Commissioner Alford recognized Sherry Crinky who presented comments to the Board regarding the need for services in the eastside of the County. She stated that she would like to discuss with Commissioners things such as a digital access center and other ideas that she has for the area.
Commissioner Cornell and Commissioner Wheeler presented comments.
Deputy County Manager Smart stated that the County efforts in the Copeland Area could serve as a model on how to proceed with this endeavor. He also stated that the Manager is working on having the Tourist Development Director and the Economic Development Director work together to expand the scope of what their individual efforts can accomplish and use tourism as an economic development tool.
Chair Alford stated that she would like economic development to be included in the effort along with Growth Management.
Commissioner Prizzia moved to direct staff to develop a scope of work and a plan for developing a needs assessment for the 301 corridor and bring that back to the Board during the budget development cycle. With a focus on to attracting grant funding to address the immediate social services needs and economic development opportunities in the 301 corridors. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent.
2nd Commissioner Cornell
Deputy County Manager Smart stated that an update on the approaching storm will be provided at the regular meeting.