Special Meeting - Policy Discussion
Meeting Agenda

County Administration Building - Grace Knight Conference Room
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601

In-person Public Comment is taken after each non-ministerial motion. At the conclusion of the meeting, individuals can also speak for up to 3 minutes about any matter during the General Comment period.


The meeting can be viewed on Cox Channel 12, the AC TV app (Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Roku), the County’s Facebook and YouTube sites, and the county’s Video on Demand website.



Citizens attending Alachua County public meetings downtown can enjoy free parking in the S.W. Parking Garage (105 SW 3rd St, Gainesville). To obtain parking validation, download the “Passport” app on your smartphone and pay for your session. Then visit the Alachua County Manager's Office, located on the 2nd floor of the County Administration Building, on noticed public meeting days to receive a validation code.


All persons are advised that, if they decide to contest any decision made at any of these meetings, they will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose they may need to ensure that verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes)


If you have a disability and need an accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact the Alachua County Equal Opportunity Office at (352) 374-5275 at least 2 business days prior to the meeting. TTY users please call 711 (Florida Relay Service).















12 SE 1st Street ■ Gainesville, Florida 32601 ■ Tel. (352) 264-6900 ■ Fax (352) 338-7363 ■ TDD call 711 Relay Commissioners’ E-Mail: [email protected] ■ Home Page: An Equal Opportunity Employer M.F.V.D

  • Recommended Action:

    To approve the Agenda. 

Fiscal Note:
Funds for the development of Agricultural Land Protection Strategy Framework have been encumbered in the Environmental Protection Departmental budget.

General Fund: 001.55.5500.537.31.00 ($25,000)

Stormwater Management: 146.55.5511.537.31.00 ($25,000)

Funding for acquisition of conservation easements on working agricultural lands under this strategy

will utilize Wild Spaces and Public Places surtax revenues in accordance with requirements within Florida Statute 704.06.

Wild Spaces Public Places Fund: 140.41.4160.537.xx.xx

Strategic Guide:

  • Recommended Action:

    Hear presentation (Exhibit 1)

Fiscal Note:
No fiscal impact at this time.

Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity

  • Recommended Action:

    Discuss CareerSource consolidation Interlocal Agreement recommendations and provide direction to staff.

  • Recommended Action:

    To adjourn the meeting.