Alachua County Special Meeting


County Administration Building - Grace Knight Conference Room
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601
  • Vice Chair Mary Alford, 
  • Commissioner Charles S. Chestnut, IV, 
  • Commissioner Ken Cornell, 
  • Chair Anna Prizzia, 
  • and Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler 
Also Present:
  • County Manager Michele Lieberman, 
  • County Attorney Sylvia Torres, 
  • and Deputy Clerk Casey Miller  
Staff Absent:
  • Deputy County Manager Carl Smart, 
  • Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby, 
  • Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels, 
  • Assistant County Manager Gina Peebles, 
  • Deputy County Attorney Bob Swain, 
  • Deputy Clerk Steve Donahey, 
  • Admin Kimberly Kittle, 
  • and Admin Gina Peebles 

Commissioner Cornell moved approval of the agenda. 

2nd Commissioner Wheeler.

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford not present. 

Chair Prizzia recognized Tamara Robbins who presented comments. 

Ben Chumley, Principal Planner with Growth Management presented a draft of the Amendments to the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan Regarding Equity and Environmental Justice Definitions and Policies for the Board to consider and provide direction at a future meeting.

Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Chestnut, and Chair Prizzia all presented comments. 

Chair Prizzia recognized Shay Morris, Tamara Robbins, Khalil Blount, a citizen, Miraim Elliott, Johnael Gainey, Michael Sexton, and Elizabeth Howard who all presented comments. 

Commissioner Alford entered the meeting room at 11:05am

Ben Chumley from growth management department, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Alford, County Attorney Torres, Commissioner Chestnut, and Commissioner Alford all presented comments. 

  • Receive presentation and provide any direction to staff.

Chris Dawson, Transportation Planning Manager for Alachua County introduced Jonathan B. Paul, AICP who presented updates regarding the above item.  

Residential Thresholds Fee Update:

Jonathan Paul, Principal of New Jonathan Paul, Principal of New Urban Concepts stated that currently the county's impact fees are capped at 2600 square feet which was based on evaluation of household size, number of persons per household, and the overall number of permits that were within the county, this was decided in 2005 based off various data. With new data presented 2006-2023 Jonathan Paul states the new cap could be raised to 3500-4000 square feet if the Board would like to raise it. 

Commissioner Cornell exits meeting at 11:37am

Commissioner Cornell return to meeting at 11:39am 

Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Cornell, Jonathan, Paul, AICP, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Alford, Jonathan Paul, AICP, Chris Dawson Transportation Planning Manager, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Prizzia, Jonathan Paul, AICP, Commissioner Cornell and Chair Prizzia all presented comments.  

Commissioner Cornell and Chair Prizzia both state they would be in favor of raising the threshold to 4000 square feet. 

Parks System Impact Fee Update:

Jonathan Paul, Principal of New Urban Concepts stated the following:

-The Current Park impact fee per 1,000 sq ft is $126.00

-The new proposed impact fees are the following:

  - Hotel Park Impact Fee per Room (New Fee) is $493.56

  - Residential Park Impact Fee per 1,000 sq ft is $417.88

Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, Jonathan Paul, AICP, Chris Dawson Transportation Planning Manager, Commissioner Alford, Jonathan Paul, AICP, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Alford, Chris Dawson Transportation Planning Manager, Commissioner Alford, Jonathan Paul, AICP, and Commissioner Cornell all presented comments. 

Commissioner Cornell exits meeting at 12:17pm

Commissioner Cornell returns to meeting at 12:19pm

Commissioner Alford exits meeting at 12:29pm

Commissioner Alford returns to meeting at 12:31pm

Chair Prizzia recognized Tamara Robbins, and Khalil Blount both presented comments.

The Commissioners recessed at 12:50pm

The Commission reconvened at 1:16pm

Mobility Fee Update

Jonathan Paul, Principal of New Urban Concepts presented the proposed service area maps and the proposed increased fees. 

Commissioner Alford, Chair Prizzia, Chris Dawson Transportation Planning Manager, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Prizzia, Chris Dawson Transportation Planning Manager, Commissioner Alford, Jonathan Paul, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Chestnut, Chair Prizzia, Chris Dawson Transportation Planning Manager, Commissioner Alford, and Commissioner Cornell all presented comments. 

Chair Prizzia recognized Tamara Robbins, Kristen Young, Kristen S, and Garret S who all presented comments.

Commissioner Alford exits room at 3:25pm

Commissioner Alford returns at 3:29

Chair Prizzia, Chris Dawson Transportation Planning Manager, Commissioner Cornell, Jonathan Paul, Jeff Hays Transportation Planning Manager, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell and Chris Dawson Transportation Planning Manager all presented comments. 

Commissioner Cornell moved to refer to staff to bring back options for Bona Fide Ag Farm Stays to the Board in July and bring back the Fee Updates in August. 

      2nd Commissioner Chestnut

Chair Prizzia recognized Kristen S, and Tamara Robbins who presented comments. 

Commissioner Cornell, County Attorney Torres, and Chair Prizzia all presented comments. 

The motion carried 5-0. 

Commissioner Cornell moved to write a chair letter to the local delegation that they consider an additional earmarked allocation for the expansion of Archer Road, from 75th to 122nd. 

      2nd Commissioner Wheeler

Chair Prizzia recognized Kristen Young, and Tamara Robbins who presented comments. 

Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Alford, Chair Prizzia, 

The motion carried 5-0.

  • Hear a presentation from the consultant and provide direction to staff.

Sean Mclendon, Strategic Initiatives Manager presented the above item regarding the Newberry Environmental Park Update. 

Mr. Mclendon presented a brief update to the Board and reviewed the Newberyy Environmental Draft Terms. 

Commissioner Cornell, County Manager Lieberman, Commissioner Wheeler, Sean Mclendon Strategic Initiatives Manager, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, County Manager Lieberman, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Alford, County Manager Lieberman, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, County Manager Lieberman, Fire Chief Harold Theus, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, Fire Chief Theus, Chair Prizzia, Sean Mclendon Strategic Initiatives Manager, Commissioner Alford and Chair Prizzia all presented comments. 

Chair Prizzia recognized Tamara Robbins who presented comments. 

Commissioner Alford exits meeting at 4:32pm

  • Review draft terms for Newberry Environmental Park parcels and provide direction to staff.

Chair Prizzia recognized Kristen Young and Tamara Robbins who presented comments. 

Commission Wheeler stated letters were received from Lake Dwellers about the naming of the park and just wanted to make sure everyone received them.

Commissioner Cornell stated he is in favor of the naming of the park and ask that staff bring back to the Board if there is a process. 

Chair Prizzia stated that a letter of support was requested by CDS & Behavioral Health Services to support their Safe Residential Environment for Shelter in times of extreme duress in crisis. They would get a grant and are asking for a letter of support with the grant and to provide services for youth in the community. 

Commissioner Cornell moved in support of the Chair letter.

       2nd Commissioner Chestnut

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford not present. 

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

  • To adjourn the meeting.