Alachua County Board of County Commissioners


County Administration Building - Jack Durrance Auditorium
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601
  • Chair Mary Alford, 
  • Commissioner Ken Cornell, 
  • and Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler 
  • Vice Chair Charles S. Chestnut, IV 
  • and Commissioner Anna Prizzia 

Reverend Melissa Pisco provided the Invocation.

Chair Alford led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Chair Alford called the meeting to order at 11:33 a.m .

Commissioner Cornell moved adoption of the Regular and Consent Agenda as printed. The motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Chestnut and Commissioner Prizzia absent. 

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

Chair Alford recognized Tamara Robbins, Assistant County Manager Gina Peebles, and Deputy County Attorney Bob Swain who presented comments to the Board.

Communications Director, Mark Sexton, presented the following announcement:

  • A video of the opening ceremony for Fire Station 80 was displayed for the public. 

Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, and Chair Alford presented comments. 

Commissioner Cornell moved approval all Proclamations on the agenda. The motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Chestnut and Commissioner Prizzia absent.

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

Senior Planner Emily Uhlmann and Land Conservation Board Vice Chair Amy Schwarzer presented the above item. 

Commissioner Cornell Commissioner Wheeler, and Chair Alford presented comments. 

County Attorney Torres entered at 12:11 p.m.

Assistant County Manager Gina Peebles presented the above item. 

Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, and Chair Alford presented comments. 

Chair Alford recognized Tamara Robbins who presented comments to the Board.

Chair Alford recognized Jim Konish, Cathleen Rupert, Suzanne Michelle Morris, Tamara Robbins, Kim Prince, Elizabeth Shannon, and Adele Franson who presented comments.

Commissioner Cornell, County Manager Lieberman, County Attorney Torres, Chair Alford, and Commissioner Wheeler presented comments. 

Lands Program Manager Andi Christman presented the above item.

Commissioner Cornell moved the following:

1.Approve and authorize the Chair to exercise the Lake Santa Fe – Winchester Option Contract to purchase Real Property, subject to the County’s rights to conduct due diligence inspections and notice Seller of Title Defects and Environmental Defects as set forth in the Contract;

2.Approve the acquisition subject to the non-permitted title exceptions, #5 & #6 and to the subject to the concurrence of the county attorney and of the closing attorney;

3. Authorize staff to pursue termination of title exception #6, through acquisition of privately held ingress/egress easement interests for an amount not to exceed $5,000 (contract shall not be contingent upon this action); and

4.Authorize staff to execute additional documents as necessary to close the transaction; and

5.Approve the attached budget amendment authorizing the expenditure of funds for due diligence and associated closing costs.

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

The motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Chestnut and Commissioner Prizzia absent. 

Commissioner Wheeler presented comments. 

Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby presented the above item.

Commissioner Cornell moved the following:

  • Authorize the County Manager or designee to negotiate a contract with District 6 Chief Medical Examiner Jon R. Thogmartin, M.D., to provide services to District 8 on interim basis; and
  • Authorize the Chair to send notice of terminating the Three-Party Agreement for Medical Examiner Services between Alachua County,  Thomas Coyne, M.D., Ph.D. and the University of Florida, with a termination date of 30 days thereafter; and
  • Authorize the Chair to execute Interlocal Agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Baker, Bradford, Levy, Gilchrist, Union, and Dixie Counties, in form generally as presented; and
  • Approve staff to transition equipment and supplies from UF to support the District 8 Medical Examiner’s Office.

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

Chair Alford recognized Tamara Robbins and County Attorney Torres who presented comments to the Board. 

The motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Chestnut and Commissioner Prizzia absent. 

There was no one present who wished to address the Board. 

There were no comments offered.

There were no comments offered. 

JBPro Neighborhood Meeting

Commissioner Cornell encouraged each Commissioner to use Map Genius to visualize where the flood zones are located. It is an environmentally sensitive area and needs to be done correctly if anything is done on the site. 

Criminal Justice Mental Health & Substance Abuse Grant(CJMHSAG) Committee

Commissioner Wheeler inquired which Commissioner will serve on this Board. 

Chair Alford stated that this is one of committee that the Chair is the designated representative. 


Commissioner Wheeler inquired regarding the emails received from the gentlemen in Canada for the proposal with tires. She knows that Waste Management Director Olmos has been responded to the emails. 

The Board stated that a response from the County that we are not capable of providing venture capital for his endeavor was provided. 

GFL Garbage Hauling

Commissioner Wheeler stated that she is receiving emails from citizens regarding the lack of service being provided for garbage pickup by the new provider. They are frustrated that they are paying for a service that is not being provided. 

Archer Meeting

Commissioner Wheeler stated that she attended the City of Archer meeting regarding a proposed cement plant. She heard complaints that the community was not properly noticed. The meeting was canceled. She is not sure if the County has a role in the matter as it will be on a County Road. 

Animal Shelter

Commissioner Wheeler stated that she visited the Animal Shelter during the staff training for play groups with the dogs. It was fascinating to watch and should be very beneficial for the dog's health. It will also allow the public a chance to see the temperament of the animals. 

Prenatal to 3 County Leaders Academy

Chair Alford stated that she was invited to attend the academy. She stated that she will attend if it is something this Board is interested in pursuing. 

By consensus the Board agreed to the Chair attending.

Commissioner Cornell stated that both the County and Children's Trust have both provided funding for a literacy study. The cost is higher than expected and a letter has been sent to the School Board requesting they provide a third of the funding. 

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m.

  • Request the Board to adopt the resolution authorizing the removal of uncollectible accounts from the financial statements.  All of the receivable accounts have allowances for doubtful accounts. The receivable accounts and correlating allowances will be written down by a total amount of $2,387,374.84. A breakdown of this amount by fund and type is provided in the following attachments: (1) by fund: Write-off Summary: (2) by type: see Exhibit A which is the last page of the attached Resolution.


  • Adopt Resolution 24-XXX establishing the Criminal Justice Mental Health and Substance Abuse Grant Planning Committee. Adopt Resolution 24-XXX Authorizing Meridian Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. to submit an application on behalf of Alachua County responsive to the DCF RFA 2324 011 Criminal Justice Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant. Authorize the Chair to sign and submit a letter authorizing Meridian Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. as the CJMHSAG applicant for Alachua County subject to confirmation by the CJMHSAG Planning Committee. Additionally, authorize the Chair to sign the required match form committing cash match as approved by the BoCC in the amount of $370,000.00.

  • Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the following Addendum Agreements for On-Call Mechanical Services, NTE $4,000,000.00 annually:

    ADDENDUM Agrmt 14106 with S.I. Goldman Company, Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services

    ADDENDUM Agrmt 14111 with Bernhard MCC, LLC for On-Call Mechanical Services

    ADDENDUM Agrmt 14112 with Engineered Cooling Services, LLC for On-Call Mechanical Services

    ADDENDUM Agrmt 14113 with Mechanical Services of Central Florida, Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services

  • Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the following Addendum Agreements for On-Call Mechanical Services, NTE $200,000.00 per project:

    Addendum Agreement 14169 with Balanced Mechanical & Plumbing Services, LLC for On-Call Mechanical Services

    Addendum Agreement 14170 with Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services

    Addendum Agreement 14171 with Coker Industrial Contractors, Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services

    Addendum Agreement 14172 with S.I. Goldman Company, Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services

    Addendum Agreement 14173 with Taylor’d HVAC Services, Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services

    Addendum Agreement 14174 with W.W. Gay Mechanical Contractor of Gainesville, Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services

No Item Selected