Recreation and Open Space Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Poe Springs Lodge
28800 NW 182nd Avenue, High Springs, FL 32643

The meeting was called to order at 4:01 pm

Members Present:  Sarah Bruning, Allen Kurian, Jane Luzar (Vice Chair), Stephen Rodriguez, Steven Scott (Chair), and Adriana Carter.

Members Absent: None. 

Adriana Carter gave a brief introduction of herself to the committee. Each member reintroduced themselves and welcome Adriana to the committee. 

Jane Luzar made a motion to approve the agenda as presented; Stephen Rodriguez second; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Stephen Rodriguez made a motion to approve the minutes as presented; Jane Luzar second; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Shantel (Laison) and Jason (Parks Director) gave an overview of what the annual work plan entails. There were a few requests that the committee members thought should be a part of the upcoming goals, they are as follows:

1.There is need for a Designing and Engineering team and a consultant for the West End Project.

2.  Could we hire a facilitator for the upcoming Westend Community meeting in March? 

3. Get an A&E (Architecture and Engineering) for Pinesville (St Peter) and Squirrel Ridge upcoming project.

4. Complete bathroom at Squirrel Ridge 2026. 

An overview was given of what new tasked was accomplish recently.

1. A new Parks Manager has been Hired.

2. There will be a holiday party December 12th for the Parks staffs.

3. The Ribbon cutting for the Veterans Memorial Playground was done on November 11th. There was a great turn out, with lots of activities for the entire family.

4. The Jonesville project will be getting an independent contractor specific task that needs to be accomplished. 


ROSCO Park Projects Update

· Veterans Memorial Park - New inclusive playground, Gold Star Families Memorial, a secondary asphalt entry drive & parking lot, accessible sidewalks, and associated stormwater and utility infrastructure. Improvements also include installation of additional site lighting, landscaping, and temporary irrigation using reclaimed water.

Bids were received on 12/13/23, contract was approved by the Board on 2/13/24, the purchase order for this work was issued on 3/5, and construction onsite began on or about 4/22. Due to delays for supplies & weather work onsite is a couple months behind schedule. A ribbon cutting for the new playground & dedication ceremony for the GSF Memorial were held on Veterans Day (11/11/24). The playground & sitework contractors are working to complete their remaining punch list items.

· MK Rawlings Park/Kate Barnes Ramp - Replacement of the existing boarding dock, addition of a courtesy dock on the south side of the channel, paved accessible parking, and accessible sidewalks.

Plans have been submitted for DRC and water management district approval. Comments provided by the SJRWMD have been addressed, and the boarding dock has been approved. Further work, however, will be needed to gain approval for the courtesy dock planned for the south side of the channel. We are working with the consultants to find the quickest route to construction, even if that means implementing a phased approach.

· Poe Springs - Two projects underway here, the first being replacing the existing spring-side restrooms and the second being improvements to the boat launch that include replacement of the boarding dock, and accessible kayak launch, paved accessible parking, and accessible sidewalks.

o Construction documents have been completed and we are exploring a job order contracting (JOC) option to expedite the construction process.

o Boat Launch - The water management district requested delineation of the wetlands and high water levels in the vicinity of the proposed improvements. That work was completed, and we met with the SRWMD onsite 5/30 but are still awaiting their approval and/or comments. DRC approval was granted on 8/15.

· Copeland & Monteocha Parks - New playgrounds, additional parking, pavilion(s), better accessibility, landscaping, site lighting, and additional amenities as appropriate.

Purchase orders for A&E were issued on 4/23. Surveys have been completed, and we’re currently working on schematic designs. We anticipate the whole A&E process will take 6-8 months, after which bidding & construction phases will occur.

* FRDAP grant was applied for on 10/14 for $200K for improvements to Monteocha Park.

· Jonesville Park - Construction of a new soccer stadium, additional parking, better accessibility, and new pickleball courts.

Purchase order for A&E was issued on 6/4. Survey has been completed as well as schematic design of the building containing press box, bleachers, locker/restrooms for officials, and storage. We’re currently working on schematic design for the site. We anticipate the whole A&E process will take 6-8 months, after which bidding & construction phases will occur.

* In addition, purchase order for sinkhole remediation was issued on 11/20.

· West End Park - Fast-track demolition, clean up, and improvements in preparation for the upcoming World Masters Athletics (WMAi25) event. Includes a 2K cross country course, an internationally certified area for javelin, discuss, and hammer throw, additional parking, and associated utility infrastructure.

The County closed on this property on 6/14, and with the assistance of Parks & Public Works staff cleaning & demolition operations began immediately thereafter. All of the existing buildings have been demolished and associated septic tanks have been decommissioned. The event field (old driving range) has been re-graded, throwing facilities have been built (i.e., discus, javelin & hammer throw), irrigation is nearly complete, and well/pump restoration is underway. As soon as the new electric service & well restoration is complete, we will hydroseed the entire field.

The WMA Council technical visit is scheduled for 12/7 - 12/11/24. After the council’s visit, we’ll be installing additional utilities infrastructure and repaving the existing walks & parking lot adjacent to Newberry Road.

· Lake Alto Park - Renovation of the existing parking lot, including excavation of asphalt and limestone to make way for tree islands and subsequent seal coating & re-striping.

Purchase order for this work was issued on 10/17 with costs split between Parks & EPD (tree mitigation fund). Everything was just completed save for some directional arrows, and staff have installed wood bollards to protect the islands. Trees are scheduled for planting in December.

· Pinesville Park (St. Peter) - Development of a new pocket park on 2.2. acres just north of Archer.

Solicited a quote and are working to onboard A&E consultant. We anticipate the whole A&E process will take 6-8 months, after which bidding & construction phases will occur.

Note: Completion of the underlined projects will make us substantially complete with the Risk assessment.

Our next meeting will be held on January 9th, 2025, at 4:00 pm @ The Jonesville Park.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pm. Stephen Rodriguez motion to adjourned and Sarah Brunnin Second.  

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