Superintendent Shane Andrew presented the above item.
Mr. Andrew stated that the school system tracks attendance very carefully. Any student who misses 10 days is considered chronic and staff reaches out to them to see what assistance can be provided. Staff is developing a student housing form to comply with new State Guidelines. The first step is to develop the communication with students and parents then aligning the services to coordinate with agencies that can assist.
Mr. Andrew further highlighted the six areas for opportunities for collaboration:
- Temporary Shelter for families and rental assistance/medical referrals
- Medical and Mental Health services.
- Food for children.
- Better coordination of services with the County and the District.
- Identify Point People in the County.
- Facilitation of access to County Agencies for Homeless families.
County Chair Alford stated that there may be an opportunity to establish a memorandum of understanding that would allow information to be shared amongst agencies to coordinate available resources to assist the children.
County Commissioner Cornell moved to refer the McKinney Vento transition program outline to County staff to bring back recommendations on how we can formalize and improve coordination between the County, the School Board, and the County Commissioners as it relates to the McKinney Vento transition. As staff identifies gaps, he would like staff to return to both Boards with budget recommendations in this budget cycle. The motion carried 5-0.
2nd County Commissioner Wheeler
County Commissioner Prizzia, Executive Director of ESE and Student Services Kathy Black, Director of Project Development Dr. Joram Rejouis, Assistant County Manager Daniels, Community Support Services Director Claudia Tuck, School Board Commissioner Rockwell, School Board Commissioner Certain, and CTAC Executive Director Kiner presented comments.
Chair Alford recognized Jasmine Hall and Kali Blount who presented comments to the Board.
School Board Commissioner Certain moved to direct School Board staff to work with the County staff on the 6 items on the working relationships with County Agencies. The motion carried 4-0 with School Board Commissioner McNealy absent.
2nd School Board Commissioner Rockwell.