Alachua County Special Meeting


County Administration Building - Grace Knight Conference Room
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601
  • Chair Mary Alford, 
  • Commissioner Ken Cornell, 
  • Commissioner Anna Prizzia, 
  • and Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler 
  • Vice Chair Charles S. Chestnut, IV 

Chair Alford Called the meeting to order at 9:35am


Commissioner Prizzia Moved approval of the agenda.

2nd Commissioner Cornell

The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Chestnut absent.



  • To approve the Agenda.

Commissioner Wheeler discussed the scope of work for the 301 Corridor Assessment and opportunities in the area. 


Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, and Chair Alford presented comments. 


Public Comment

Chair Alford recognized Sherry Crinkly who presented comments. 


Commissioner Cornell and Chair Alford presented comments. 

Commissioner Wheeler spoke on the above item stating that she wanted to address the county wide projects that are being done and make sure that everyone leading projects are getting the support they need from the Board. 

Chair Alford, Commissioner Prizzia, and Commissioner Wheeler presented comments. 

Commissioner Prizzia presented the above item to the Board stating she would like to see a pilot or update on how the program went and how it's going. Commissioner also discussed different options for citizens in the program and how to offer more flexibility. 

Commissioner Prizzia stated she would like to know if the Board allow staff as long as they are meeting the intent of the program to have more flexibility in working with employers on the contracts until such time as the health care advisory committee comes back to the Board and give recommendations.  


County Manager Lieberman, Chair Alford, Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, Chair Alford, and Commissioner Prizzia presented comments. 


Commissioner Cornell stated he would ask that staff bring back an upcoming meeting as soon as possible to discuss what they need to get the funds in order to get the program working.   


Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Cornell, County Manager Lieberman, Chair Alford, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Prizzia, County Attorney Torres, County Manager Lieberman, and Commissioner Wheeler presented comments. 

Chair Alford shared with the Board some of the different topics discussed at the NACO Prenatal to Three County Leaders Conference that she attended. 


Commissioner Cornell, Commissioner Prizzia, Commissioner Wheeler, and Chair Alford presented comments. 

There were no public comments presented. 

Commissioner Prizzia stated that the University of Florida law school will be starting a clinic, an heirs property clinic and the clinic can take on real world clients and help work them through not just heirs but also estate planning so then they can create an estate plan. Dr. Dania Wright will be leading the clinic. 

Commissioner Prizzia would like to refer to County Manager on how to proceed with recommendations on the heirs property program with the University of Florida and with split funding from the City of Gainesville and the County. 

There being no further business to discuss before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:47am

  • To adjourn the meeting. 

No Item Selected