Commissioner Wheeler presented the above item.
Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Chestnut, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Chestnut, Chair Prizzia, Manager Lieberman, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Alford, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Chestnut, Chair Prizzia, and Commissioner Cornell all presented comments.
Commissioner Wheeler moved to explore the private sector collaboration to look at the amount of money that might be able to be put aside to be able to start addressing the issue to look at splitting the grant with the state and going ahead to move forward with the houses that can be done now. Also, to bring it back to the Board at the earliest possible meeting.
2nd Commissioner Alford
Commissioner Chestnut, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, and Commissioner Cornell all presented comments.
Public Comment
Chair Prizzia recognized Tamara Robbins, and Khali Blount who presented comments.
The motion carried 5-0.