Health Care Advisory Board

Meeting #:
Community Support Services, Conference Room A
218 SE 24th Street, Gainesville, FL 32641
Members Present
  • Ayana Archer, 
  • Leilani Doty, 
  • William Garst, 
  • and Amanda Reed 
Members Absent
  • Erica Barnard, 
  • Frank Catalanotto, 
  • Scott Darius , 
  • Jessica Forbes, 
  • Aaron Jarvis, 
  • Krista Ott, 
  • Lindsey Redding, 
  • and Catherine Striley 

The meeting was called to order at 1:10 pm. 

Members Present: Bill Garst, Leilani Doty, Ayana Archer, Amanda Reed and Tina Lloyd

Members Absent: Frank Catalanotto, Lindsey Redding, Erica Barnard, Krista Ott, Aaron Jarvis, Catherine Striley, Jessica Forbes

Staff Present: Jaye Athy, Tyler Yeadon, Tom Tonkavich, Bob Swain

The members present discussed potential mechanisms for continued funding of CHOICES:

  1. Every budget cycle the BoCC adds to the Choices Budget incrementally so when the original fund is depleted the Choices program will be fully funded via General Revenue funds and the BoCC will have already incorporated this item into their budget plans.
  2. Create a 501(c) 3 charitable entity that can receive donations and be tax deductible. The funds donated would be restricted to the Choices Program and not used for any other purpose.
  3. Institute a matching funds plan, in which the County would match funds raised by the individual Choices Partners up to a predetermined limit. This would provide Choices partners with the incentive to develop their own donor bases for future funding.
  4. Obtain voter approval for a “partial cent” sales tax increase (for a limited amount of time) to increase the Choices Restricted Account.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:42 pm

Because there was not a quorum of members present, the meeting was held as a Workshop with no motions made. 

The approval of the October 16, 2024 minutes will be added to the next meeting agenda for approval.

No program updates were provided.

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