Alachua County Special Meeting


County Administration Building - Grace Knight Conference Room
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601
  • Vice Chair Mary Alford, 
  • Commissioner Charles S. Chestnut, IV, 
  • Commissioner Ken Cornell, 
  • Chair Anna Prizzia, 
  • and Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler 

Chair Prizzia Called the meeting to order at 5:00pm

Commissioner Alford moved approval of the agenda. 

2nd Commissioner Wheeler. 

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut not present. 

  • To approve the Agenda. 

Ben Chumley Senior Planner with the County Growth Management Department, and Stephen Hofstetter Director of Environmental Protection Department presented the above item. 

Commissioner Chestnut joined the meeting at 5:12pm

Commissioner Alford, and Director Stephen Hofstetter presented comments. 

Applicant Val Lee representing the Lee family gave a presentation. Tyler Matthews president of ETM gave a presentation.  

Commissioner Cornell, Tyler Matthews president of ETM, Commissioner Cornell, Jeff Hays, Commissioner Cornell, Tyler Matthews president of ETM, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Wheeler, Tyler Matthews president of ETM, and Chair Prizzia presented comments.  


Commissioner Wheeler moved staff recommendations.


Commissioner Alford moved the following substitute motion:

To approve the resolution to accept the special area study and authorize the process for a special area plan based on the recommendations contained in the applicant special area study second supplement report and with the conditions recommended by county staff.  Also include a condition for chemical management and a recommendation that if there is a connection to Haile that it only be used for a service entrance and possibly a bike path. 


2nd Commissioner Chestnut


Chair Prizzia recognized Robert Sundack, Steve Hoggan, David Morse, Christopher Stoney, Nancy Deren, Wes Tucker, Ahn Fieldmen, James Cosnel, Rose, Lee McSherry, Jim Sheets, Ryan, Paula Waterman, Elizabeth Walker, Alison Mathias, Tom, Marcus, Sarah Younger, Robert Bunn, Tamara Robbins, Michelle Rutledge and Lee McSherry who all presented comments.  


Chair Prizzia, Senior Planner Ben Chumley, Missy Daniels, Chair Prizzia, Commissioner Alford, Jeff Hayes, Chair Prizzia, Stacey Greco water resources manager, Director Stephen Hofstetter, Chair Prizzia, Jeff Hays, Commissioner Alford, Commissioner Wheeler, Chair Prizzia, and Commissioner Alford all presented comments. 


Commissioner Alford moved the amended motion as follows:

To approve the resolution to accept the special area study and authorize the process for a special area plan based on the recommendations contained in the applicant special area study second supplement report and with the conditions recommended by county staff.  Also include a condition for chemical management and a recommendation that if there is a connection to Haile that it only be used for a service entrance and possibly a bike path. Also add a condition for required community access that will be negotiated in the future as the process continues for the UF piece. 


2nd Commissioner Chestnut


The motion carried 5-0. 





  • Approve Resolution to accept the Special Area Study and authorize the process for a Special Area Plan(s) based on the recommendations contained in the applicant's Special Area Study Second Supplement report and with the conditions recommended by County staff.

Chair Prizzia recognized Tamara Robbins, and Michelle Rutledge who presented comments. 

Commissioner Chestnut stated the Alachua County community remembrance project in the truth and reconciliation process committee would like to come before the commission at the next board meeting to give an update on the digital black heritage trail map to discuss and explain it to the commission, which will be phase one of the black heritage trail map. Part two will be coming soon. Commissioner also stated that on December 2nd at the cotton club museum and cultural center from 4pm - 6pm there will be the first phase completion of the digital trail open to the public to attend. 

Commissioner Cornell thanked the Lee family and staff for all of the work they have done and stated he is looking forward to the next stage. 

Commissioner Alford stated UF Chapter of Students for a National Health Program would like to meet with the Commission and discuss the Medicare for all resolution on the day it will be discussed in a meeting to give a brief presentation about the impact and statistics. 

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:54 p.m.

  • To adjourn the meeting.