Assistant County Manager Crosby and EPD Director Hoffstetter presented the above item.
Commissioner Prizzia moved the following:
Declare the attached evaluation sufficient to use General Reserves, approve the use $1,100,000 General Fund Reserves for unanticipated pre-litigation and appeal expenses, and approve the budget amendment:
Excerpt from the Board Adopted Budget Policy:
a. Reserve for contingency requests in the General Fund, Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU) Law Enforcement and Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU) Fire Funds must be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. The Board will use the procedures and evaluation criteria set forth in this, and other policies.
Such requests will be evaluated as to the:
i. Urgency of the request.
ii. Scope of services to be provided.
iii. Short and long-term fiscal impact of the request.
iv. Potential for alternative methods of funding or providing the service(s).
v. Review for duplication of service(s) with other agencies.
vi. Review of efforts to secure non-County funding.
vii. Discussion of why funding was not sought during the normal budget cycle.
viii. Review of the impact of not funding or delaying funding to the next fiscal year.
Item #1 - $1,000,000.00 Mill Creek Watershed
- The BoCC has asked the County attorney to review the Mill Creek watershed due to its potential environmental impacts. Further review and evaluation are required by the County.
- Professional consultant services and legal costs may arise from research and possible litigation.
- These are preliminary cost estimates; additional funds may be necessary depending on future BoCC decisions.
- N/A
- The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) will handle as much of the work
- N/A
- The item was presented to the Board after budget adoption
- The Mill Creek Watershed is currently under review.
Item #2 - $100,000 At Large Voting Referendum
- Board authorized appeal of a temporary restraining order, circuit court decision regarding At Large Voting Referendum
- Professional consultant services and legal costs may arise from research and possible litigation.
- These are preliminary cost estimates; additional funds may be necessary depending on future Board decisions.
- N/A
- The County Attorney will handle as much of the work as possible internally.
- N/A
- This appeal resulted after the FY25 Budget was adopted.
- Court hearing will determine due dates related to filing of legal response.
2nd Commissioner Alford
Commissioner Prizzia, EPD Director Stephen Hoffsteter, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments.
Chair Chestnut recognized Anthony Johnson, Kali Blount, and Commissioner Cornell who presented comments.
The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wheeler out of the room.