Recreation and Open Space Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Monteocha Park
803 NW 192nd Ave, Gainesville, Fl 32609
Members Present
  • Seth Wood 
  • and Christopher Potts 

The meeting was called to order at 1:34 p.m.

Chip Potts made a motion to approve the agenda as presented; Seth Woods second; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Seth Woods made a motion to approve the Nov. 9, 2023 minutes as presented; Chip Potts second; unanimous approval; motion carried.

  • Diamond - This project is on indefinite hold as the County is exploring another property which would fulfill the master plan identified gap. 
  • St. Peter / St. Paul - The 50 year agreement is on Tuesday's agenda, fulfilling a master plan identified gap, allowing the County to make recreational improvements on the property, which would be open to the public.  The property owner provided a letter delaying County maintenance until Oct. 1 when it could be budgeted.
  • Administrative Assistant - Our top candidate declined the position so it is expected to be advertised again tomorrow.
  • Cuscowilla Programming - Introduction to archery classes and Family Campout have been developed and registration for both is now open.
  • Climbing Tower - The climbing tower training for staff commences tomorrow, which would allow us to offer team building programming.
  • Santa Fe Lake Park - Clay Electric is scheduled to install the meter by next week. Leesburg Concrete and our plumber  will then finish their final punch lists in preparation for final inspection.  We have one quote of $7,494 to demolish the old restrooms and are working to secure a second.  N]ew signage is in the works to honor Ms. McGuire.
  • Veterans Memorial Park - Bid opening for the sitework package associated with the new inclusive playground was on 12/13. Low bid was Gray Construction Services at $1,410,946.  The department has recommended awarding the bid at that price, with no alternates, and with a 5% contingency.  Procurement has placed this on the 1/23 Board agenda for approval.  Meanwhile the playground equipment has already been produced and is sitting in the manufacturer’s warehouse in for safekeeping.
  • MKR/Kate Barnes - Our development plan was approved by FDEP/state parks on 12/22.  We are awaiting their signed affidavit for development plan review for Growth Management and the SJRWMD. Once this is done JBPro can finish construction documents, and we can put the project out for bids.  Depending on approvals, construction is not likely to begin until late spring/early summer of this year.
  • Poe Springs
    • Restrooms - Soil borings revealed a layer of organic material several feet down. This necessitated some additional foundation design which includes timber piles and concrete grade beams.  JBPro is working with their structural consultant to finalize the construction documents so that we can put the project out for bids.
    • Boat Launch - Replacement boarding dock that incorporates an accessible kayak launch, accessible parking, and an accessible route tying them together. After our pre-app conference with Growth Management on 11/7, JBPro made their preliminary submissions to County DRC and the water management district.  They’ve recently received comments from both entities, and we are working to address those.
  • Copeland Park - We are soliciting A&E services to work on a master plan for this park that incorporates the feedback we received from the community. This will likely include a new/relocated playground, additional parking, better accessibility, landscaping, site lighting, and additional amenities as appropriate.
  • Monteocha Park - We held a community engagement meeting with this community on 10/21 and received some good feedback. We’re soliciting A&E services to work on a master plan for this park as well that incorporates many of the same amenities listed above for Copeland Park.
  • Cuscowilla Pavilion - Proposed construction of a 65’x120’ red-iron, metal roofed pavilion over an existing asphalt sports court. Estimated construction cost of $310,465.  Our timeframe is to have this completed before summer camp 2024.  We’re working with Procurement to accept this quote as a piggyback off another county’s RFP.  It’s scheduled to go before the Board for project/budget approval on 1/23.
  • E University Fishing Pier - This project has been postponed, due to funding concerns, until further notice.  Partnership opportunity with UF Rowing Club is being explored.
  • Jonesville Park
    • Soccer Stadium & Pickleball - Estimated construction costs for press box, restroom/changing rooms, bleachers, SE Field Improvements, and additional paved parking are $1,101,600 with $92,100 for A&E services. And estimated costs for additional pickleball courts with sports lighting are $360,000 plus $36,600 for A&E services. ($1,590,300 total)
    • Renovation of Soccer Fields 2 & 3 - Field renovation consists of eradicating existing turf/weeds, rototilling existing material 4-6” deep, laser leveling, and resodding using big rolls of bermuda grass sod for $294,030. We’re working with Procurement to accept this quote as a piggyback off another county’s ITB.
  • Wayfinding & Environmental Graphics - We’re working with GAI and Procurement to accept this quote for $86,330 as a piggyback off another county’s RFP.

The consensus was to hold our Mar. 21 meeting at 4 p.m. at Copeland Park.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 p.m.

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