Community Support Services Director Claudia Tuck and Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby presented the above item.
Commissioner Cornell moved the following:
1.To approve the closing and other transactional costs for the Option Contract between Alachua County and St. Francis House, Inc. for the property located at 2105 and 2120 SW 14th St., Gainesville, FL 32608; and authorize the Chair or the County Manager, or their designee, to sign the Notice of Exercise of Option and any additional documents, approved by the County Attorney, necessary to complete the transaction.
2. Staff work with HUD to help identify additional potential funding sources for the rebab and renovation of this site. This includes working with HUD to maintain the vouchers with the renovation or the construction of a new facility.
3. Request that the federal lobbyist and local delegation work with the County on the HUD request and bring back an update to the Board with in 90 to 120 days prior to any long-term renovations being made.
4. Request that the Chair write a letter to the two housing authorities (Alachua County Housing Authority and the City of Gainesville Housing Authority) requesting they provide a report or a presentation on how their annual inspections are done for State and Federally funded housing vouchers received so that the Board understands how these units are maintained.
5. The funding for the purchase will come from reserves with the ability to be reimbursed with clarification on the Infrastructure Surtax.
2nd Commissioner Chestnut
Commissioner Prizzia, County Attorney Sylvia Torres, Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Chestnut, Chair Alford, and St. Francis House CEO & Executive Director Lori Schiffbauer presented comments.
Chair Alford recognized Kali Blount who presented comments to the Board.
The motion carried 5-0.