City Attorney Audrie Hoehn spoke on the above item.
City Attorney Hoehn stated the City Commission has two items they would like to discuss with the County regarding the interlocal agreement and that would be the $70 per site inspection fee. After speaking with the code officer, it became clear that there may be multiple inspections involved with just one property depending on violations and how the communication and process is with the property owner. The inspection fee then became a financial concern with the city knowing that the city would be liable to pay the amount and if there are multiple site inspections that could add up. Also, the other concern is if a lien would be filed then the county would own that lien since the county is putting forth the financial efforts in putting the lien. Could it be separated from actual title or ownership of the property such that a city piece of property if the lien was foreclosed upon that the piece of property wasn't going to be owned by the county but certainly the lien would be reimbursed and could be split in terms of the lien and title.
Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels stated if compliance is received right away the bill would go to the city. If code has to continue to go back and before a Magistrate, then the cost would be charged to the owner.
Commissioner Prizzia, City Attorney Audrie Hoehn, Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels, Commissioner Cornell, City Commissioner Cue, Mayor Jacquelyn Randall, Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Vice Mayor Patricia Bouie-Hutchinson, Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels, City Commissioner Howard, Mayor Jacquelyn Randall, Assistant County Manager Missy Daniels, and City Manager John Martin all presented comments.
Public Comment
A citizen, and Jennifer Tozo presented comments.
Commissioner Cornell moved to work to finalize the interlocal agreement and develop a preliminary potential cost reimbursement budget to direct staff to work with the City Manager to prioritize potential violations and with the direction of the city commission on a confirmed basis.
2nd Commissioner Wheeler
Public Comment
A citizen, and John Terick Jr presented comments.
Commissioner Cornell stated the county work with the city and the manager to try and identify the priority claims, get the program started and, in a year, to review if there are any modifications needed.
The motion carried 4-0 with Chair Alford absent.
City Attorney Hoehn stated staff will revise the interlocal agreement, bring it to the City Commission, then send it to the County and move forward.