Infrastructure Surtax Citizen Oversight Board

Meeting #:
County Administration Building - Grace Knight Conference Room
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601

The meeting was called to order at 5:36 p.m.

Alachua County Members Present:  Eric Drummond (Vice-Chair) and Jack Kulas

City of Gainesville Members Present:  David Ruiz (Chair)

Incorporated Cities (not Gainesville) Members Present:  N/A

Members Absent:   Jill Cunningham and Steve Howard

Staff Present:  Gina Peebles

Other Municipal Staff Present:  Kelly Gillen, Roxy Gonzalez, Leslie Ladendorf, Brian Singleton, and Betsy Waite

Outside Counsel:  Patrice Boyes

Staff reached out to the City of Newberry multiple times for their quarterly report, and did not receive it as of the start of this meeting.  Eric Drummond made a motion to send a strongly worded letter to the City Commission advising them that their quarterly report is past due and, per the ballot language approved by voters, citizen oversight of their expenditures is required for transparency, authorizing the ISOB Chair to sign; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Jack Kulas was welcomed and introduced himself.  

Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the agenda as presented; Jack Kulas second; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the Oct. 23, 2023 minutes as presented; Jack Kulas second; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly High Springs report, now that all outstanding Board questions have been answered satisfactorily; Jack Kulas second; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Review of Quarterly Wild Spaces Public Places Municipal / County Expenditures for 4th Qtr. (Jul, Aug, Sep, 2023)


Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly Alachua County report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.



Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly Alachua report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.



Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly Archer report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.

The Board discussed the City's expenditure for an adjustable tee system for the driving range and their quarterly administration costs (including payroll, benefits, and workers comp for five staff).  Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly Gainesville report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly Hawthorne report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly High Springs report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly LaCrosse report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly Micanopy report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.



Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly Waldo report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly Alachua County report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.



The Oversight Board requested clarification on the City's intended Sr. Center project and their justification for how that is an infrastructure, rather than a WSPP, project.  Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly Alachua report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.



Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly Archer report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly Gainesville report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly Hawthorne report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly High Springs report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly LaCrosse report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.

The Oversight Board requested clarification on the City's intended Thrasher Museum project and their justification for how that is an infrastructure, rather than a WSPP, project.  Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly Micanopy report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Staff reached out to the City of Newberry multiple times for their quarterly report, and did not receive it as of the start of this meeting.  Eric Drummond made a motion to include the Infrastructure report as part of the strongly worded letter to the City Commission advising them that their quarterly report is past due and, per the ballot language approved by voters, citizen oversight of their expenditures is required for transparency, authorizing the ISOB Chair to sign; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.



Eric Drummond made a motion to approve the quarterly Waldo report as presented; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.

The City of Gainesville requested a pre-expenditure review of proposed historic Thomas Center building renovations.  The 22,000 sf building offers both a museum and event space.  The most immediate need is the tile roof over the art gallery.  Eric Drummond made a motion that the sectional roof partial replacement of the Thomas Center over the East Art Gallery is an approved use for WSPP funding; Jack Kulas seconded; unanimous approval; motion carried.

The consensus of the Oversight Board was to meet on Feb. 26 to review the City of Newberry's 4th quarter expenditure reports, as well as the City of Alachua and Town of Micanopy's clarification on their proposed projects and Apr. 29 for the 1st quarter (Oct., Nov., Dec. 2023) expenditure reports.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:19 p.m.