Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby presented the above item to the Board. Reviewing the County millage rates and GRACE Marketplace.
Commissioner Chestnut, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Chestnut, Commissioner Alford, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, County Manager Lieberman, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Cornell, Assistant County Manager Crosby, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Cornell, and Chair Prizzia all presented comments.
Commissioner Alford moved to approve the $350,000.00 one-time funding for the Street Outreach program directly to GRACE Marketplace for FY24 and for staff to come back to the Board with a plan for a countywide Street Outreach team built in collaboration with stakeholders.
2nd Commissioner Wheeler
Chair Prizzia recognized John DeCarmine the executive Director of GRACE who presented comments.
The motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Chestnut voting "Nay."
Commission Aide
Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby presented back up information to the Board regarding commission aides use in other counties.
Commissioner Alford, Assistant County Manager Crosby, County Attorney Torres, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Alford, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, County Manager Lieberman, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, and Commissioner Alford all presented comments.
Commissioner Cornell moved to not move forward with Commission Aides.
2nd Commissioner Wheeler
Commissioner Chestnut, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Assistant County Manager Crosby, County Manager Lieberman, and Commissioner Alford all presented comments.
Commissioner Alford moved the following substitute motion:
To fund interns for those Commissioners that would want them and have the interns report to the County Attorney office. The interns would be part time hourly employees.
2nd Commissioner Wheeler
Chair Prizzia recognized Evan Smith who presented comments.
County Attorney Torres, Assistant County Manager Crosby, County Manager Lieberman, Commissioner Alford, County Attorney Torres, Chair Prizzia, and Commissioner Cornell all presented comments.
Commissioner Alford moved the amended motion as follows:
Instead of Aides look to fund Interns for those Commissioners that would like to have them and have the Interns report to the Executive Manager. The Interns would be part time hourly employees.
2nd Commissioner Wheeler
The motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Cornell voting "Nay."
Fire FTEs
Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby discussed the three FTEs for district Chiefs.
Commissioner Cornell, Assistant County Manager Crosby, and Commissioner Cornell all presented comments.
Commissioner Cornell moved to hire additional District Chiefs as recommended.
2nd Commissioner Alford
Chair Prizzia recognized James Clifford, local union management unit representative who presented comments.
The motion carried 5-0.