Alachua County Special Meeting


County Administration Building - Grace Knight Conference Room
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601
  • Vice Chair Mary Alford, 
  • Commissioner Charles S. Chestnut, IV, 
  • Commissioner Ken Cornell, 
  • Chair Anna Prizzia, 
  • and Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler 
Also Present:
  • County Attorney Sylvia Torres, 
  • Deputy County Manager Carl Smart, 
  • Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby, 
  • and Deputy Clerk Casey Miller  
Staff Absent:
  • County Manager Michele Lieberman, 
  • Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels, 
  • Assistant County Manager Gina Peebles, 
  • Deputy County Attorney Bob Swain, 
  • Deputy Clerk Steve Donahey, 
  • Admin Kimberly Kittle, 
  • Admin Gina Peebles, 
  • and Cricket 

Commissioner Wheeler moved to approve Commissioner Alford to participate in the meeting via zoom.

2nd Commissioner Chestnut.

The motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Cornell absent.

Commissioner Wheeler moved approval of the agenda.

2nd Commissioner Chestnut.

Chair Prizzia Recognized Tamara Robbins who presented comments. 

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Cornell absent.

  • To approve the Agenda. 

Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby presented the above item to the Board. 

- Recommendation to reduce general county millage rate from 7.7662 Mils to 7.6414 Mils

- MSTU law enforcement millage rate to stay the same at 3.5678 

- Sugarfoot Assessment: $5 increase per month per household to $10 per month per household.

- Stormwater assessment: $10 increase per equivalent residential unit (ERU) to $50.

    - Increases cover employee cost and increase cost for upcoming projects.

- Fire Assessment: Remains the same 

     - Tier 1 $90.69 per Equivalent Benefit Unit (EBU)

     - Tier 2 $8.31 per EBU

- Solid Waste Assessments: Increases are generally proportional to amount of waste generated

    - Increases due to contractual agreements, equipment, and labor

County Wide Budget Proposed INFO:

- Total FY24 proposed budget is $751,044,808 an increase $49,561,586 over FY23 adopted budget. 

- County Manager approved budget requests funded $11,878,416

- $1 million incorporated into Housing Trust Fund

- Property & Liability Insurance Increases

- Workers Compensation Increases 

Commissioner Wheeler moved to approve Resolution 2023-52.

      2nd Commissioner Chestnut.

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Alford Via Zoom and Commissioner Cornell absent. 

Commissioner Alford, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Chestnut, Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby, Commissioner Chestnut, Commissioner Wheeler, Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Chestnut, Commissioner Alford, and Deputy County Manager Carl Smart all presented comments. 

  • Provide direction to staff for any adjustment to the County Manager’s budget or proposed millage rates or assessments.

Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby presented the above item to the Board.

Budget & Fiscal Services

OMB, Risk, Purchasing & Fiscal Services

Revenues - $13,566,175

Expenses - $14,456,787

Budget Requests - $-144,029

     -Eliminate Broadband Manager Position

Impacts of increased costs of Insurances

Developing Pharmacy Location

FRS Contribution $7.50

Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby presented the above item. 


Revenues - $35,068,157

Expenses - $50,500,740

Budget Requests - $0

   - Master Plan Implementation

   - Facilities Preservation Projects

Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels presented the above item Via Zoom. 

Growth Management

- Revenues - $4,342,087

- Expenses - $6,478,866

- Budget Request - $498,122

     - GIS Hardware & Software

     - 1.0FTE Sr. Forester/Landscape Inspector

     - RTS Fare Fee

     - RTS Route 43 Enhancements

Update to Building Fee Schedule

Chair Prizzia, Deputy County Manager Carl Smart, Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels, Chair Prizzia, Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby, Commissioner Wheeler, Jeff Hayes, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, Deputy County Manager Carl Smart, Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels, County Attorney Sylvia Torres, Chair Prizzia, Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Alford, and Chair Prizzia all presented comments. 

Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels presented the above item to the Board. 

Solid Waste & Resource Recovery

Revenues - $39,116,945

Expenses - $32,158,327

Budget Requests - $448,111

   - Southwest landfill Capp

   - (1.0) FTE Elimination of GIS Position

   - (1.0) FTE Elimination of Assessment Tech Position

FY23 Completion of Tipping Floor

GFL Solid Waste Southeast request to increase residential rates by 15% for FY23-26

Chair Prizzia, Public Works Director Ramon Gavarrete, Commissioner Wheeler, Public Works Director Ramon Gavarrete, and Commissioner Alford all presented comments. 

Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels presented the above item.

Public Works

Revenues - $39,358,702

Expenses - $61,186,687

Budget Requests - $5,303,782

   - Gas Tax Portable Stormwater Pump (1 of 4)

   - Stormwater Portable stormwater pump (3 of 4)

   - Project Management Software

   - Construction of Ellis Park Wicks (2)

   - 3.0 FTE Professional Staff for TCIP

   - 12.0 FTE and Equipment for Roadway Construction (TCIP)

   - Upgrade 2 Sr. Office Assists to Staff  Assists

Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels presented the above item Via Zoom.

Code Administration

Revenues - $430,609

Expenses - $1,670,133

Budget Request - $0

   - Rental Unit Program - Under review due to Florida Legislative Action

Commissioner Alford moved the following:

1. To suspend the Renters Bil of Rights Ordinance and the Fees associated with it. To look at how neighboring counties manage this legislation for ways to protect the citizens.

2. Direct staff to think about building and Maintenace codes for opportunities to work the renters bill of rights ordinance protections into them. 

                                       2nd Commissioner Wheeler 

County Attorney Sylvia Torres presented comments.  

Commissioner Alford modify motion as followed:

1. To suspend the Renters Bil of Rights Ordinance and the Fees associated with it. To look at how neighboring counties manage this legislation for ways to protect the citizens. Direct staff to repeal the Renters Bill of Rights Ordinance as it is not enforceable per State Statue

2. Direct staff to think about building and Maintenace codes for opportunities to work the renters bill of rights ordinance protections into them. Staff is to explore creative solutions to protect renter's rights and energy efficiency standards where possible. 

   2nd Commissioner Wheeler

Attorney Torres, Carl Smart, Chair Prizzia, and Commissioner Chestnut all presented comments. 

Chair Prizzia recognized Tamara Robbins who presented comments.  

County Attorney Sylvia Torres, Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby, Chair Prizzia, and Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels all presented comments.

The Motion Carried 4-0.

Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels presented the above item. 

Capital Improvement Budget

Total Capital Budget for FY24 $58,044,112

Total Capital Projects Value FY24-FY28 $222,014,204

Deputy County Manager Carl Smart and Julie Johnson Director at Animal Resources presented the above item. 

Animal Resources

Revenues - $125,800

Expenses - $4,527,553 

Budget Requests - $20,000 Increased Staff Training and Increased operating Needs for Volunteers

Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, Julie Johnson, Commissioner Cornell, Deputy County Manager Carl Smart, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Prizzia,  Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Alford, and Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby all presented comments. 

Deputy County Manager Carl Smart and Community Support Services Director Claudia Tuck presented the above item.

Community Support Services

Revenues - $11,611,351

Expenses - $33,020,711

Budget Request - $0

   - Budget Inn - Department of Economic Opportunity Grant Underway.

   - Re-Entry Program - Meetings with non-applicant community advisors to develop scope of work.

   - Housing Plan continued development. 

   - Housing Trust - $1 Million from General Fund and Reinvestment of funds related to land sales.

Chair Prizzia, Claudia Tuck, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Alford, Chair Prizzia, Claudia Tuck, Carl Smart, Chair Prizzia, Tommy Crosby, Chair Prizzia, Caludia Tuck, Tommy Crosby, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Chestnut, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Alford, and Mr. Hayes all presented comments. 

Deputy County Manager Carl Smart and Community Support Services Director Claudia Tuck presented the above item. 

Commissioner Cornell entered the meeting at 11:44am

Court Services

Revenues - $1,173,252

Expenses - $12,091,302

Budget Requests - $30,000

   - increase for drug testing contract

Closing of Work Release

Review of Court Services Underway

Deputy County Manager Carl Smart presented the above item. 

Revenues - $87,017

Expenses - $5,966,461

Budget Requests - $217,500 needs 1 FTE for Strategic Equity & Community Framework Plan GIS Analyst

Commissioner Cornell, Deputy County Manager Carl Smart, Deidre Houchen Equity Manager, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Deput County Manager Carl Smart, Chair Prizzia, and Tommy Crosby presented comments. 

Chair Prizzia recognized Tamara Robbins who presented comments. 

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

  • To adjourn the meeting.