Alachua County Board of County Commissioners


County Administration Building - Jack Durrance Auditorium
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601
  • Chair Mary Alford, 
  • Vice Chair Charles S. Chestnut, IV, 
  • Commissioner Ken Cornell, 
  • Commissioner Anna Prizzia, 
  • and Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler 

Reverend Kelly Everling provided the Invocation.

Chair Alford led the pledge of allegiance. 

Chair Alford called the meeting to order at 11:33 a.m.

Deputy County Manager Carl Smart presented the following amendments to the agenda:

  • Item F2 - Proclamation declaring Matthew Lewey Day in Alachua County be continued to the January 23, 2024 agenda so Commissioner Chestnut can be present. 
  • Item 2a  FY25 Budget Development - Budget Calendar and Constitutional Officers Budget Request Resoution 24-00016 the March 14, 2024 date has been changed to March 21, 2024 due to a scheduling conflict.
  • An update on the Florence Landfill will be provided under the County Manager Reports

Commissioner Prizzia moved adoption of the Regular and Consent Agenda as amended. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Communications Director, Mark Sexton, presented the following announcements:

  • Storm Update was provided. The storm is expected to enter the western portion of the County at 1:00 p.m. and should leave the County around 4:00 p.m. High winds are expected with this storm and the County is sending alerts via text messages and emergency responders are prepared to respond. 
  • A video was displayed of Cuscowilla Nature Center and the facility is available for rental for special events. 

Commissioner Prizzia moved approval the Arbor Day Proclamation. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Human Resources Manager Wanda Santana presented the above item. 

A video presentation was displayed in honor of those employees with a career milestone. 

Commissioner Wheeler read and presented the Proclamation to County Arborist Lacy Holtzworth and Alachua County Horticulturist Neal Greishaw who accepted it with gratitude. 

Commissioner Prizzia and Chair Alford provided comments. 

Commissioner Prizzia moved to approve the Resolution as presented and authorize the Chair and Clerk to sign.

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Chair Alford recognized Mya Valasco, Dallas Young, Adiva Asher, Doe, Patricia Lee, Lee Hoffman, Madline Moyer, David Jones, Rabbi Goldman, Sue Morris, and Doe who presented comments to the Board.

Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, and Commissioner Cornell presented comments. 

Commissioner Cornell moved the substitute motion to defer this resolution and instead ask for the community groups working on these efforts to work directly with the Jewish Community,  local Signages, Rabbis, and the Palestinian Community to come up with a Resolution that all parties and our community can agree on and support and bring this resolution back for this Board to consider and that could happen at our next meeting or when ready. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent.   

2nd Commissioner Wheeler

Chair Alford, Commissioner Prizzia, Rabbi Goldman, Commissioner Cornell, and Commissioner Wheeler presented comments. 

Chair Alford recognized Patricia Lee, Sue Morris, Kelly Evering, Miriam Welly Elliot, Abigail Fletcher, Raymond Hopkins, Alexandra, Kyler Kearns, Wendy Flanaghan, Brackin Camp, and John L. Gainey who presented comments.

Commissioner Prizzia thanked Mrs. Everling for her teaching on nutrition and offered to connector with extension office personnel that can provide some resources. 

Commissioner Cornell advised that an update on the Florence Landfill at the end of the meeting will take place in the County Manager reports. 

Chair Alford informed the public of the ability to watch the meetings remotely. 

Gainesville Sports Commission Director Ms. Joleen Miller presented the above item. 

Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Prizzia, Chair Alford, and Commissioner Wheeler presented comments.  

GNV4ALL Director James Lawerence presented the above item. 

Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Cornell, Assistant Community Support Services Director Tom Tonkavich, and Commissioner Prizzia presented comments.

COMMISSION RECESSED AT: 2:41 P.M. - due to Tornado Warning


Lands Conservation Manager Andi Christman presented the above item. 

Commissioner Prizzia moved the following:

1.Approve and authorize the Chair to exercise the Lochloosa Connector – Rimes Tri-Party Option Contract to purchase Real Property, subject to the County’s rights to conduct due diligence inspections and notice Seller of Title Defects and Environmental Defects as set forth in the Contract;

2.Approve the acquisition subject to the non-permitted title exceptions, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, and #14, and to the subject to the concurrence of the county attorney and of the closing attorney;

3.Approve and authorize the Chair to exercise the Lochloosa Connector – Rimes Joint Participation Agreement with the St. Johns River Water Management District; and

4.Authorize staff to execute additional documents as necessary to close the transaction and including the pursuit of a non-public access easement on SE 148th St.; and

5.Approve the attached budget amendment authorizing the expenditure of funds for due diligence and associated closing costs.

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels presented the above item.

Commissioner Prizzia moved to direct staff to explore an interlocal agreement to help the City of Hawthorne with Code Enforcement and explore interest and opportunities for other municipalities to join. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent.

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Prizzia, and City of Hawthorne Manager John Martin presented comments. 

County Attorney Torres presented the rules and procedures for the Public Hearing. 

There were no ex-parte communications disclosed.

Deputy Clerk Donahey issued the oath to all those who wished to address this item. 

Planner Jacob Stout presented the above item.

Chair Alford presented comments. 

Commissioner Cornell moved to approve the proposed Preliminary Development Plan and Resolution DR-24-01 based on a finding of consistency with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan, and the Alachua County Unified Land Development Code. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

2nd Commissioner Prizzia

Growth Management Director Jeff Hays presented the above item.

Commissioner Prizzia moved to adopt the ordinance approving the requested changes. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent.

2nd Commissioner Cornell

Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, and Agent for the Applicant Jerry Dedenbach presented comments. 

Chair Alford recognized Mathew Hurst, Gladys Lane, Puala Stamer, Melanie Barr, Betsy Hurst, Growth Management Director Jeff Hays, Commissioner Prizzia, and Commissioner Wheeler presented comments. 

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

Senior Planner Gerry Brewington presented the above item. 

Commissioner Cornell moved to adopt the ordinance approving the requested amendments. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent. 

2nd Commissioner Prizzia

Commissioner Prizzia, and Growth Management Director Jeff Hays presented comments.  

There were no reports offered.

Florence Landfill Update

Deputy County Manager Smart and EPD Director Stephen Hofstetter presented the above item. 

Mr. Smart stated that the landfill has the opportunity to file for an extension on the permit both with the State and the County. The applicant has filed with the County and it is currently under review. The State offers extensions up to 4 years based on State of Emergency executive orders. The Applicant has filed for the extension with the State. The County has been informed that the State process is automatically renewed unless a substantial violation has occurred. The County is conducting water testing to determine if a violation has occurred. 

Chair Alford, Commissioner Cornell, County Attorney Torres, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Prizzia, Assistant County Attorney Hanson, County Attorney Torres, Commissioner Wheeler, and Commissioner Prizzia presented comments. 

Commissioner Cornell requested a copy of the Special Use Permit and all the requirements. 

Chair Alford requested the data be presented in a graphic means so that the public can understand it. 

Legislative Day

Commissioner Cornell advised that he will be attending next Tuesday and Wednesday the National Association of Counties (NACO) Legislative Day. Chair Alford and Deputy County Manager Smart stated that they would be attending.

Property Appraiser Security

Commissioner Cornell stated that he knows the Board approved some security for the Property Appraiser's Office. He would like for staff to assess the needs of the entire building and not just the Property Appraiser's Office.  

By consensus, the Board agreed to review the security needs of the entire building. 

Supervisor of Elections Space Needs

Commissioner Prizzia stated that she has had discussions with the Supervisor of Elections regarding the need for space for the 2024 election. She would like for Facilities Manager Dan Whitcraft to work with the Supervisor of Elections on her space needs and bring recommendations back to the Board. 

By consensus, the Board referred to Dan Whitcraft to work with the Supervisor of Elections on her space needs and report back to the Board with recommendations. 

Groundbreaking of Publix

Commissioner Prizzia stated that she attended the Groundbreaking for the Publix in Newberry. She wanted to remind everyone that there is still funding to support a food hub/grocery store on the eastside of Gainesville. She would like to see something done in Hawthorne and intends to speak with Publix on the matter. 

Form 6 Resignation

Commissioner Wheeler stated that one of the newly elected Commissioners in High Springs has resigned over the State mandated Form 6 financial disclosure form. They will have another special election she believes in March.

Kirby Smith Renaming

Chair Alford stated there is an effort to rename the Kirby Smith building in honor of Charles Chestnut III. She stated that she would like to send a letter in support of the renaming if ok with the Board.

By consensus, the Board agreed to authorize the Chair Letter.

Purchase of the Trunk Radio System

Chair Alford wanted to thank the staff on the accomplishment of closing on the Radio System. It was a lot of work and staff is to be commended. 

Renaming of 14th Avenue

There is a request to rename the road after the Gainesville Gardening Club. She is not aware of naming a facility after an organization and wanted to know how the Board felt about that.

Commissioner Cornell stated that he personally tries to stick to naming facilities in honor of people who have passed and made a local impact. 

County Attorney Torres stated the County does have a policy for naming of facilities that does apply to roads. The policy does not exclude naming facilities after living persons, but the Board can reconsider their policy. She stated that she would forward the policy to the Board and the Board can decide if they wish to make changes. 

Chair Alford recognized Telford Cartwright who presented comments to the Board. 

By consensus, the Board requested that Public Comments be moved before the County Manager comments on the agenda. 

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:39 p.m.

Vice Chair Charles S. Chestnut, IV left the meeting at 9:28 AM.
  • Approve the Resolution Re-establishing the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee and authorize the Chair to sign.

  • Approve the County Attorney’s authority to initiate or defend the attached list of cases.

  • Approve the Interlocal Agreement as presented and authorize the Chair and Clerk to sign

  • Staff recommends the following Board motions:

    1. Request Board approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Tree Sponsorship Interlocal Agreement #14032 between Alachua County and the City of Archer (Exhibit 1).
    2. Request Board approve authorize the Chair to execute the Tree Sponsorship Interlocal Agreement #14038 between Alachua County and the City of Waldo (Exhibit 2).
    3. Request Board approve authorize the Chair to execute the Tree Sponsorship Interlocal Agreement #14017 between Alachua County and the Alachua County School Board (Exhibit 3). If so moved, staff will forward the Chair-executed agreement to the Alachua County School Board for execution.

  • Authorize the Manager’s signature for 2023 Transportation Alternatives grant applications.

  • Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the following agreements for BID 24-54 Annual Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Tree Debris Hauling and Disposal, not to exceed (NTE) $500,000.00 annually:

    Agreement 14019 with T&K Enterprises of Volusia County, Inc.

    Agreement 14020 with Clear Zone Maintenance, Inc.

    Agreement 14021 with GRSC, Inc.

  • Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate agreements for RFP 23-426 Alachua County Wide Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan and University of Florida Supplement for Growth Management:

    1. Kittelson & Associates, Inc.

    2. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.

    3. Volkert, Inc.

    Authorize staff to negotiate an agreements with the top ranked firm. Should the staff be unable to negotiate a satisfactory agreements with the top ranked firm, negotiations with the unsuccessful firm will be terminated. Negotiations may be undertaken in the same manner in order of ranking until an agreement(s) is reached, and so forth.

  • Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for RFP 24-420 Learning Management System for Alachua County Human Resources:

    1. Cornerstone Ondemand Inc.

    2. Inc., dba NEOGOV

    3. Absorb Software North America, LLC

    4. Meridian Knowledge Solutions, LLC

    5. Learnsoft Technology Group, LLC

    6. MaxIT Corporation

    Authorize staff to negotiate an agreement with the top ranked firm. Should the staff be unable to negotiate a satisfactory agreement with the top ranked firm, negotiations with the unsuccessful firm will be terminated. Negotiations may be undertaken in the same manner in order of ranking until an agreement is reached, and so forth.

  • Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the following agreements for RFP 24-37 Annual Engineering Services for Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Life Safety, not to exceed (NTE) $2,000,000.00 annually:

    Agreement 14012 with Campbell Spellicy Engineering Inc.

    Agreement 14013 with EDA Consultants, Inc.

    Agreement 14014 with SGM Engineering, Inc.

    Agreement 14015 Matern Professional Engineering, Inc.

    Agreement 14016 with Mitchell Gulledge Engineering, Inc.

  • Approve the issuance of a purchase order to Bartow Ford Co., in the amount of $71,010.93.

  • Approve the issuance of a purchase order to Abilacy Holdings, LLC d/b/a ForeverLawn of Tampa Bay, in the amount of $190,675.43.

  • Approve the issuance of a purchase order to Alan Jay Automotive Management, Inc. d/b/a Alan Jay Fleet Sales, in the amount of $52,846.00.

  • Approve the issuance of Change Order 1 to Purchase Order 24-174 to Bennett Fire Products Co. Inc., in the amount of $50,000.00.

  • Approve the Award of Bid 24-27 Annual Mowing and Trimming for Land Conservation with Blackham Contracting Group, LLC, Boone Improvements, Inc., and GRSC, Inc., via Environmental Protection.

  • Approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for RFP 23-425 Alachua County Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Action Plan:

    1. Kittelson & Associates, Inc.

    2. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.

    3. Toole Design Group, LLC

    Authorize staff to negotiate an agreement with the top ranked firm. Should the staff be unable to negotiate a satisfactory agreement with the top ranked firm, negotiations with the unsuccessful firm will be terminated. Negotiations may be undertaken in the same manner in order of ranking until an agreement is reached, and so forth.

  • Approve the Award of Bid 24-63 Annual Fireline Road and Fuels Treatment Projects to Bird Dog Fire and Land Management Inc., Blackham Contracting Group, LLC, Creative Concrete Design of Columbia County Inc., GRSC, Inc., Promise Habitat Services, LLC, and ROT Ranch Construction, Inc.

  • Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Agreement 13221 with Brame Heck Architects, Inc. for RFP 22-307 A&E Services for the Budget Inn Conversion, in the amount of $264,800.00.

  • Appoint Commissioner Dayna Miller to vacant Elected Official seat and Adam Anderson to vacant Hotel Owner/Operator seat on the Tourist Development Council (TDC) for terms ending January 2028.

  • Accept the report and include a copy of the documents in the minutes of the Board of County Commissioners.

No Item Selected