Health Care Advisory Board

Meeting #:
Community Support Services, Conference Room A
218 SE 24th Street, Gainesville, FL 32641
Members Present
  • Erica Barnard, 
  • Joseph Benton, 
  • Frank Catalanotto, 
  • Scott Darius , 
  • William Garst, 
  • Aaron Jarvis, 
  • Krista Ott, 
  • Lindsey Redding, 
  • Shayna Rich, 
  • and Catherine Striley 

The meeting was called to order by Bill Garst at 1:02pm            .

Members Present: Bill Garst, Fank Catalanotto, Lindsey Redding, Erica Barnard, Ayana Archer, Leilani Doty, Jessica Forbes, Amanda Reed


Members Absent: Krista Ott, Scott Darius, Aaron Jarvis, Catherine Striley,


Staff Present: Tom Tonkavich, Jaye Athy, Bob Swain, Tyler Yeadon,


Guests: Cherisse Britton

Frank Catalanotto moved to approve the agenda. Second: Lindsey Redding motion passed unanimously.


Lindsey Redding nominates Bill Garst for Chair, Frank Catalanotto seconds. Frank Catalanotto nominates Scott Darius for Vice-Chair, Bill Garst seconds pending Scott’s interest as he is absent. Both passed unanimously

Attorney Bob Swain spoke to the board regarding public records and sunshine.

Frank Catalanotto moved to approve the previous meeting minutes. Second: Jessica Forbes motion passed unanimously.

  • Recommend termination of Dr. Guyer’s contract – With the termination the funds ($18,000) will be repurposed to subsidize CHW wages. Initially this program was training CHW’s, a new mechanism is being introduced for training. Cherisse Britton will take over training and repurpose the funds.
  • Updated performance goals – Minimum of 10 trainees, 5-7 of those trainees to become certified and the others will do work that does not require certification. Goals to be met by September 2025
  • Client engagement Goals – changed from 1,000 to 5,000 interactions per year. YTD CHW’s have provided 2,100 client interactions.
  • Updated mentorship – streamlined, all CHW meet with mentor once a month, checklist has been developed to standardize mentorship
  • 4 CHW have been placed so far, 2 pending, 4 have completed online training, 2 successfully enrolled and awaiting placement. An in-person training is scheduled for June.
  • Barriers – Funding duration. 6 months of funding is provided, agencies have expressed concern this isn’t long enough to incorporate the CHWs into their budget. 1 year would allow for the agency to rework budgets to absorb the CHW. Working on additional funding for the 4 CHW’s to extend their funding to 1 year.
  • CHW are not yet a billable service to the agencies, but we are working on making that available

Q&A -

  • The 4 that are placed what is their FTE? Most of them are full-time but funded through different mechanisms.
  • What is the all-in budget for CHW? Original was $500,000. $160,000 for Administrator, $160,000 for mentor, $18,000 for co-facilitator, $155,000 for OJT to be funded through 9/30/2025, $5,000 for communications and $2,000 for training materials.
  • What is the outcome? 10 CHW hired and placed, 5-7 will obtain certification
  • Have you done any data collection prior to the funding increase request? Yes, this quarter over 2,100 services have been provided
  • What is the intended goal after the year? The CHW would be incorporated into the agency and hire them as a permanent member of the team?
  • Does the agency have the capacity? The 6-month extension would allow them to create the capacity.
  • Is there any way we can state that if we extend, we want to see applications for outside funding for CHWs? That would be a convo that would have to be had with agencies and help them seek that out.
  • Is this starting with County money and then trying to transition to private grants through the agencies? The initial $500,000 was ARPA Federal funds during COVID designated for public health.
  • The eligibility for CHW, how do you find them? Recruited from the community by Pastor Duncan and screened for eligibility by CareerSource to determine if they are funded by ARPA or WIOA.
  • Do they have to be housed? Not necessarily, but they need to be interested in being a CHW as a full-time employment position.
  • What is the name of the certification program? Certified Community Health Worker Program through the state of Florida.

Concerns expressed over additional funding due to low deliverables, lack of data, and lack of a clear pathway to placing CHWs.

  • The length of training and potential lack of payment during training has throttled CHW placement.
  • Program awareness is not at the level we would like, many agencies still do not know about the CHW program
  • The program began running before BoCC involvement which has made creating deliverables, assigning funding, and creating partnerships a longer process

Lindsey Redding motioned to recommend termination of Dr. Guyer’s contract and move the $18,000 to another line item. Second: Frank Catalanotto passed unanimously.

Ayana Archer Motion to table additional funding requests until the next meeting in lieu of gathering more data, a short report with current outcomes and how additional funding would be utilized. Second: Lindsey Redding passed unanimously.

Workplan presentation to BoCC is scheduled for August 20, 2024.

  • Erica Barnard– CHA is all ready just waiting on central office. WeCare continues to provide dental services and recently expanded. After hours clinic averages about 250 clients a month, 40% of WIC clients can only access the service because of extended hours
  • Leilani Doty – FL DOH Alzheimer’s program, the legislature provided $5million for FL-wide research and additional $1.6million research dollars to FL researchers. State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) is being worked on
  • Amanda Reed – Grace Healthcare primary care clinic is now on Mondays and Fridays expanded from just Mondays; the Women’s clinic is still only two times per month
  • Jaye Athy – Appointed as the CHIP-CSS representative, CAPP RFA25 closed today with 29 applicants, Small Grant Initiative is being developed for up-and-coming services
  • Tom Tonkavich– Alachua County, City of Gainesville, and Santa Fe have created the Gun Violence Prevention Alliance, a stakeholder event is being planned to increase strategic planning on how to tackle gun violence

Next meeting June 26, 2024

Bill Garst motioned to adjourn. Second: Frank Catalanotto adjourned at 2:59 PM

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