Alachua County Board of County Commissioners


County Administration Building - Jack Durrance Auditorium
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601
  • Commissioner Mary Alford, 
  • Chair Charles S. Chestnut, IV, 
  • Vice Chair Ken Cornell, 
  • Commissioner Anna Prizzia, 
  • and Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler 

Eldora Mayes of Bartlet Temple United Methodist Church provided the Invocation.

Clerk Irby led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Clerk Irby called the meeting to order at 11:33 a.m.

Commissioner Alford moved election of Commissioner Chestnut as the Chair. The motion carried 5-0.

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

Commissioner Wheeler moved election of Commissioner Cornell as Vice Chair. The motion carried 5-0.

2nd Commissioner Chestnut

Clerk Irby presented a plaque to Commissioner Alford in honor of her year of service as the Chair of the County Commission.

Commissioner Alford presented comments. 

Chair Chestnut presented comments.

Commissioner Prizzia presented comments. 

Commissioner Wheeler presented comments. 

Commissioner Cornell presented comments. 

Commissioner Prizzia moved adoption of the Regular and Consent Agenda as printed. The motion carried 5-0.

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Communications Director, Mark Sexton, presented the following announcements:

  • The Saving My Alachua Calendar was presented which consist of artwork from local school children.
  • The Remembrance Project Quilt was presented to the Board and Betty Williams explained the symbolism contained within the quilt.
  • A video of the 50th Anniversary of the Alachua County Fire Rescue Department was presented. 

Chair Chestnut recognized Jim Konish who presented comments regarding a faulty septic system on the banks of the Santa Fe River.

A letter from William Landowski was read to the Board requesting the County provide assistance to the City of Archer which is experiencing financial difficulties.

County Attorney Torres presented comments regarding assistance for the City of Archer. 

Chair Chestnut recognized Kali Blount and Anthony Johnson who presented comments to the Board. 

Chair Chestnut recognized Mike Kearney who presented comments to the Board regarding assisting seniors with property taxes.

County Manager Lieberman advised that there are tax exemptions available that some are age related others are disability related. 

Suzanne Michelle Morris, Mariam Elliot, and Maryvonne Devensky, presented comments regarding the Florence Landfill. 

Chair Chestnut recognized Zachery and Frank Ahern who presented comments regarding the Kincaid Loop Bike Trail. 

Commissioner Cornell, County Attorney Torres, County Manager Lieberman, and Commissioner Wheeler presented comments regarding the Florence Landfill.

Commissioner Prizzia requested that the Board try to put request into the form of a motion so that it is clear and in the minutes. 

Commissioner Cornell moved to schedule the Florence Landfill matter for discussion within the next 60 days with staff recommendations at a meeting staff feels is appropriate. The motion carried 5-0.

2nd Commissioner Prizzia

Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, and Commissioner Chestnut presented comments regarding assistance the County can provide to the City of Archer. 

Commissioner Prizzia moved the following:

1.To authorize an updated Chair Letter to the City of Archer stating that the County stands ready to support the City of Archer in their transition and while they are figuring out what their next steps are. Request any documentation or information relevant to their issues and request that they provide an update to the County Manager on what actions they are taking to address the issues. 

2. Staff is to monitor the matters in Archer particularly land use request and growth management issues involving the City of Archer.

The motion carried 5-0.

Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby presented the above item. 

Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, and Commissioner Alford presented comments.  

Commissioner Cornell moved the following:

Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate agreements for RFP 24-485-PM Broadband Deployment Assistance to Deliver Reliable Internet to Unserved and Underserved Areas in Alachua County:

1.Windstream Florida, LLC

2.COX Florida Telcom, L.P.

3.Pavlov Media

4.IBT Group USA, LLC

Authorize staff to negotiate agreements with the three (3) top ranked firms.

2nd Commissioner Prizzia

Chair Chestnut recognized Sarah Harding, Anthony Johnson, and Commissioner Cornell who presented comments. 

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wheeler out of the room. 

Transportation Planning Manager Allison Moss presented the above item. 

Commissioner Cornell moved authorization of Chair signature of attached Alachua County Vision Zero Resolution.

2nd Commissioner Alford

Chair Chesnut recognized Anthony Johnson who presented comments to the Board. 

Commissioner Prizzia presented comments. 

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wheeler out of the room. 

EPD Director Stephen Hoffsteter and Sustainability Manager Betsy Riley presented the above item. 

Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, and Commissioner Alford presented comments. 

Commissioner Prizzia moved to approve the new program work plan. 

2nd Commissioner Alford 

Chair Chestnut recognized Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Alford and Rebuilding Together North Central Florida Executive Director RD Bonnaghan who presented comments.

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wheeler out of the room. 

Assistant County Manager Crosby and EPD Director Hoffstetter presented the above item. 

Commissioner Prizzia moved the following:

Declare the attached evaluation sufficient to use General Reserves, approve the use $1,100,000 General Fund Reserves for unanticipated pre-litigation and appeal expenses, and approve the budget amendment:

Excerpt from the Board Adopted Budget Policy:

a. Reserve for contingency requests in the General Fund, Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU) Law Enforcement and Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU) Fire Funds must be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. The Board will use the procedures and evaluation criteria set forth in this, and other policies.

Such requests will be evaluated as to the:

i. Urgency of the request.

ii. Scope of services to be provided.

iii. Short and long-term fiscal impact of the request.

iv. Potential for alternative methods of funding or providing the service(s).

v. Review for duplication of service(s) with other agencies.

vi. Review of efforts to secure non-County funding.

vii. Discussion of why funding was not sought during the normal budget cycle.

viii. Review of the impact of not funding or delaying funding to the next fiscal year.

Item #1 - $1,000,000.00 Mill Creek Watershed

  1. The BoCC has asked the County attorney to review the Mill Creek watershed due to its potential environmental impacts. Further review and evaluation are required by the County.
  2. Professional consultant services and legal costs may arise from research and possible litigation.
  3. These are preliminary cost estimates; additional funds may be necessary depending on future BoCC decisions.
  4. N/A
  5. The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) will handle as much of the work
  6. N/A
  7. The item was presented to the Board after budget adoption
  8. The Mill Creek Watershed is currently under review.

Item #2 - $100,000 At Large Voting Referendum

  1. Board authorized appeal of a temporary restraining order, circuit court decision regarding At Large Voting Referendum
  2. Professional consultant services and legal costs may arise from research and possible litigation.
  3. These are preliminary cost estimates; additional funds may be necessary depending on future Board decisions.
  4. N/A
  5. The County Attorney will handle as much of the work as possible internally.
  6. N/A
  7. This appeal resulted after the FY25 Budget was adopted.
  8. Court hearing will determine due dates related to filing of legal response.

2nd Commissioner Alford

Commissioner Prizzia, EPD Director Stephen Hoffsteter, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments. 

Chair Chestnut recognized Anthony Johnson, Kali Blount, and Commissioner Cornell who presented comments. 

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wheeler out of the room. 

Fire Chief Harold Theus and Captain Benware presented the above item. 

Commissioner Alford and Commissioner Prizzia presented comments. 

Public Works James Link and Transportation Planning Manager Allison Moss presented the above item.

Chair Chestnut recognized Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Anthony Johnson, Zachary, Robert Hutchison, and Tina Pelfrey who presented comments to the Board. 

Land Conservation Programs Manager Andi Christman presented the above item

Commissioner Alford moved the following:

  1. Release right of first refusal to purchase underlying fee interests over ACPA Tax parcel 02711-006-006, subject to current offer; and
  2. Approve and authorize a Chair letter to Leslie O’Hara, Trustee, confirming release of right of first refusal over ACPA tax parcel 02711-006-003 (Exhibit 1).

2nd Commissioner Cornell

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wheeler out of the room. 

Budget Manager Maureen Rischitelli presented the above item. 

Commissioner Alford moved to adopt resolutions and approve budget amendment.

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Commissioner Prizzia presented comments. 

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wheeler out of the room.

Planner Mehdi Benkhatar presented the above item.

Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Alford, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments.

The Board of County Commissioners recessed, and the Land Development Regulation Commission convened.

LDR Commissioner Prizzia moved to find the amendments consistent with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan.

 2nd LDR Commissioner Cornell

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wheeler out of the room. 

The Land Development Regulation Commission adjourned, and the Board of County Commissioners reconvened.

Commissioner Alford moved to adopt the Ordinance amending the Unified Land Development Code and authorize the Chair's signature.

 2nd Commissioner Cornell

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wheeler out of the room. 

Commissioner Alford moved to adopt the Ordinance enacting the Alachua County School Zone Speed Enforcement.

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Commissioner Prizzia and County Manager Lieberman presented comments. 

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wheeler out of the room.

There was no one present who wished to address the Board. 

There were no comments provided.

Gainesville Christmas Parade

County Manager Lieberman stated that the city sent an email declining the County Sponsorship of the Christmas Parade. She stated that they did not wish to meet the criteria of the TDC funding. She wanted to advise the Board since there was a Board motion directing her to sponsor the event.

Commissioner Prizzia moved to withdrawal the previous motion. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wheeler out of the room. 

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Retreat for Strategic Plan

County Manager Lieberman advised the Board that staff is working on planning a retreat for the beginning of next year for a Board Retreat to discuss the Strategic Plan. 


Commissioner Prizzia stated that she was curious how the County does or can regulate Airbnb. She was thinking about Mr. Konish's comments during public comment about the septic system not being sufficient to deal with the usage as an Airbnb of the property next to the Santa Fe River.

Assistant County Manager Daniels stated that she did receive Mr. Konish's letter and has a meeting set up with Mr. Konish. At the moment it does not appear that the County can regulate the matter, and she is in touch with the Health Department as it is their jurisdiction. 

County Road 219A

Commissioner Cornell stated that he has received concerns from citizens that the County firm up the edges of the roads on the curves. The citizens are concerned that part of the newly paved road may become compromised. Commissioner Cornell requested that Public Works inspect the road to ensure that it is stable. The County made large investment in the structure, and he does not want to see it damaged. 

Panic Buttons

Commissioner Alford inquired about the status of the Panic Button installations in the facility.

Waging Non-Violence

Commissioner Alford stated that the website Waging Non-Violence has an article 10 Ways to be Prepared and Grounded Now. She found it to be an excellent article and encouraged everyone to read it. 

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 3:08 p.m.

  • Approve, and authorize the Chair to sign the Grant Contract Agreement P5078 (Exhibit 1) between Alachua County and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP); and Authorize the County Manager to execute all related documents and amendments as needed to receive the grant.

  • Approve the Award of RFQ 25-119-MM Qualification of Vendors for the Purchase of Parts and Services under $50,000.00 for Fleet Vehicles and Equipment to Tampa Spring, Co., Evans Plumbing, Inc. d/b/a EPI Construction Inc., Rick Croft Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Texas Trailers Sales and Service, East Coast Emergency, Inc., Murray Ford-Mercury, Inc. d/b/a Murray Ford of Starke, Williams Diesel Services, Inc.

  • Approve the issuance of a Purchase Order to Frankel Media Group LLC, in the amount of $250,000.00. Make a legislative factual determination and affirm that the activities and expenses related to the celebration of Alachua County’s 200th Anniversary serve a public purpose and are related to the promotion of tourism in Alachua County.

  • Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for RFP 25-28-PM Alachua County Crisis Center Phone System:

    1. Interact Strategies, Inc

    2. TTEC Digital

    Authorize staff to negotiate an agreement with the top ranked firm. Should the staff be unable to negotiate a satisfactory agreement with the top ranked firm, negotiations with the unsuccessful firm will be terminated. Negotiations with the second ranked firm may be undertaken in the same manner in order of ranking until an agreement is reached.

  • Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for RFP 25-14-PM New Human Capital Management System for Alachua County Human Resources:

    1.Alight Solutions, LLC

    2.Ceridian HCM, Inc. dba Dayforce

    3.Creola Consulting LLC

    4.Vertrosoft LLC

    5.Denovo Ventures, LLC

    Authorize staff to negotiate an agreement with the top ranked firm. Should the staff be unable to negotiate a satisfactory agreement with the top ranked firm, negotiations with the unsuccessful firm will be terminated. Negotiations with the second ranked firm may be undertaken in the same manner in order of ranking until an agreement is reached, and so forth.

  • Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Single Source and Blanket Purchase Order to Nextran Truck Center-Lake City, in the amount of $135,000.00.

  • Adopt Resolution approving the NW 141st Street and NW 166th Place Sidewalks LAP Agreement which includes recognizing unanticipated revenue which includes budget amendment, authorizing the Chair to execute the agreement and authorizing the County Manager or Public Works Director to execute subsequent amendments and agreements related to the project provided said amendments or agreements do not increase the County’s obligations to fund the project. In addition, the County staff requests that the Board waive its anti-indemnification policy due to the fact that section 15.b. of the LAP Agreement requires the County to indemnify, defend and hold harmless FDOT to the extent and within the limits of section 768.28, Florida Statutes.

  • Adopt the Resolution making certain findings and declaring the debris located on private property/private roadways resulting from Hurricane Helene an immediate threat to public health and safety and making it eligible for cleanup by contractors.

No Item Selected