Meeting #:
County Administration Building - Grace Knight Conference Room
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601
Members Present
  • Jeffrey Arnold, 
  • Marion Bruce, 
  • Michael Carnevale, 
  • Linda James, 
  • Carolynn Nath Komanski, 
  • Tracey Todd, 
  • Elliott Welker, 
  • and Richard Wilhelm 

The meeting was called to order at 2:31PM by Chair Welker.

Trenton Hightower made a motion to approve the agenda as presented; Tracey Todd second; unanimous approval; motion carried.

Carolynn Komanski made a motion to approve the October Meeting minutes as presented; Trenton Hightower second; unanimous approval; motion carried.

  • Outgoing Chair Comments: Chair Welker expressed his appreciation for the year as chair and looks forward to continuing recruitment, promotion, and stewardship of the Committee’s economic development goals. He hopes this committee can continue to garner the goodwill of the County Commissioners.
  • Nominations and Election of 2024 Chair and Vice-Chair

    Carolynn Komanski nominated herself for Vice-Chair. Michael Carnevale seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

    Marlon Bruce nominated Tracey Todd for Chair. Trenton Hightower seconded, and the motion was approved unanimously.

    Chair Todd accepted the gavel and continued the Committee’s business.

  1. Staff review of the EcoLoop and EDAC’s role reviewing applications.

    Gus Olmos, Solid Waste and Resource Recovery Director let the Committee know that the EcoLoop applications will be reviewed by the Climate Advisory Committee next week and Environmental Protection Advisory Committee the following week

  2. Presentation of applications

EDAC recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners – A final recommendation is not needed by the end of the meeting today. The Committee may think about this over the next month and provide staff with direction at the February meeting. Any questions for the presenters can be directed to staff to share with the applicants.

The meeting was adjourned at 4PM.