Equity Advisory Council

County Administration Building - Grace Knight Conference Room
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601

Members:  Members:  Kali Blount, Yvette Carter, Gerie Crawford (Vice Chair), Nancy Dean, Jorelle Degen, Alena Lawson-Bennett, Ronald Rawls (Chair), Maritza Quiroga Arco, and Frank White.

At the February 11, 2025 Regular Board of County Commissioners Meeting, the Board unanimously voted to request the Equity Advisory Board, among other advisory boards, to consider adding a youth member.


The enacting resolution will need to be updated to add this new position.


A few things the Equity Advisory Board should consider:

  • Day/time of meetings to accommodate the schedule of a youth
  • Age (for example, 16+ theoretically can drive)
  • The youth member will be subject to our Board and Committee Guidelines (attached) including Sunshine Laws, attendance, and residency requirements (to name a few)

The entire discussion can be found by clicking: 
