Alachua County Special Meeting


County Administration Building - Grace Knight Conference Room
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601
  • Vice Chair Mary Alford, 
  • Commissioner Charles S. Chestnut, IV, 
  • Commissioner Ken Cornell, 
  • Chair Anna Prizzia, 
  • and Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler 

Chair Prizzia called the meeting to order at 9:30am

Commissioner Wheeler moved for Commissioner Cornell to participate in the meeting via zoom.

2nd Commissioner Alford

The motion carried 5-0.


Commissioner Alford moved approval of the agenda.

2nd Commissioner Chestnut

The motion carried 5-0.

  • To approve the Agenda.

Commissioner Alford presented the above item to the Board. 

Commissioner Wheeler, Vanessa with Welding to Recycle, Commissioner Alford, Chair Prizzia, John Executive Director of Grace Marketplace, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Alford, John Cook with Welding to Recycle, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Prizzia, John Cook with Welding to Recycle, Commissioner Alford, County Manager Lieberman, and Chair Prizzia all presented comments. 

Commissioner Wheeler moved to direct staff to explore a pilot project in collaboration with grace marketplace regarding shipping container permanent housing and to look at financial models and best practices from around the country. 

2nd Commissioner Chestnut


Public Comment

Chair Prizzia recognized Khali Blount who presented comments. 


The motion carried 5-0.




Commissioner Wheeler presented the above item.

Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Chestnut, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Chestnut, Chair Prizzia, Manager Lieberman, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Alford, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Chestnut, Chair Prizzia, and Commissioner Cornell all presented comments. 


Commissioner Wheeler moved to explore the private sector collaboration to look at the amount of money that might be able to be put aside to be able to start addressing the issue to look at splitting the grant with the state and going ahead to move forward with the houses that can be done now. Also, to bring it back to the Board at the earliest possible meeting. 

2nd Commissioner Alford

Commissioner Chestnut, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, and Commissioner Cornell all presented comments.  

Public Comment

Chair Prizzia recognized Tamara Robbins, and Khali Blount who presented comments. 


The motion carried 5-0


Chair Prizzia presented the above item to the Board for discussion. 

Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, and Commissioner Alford all presented comments. 

By consensus the Board agreed to ask staff to reach out to the Supervisor of Elections to give a presentation about the second Sunday early voting. Last year it was over 1,000 voters at the site on that day. Also, to give a presentation about what they do around voter registration and what their outreach coordinator does in terms of voter registration projects and programs in the community. 

Chair Prizzia recognized Tamara Robbins, and Khali Blount who presented comments. 

There were no comments presented at this time. 

There being no further business to discuss before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:55 A.M.

  • To adjourn the meeting. 

No Item Selected