentative Budget Hearing.
Reminder the Second and Final Public Hearing will be held Tuesday,
September 24, 2024 at 5:01 PM here at the Alachua County Administration
Building, Jack Durrance Auditorium. 12 SE 1st Street 2nd floor.

Planner Angela Jacobs presented the above item.

The Board of County Commissioners recessed at 5:43 p.m. and convened as the Land Development Regulation Commission.

LDR Commissioner Prizzia moved to find the amendments consistent with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan. The motion carried 5-0. 

2nd Commissioner Cornell

The Land Development Regulation Commission adjourned at 5:44 p.m. and the Board of County Commissioners reconvened.

Commissioner Prizzia moved to adopt the Ordinance and delegate authority for the signing of the LURA for all Live Local Act applications to the County Manager. The motion carried 5-0. 

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Planner Jacobs informed the Board that Florida Statute 125.663a requires the business impact estimate to be in the backup for ordinances such as this so the Board will be seeing them for future ordinances. 

Chair Alford recognized Anthony Johnson and Verdelle Fields who presented comments to the Board. 

There were no comments offered. 

There were no comments offered. 

Public Purpose Determination

County Manager Lieberman stated that the Clerk of Court Office as the Finance Department has requested that a public purpose determination be made by the Board for funding for Commissioner Cornell's candidacy for the Vice President position for the Florida Association of Counties. 

Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Prizzia, Communications Coordinator Mark Sexton, Deputy County Attorney Bob Swain, Commissioner Prizzia, and Chair Alford presented comments. 

Commissioner Prizzia moved to find the expenditures for Commissioner Cornell’s Florida Association of Counties (FAC) a public purpose as he will be representing Alachua County at the State level and providing input into the State governance at the State Association. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut out of the room.

Finance Director Todd Hutchison presented comments to the Board. 

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

Juvenile Justice Advisory Board

Chair Alford stated that a letter was received from the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice informing the Board that a member of the Commission needs to represent the County on the Advisory Board, and the next meeting is November 8, 2024. The Board will meet quarterly. 

Commissioner Cornell moved appointment of Chair Alford to the Board. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut out of the room.

2nd Commissioner Prizzia

International Rescue Committee and the Greater Gainesville International Committee

Chair Alford stated that she has been requested to attend the next meeting, but she will be unable to go. She inquired if any Commissioner is willing to go in her stead. The meeting will be Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 10:30 via ZOOM. 

Commissioner Cornell and Commissioner Prizzia presented comments. 

Commissioner Wheeler stated that she can attend and report back to the Board. 

Lunch at the Jail

Chair Alford stated that she visited the Jail and had lunch with some Trustees. She stated that the food was edible but has concerns about what is being represented as fresh food. She did hear encouraging words that the prices at the commissary are reasonable. She encouraged all Commissioners to visit for themselves to have the same experience. 

Commissioner Wheeler exited at 4:08 p.m.

Union of Sportsman

Commissioner Prezzia stated that the group has agreed to provide a free dock at Newnan's Lake, and she know County staff is working on the project. She requested an update on the status of the project. 

Farm II

Commissioner Prizzia stated that this program would reimbursement for meals for up to .20 cent for using local food at public institutions such as jails, school districts, and hospitals. The program is awaiting State approval and if it passes, she has agreed to serve on the Committee to help implement the program. She provided materials regarding the program to the Board. 

Landlord Mitigation Fund

Commissioner Prizzia stated that the County had in the past funded a Landlord Mitigation Fund which she heard was not being used. She would like to have an update on its usage and have a conversation on how to revamp the program or advertise it to increase its usage. 

Bike Rodeo

Chair Alford would like the County to host a Bike Rodeo to provide safety equipment and information for children in the community. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) provides most of the work. The County may have a station with Fire Rescue to provide information. The event would be in October. 

Growth Management Director Jeff Hays stated that typically this is organized through the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Board. 

Commissioner Cornell moved to refer to staff to bring back for Board approval if necessary. The motion carried 5-0. 

2nd Commissioner Prizzia 

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:48 p.m.

  • The Development Review Committee reviewed the Plat at its August 15, 2024, hearing and recommended the Board of County Commissioners approve the plat based on a finding of consistency with Florida Statutes, the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan, and the Alachua County Unified Land Development Code.

  • The Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed the Final Development Plan and final plat at its August 15, 2024, hearing. The DRC approved the Final Development Plan and recommended the Board of County Commissioners approve the final plat based on a finding of consistency with Florida Statutes, the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan, and the Alachua County Unified Land Development Code.

  • Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Sole Source and Change Order 1 to Blanket Purchase Order 24-622 to Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, in the amount of $70,000.00 and approve budget journal 2024-00003374. The revised Blanket Purchase Order Total is $169,070.00.

  • Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for RFP 25-248-MM Watermelon Pond - Metzger Tract Cattle Grazing Agreement:

    1.Danny Holder

    2.Gulf Forestry, LLC

    Authorize staff to negotiate an agreement with the top ranked rancher. Should the staff be unable to negotiate a satisfactory agreement with the top ranked rancher, negotiations with the unsuccessful rancher will be terminated. Negotiations with the second ranked rancher may be undertaken in the same manner in order of ranking until an agreement is reached, and so forth.

  • Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate agreements for RFP 25-11-MM Fire Rescue Request for Employee Uniform Store/Portal and Pricing:

    1.Galls, LLC

    2.Skip's Shoes and Western Boots, Inc.

    3.Tri-Sports, LLC dba Earl

    Authorize staff to negotiate an agreement with the top ranked firm. Should the staff be unable to negotiate a satisfactory agreement with the top ranked firm, negotiations with the unsuccessful firm will be terminated.

  • Approve Change Order 1 and approve Change Order 2 contingent on the Board’s approval of the Joint Wild Spaces Public Places and Infrastructure Projects Grant application from the City of Archer (agenda item 24-00552) to Purchase Order 24-2163 with Watson Construction Company, increasing the amount by $887,183.54. The revised Purchase Order for Agreement 13453 is $4,547,038.87. Also, Fiscal Services is requesting approval of Budget Amendment 2024-00003242 to move funds.

  • Approve replacing existing Inter-Fund loans for $1,000,000 to a not to exceed $4,500,000 till several large FDOT Grant projects are complete and reimbursement received back from FDOT. The large projects are NW 23rd Ave and SW 170th Street.

  • Order the 2024 Tax Roll to be extended prior to completion of the Value Adjustment Board hearings

No Item Selected