County Administration Building - Grace Knight Conference Room
12 SE 1 Street, 2nd Floor, Gainesville, FL 32601

A. FDOT/MTPO Planning Agreement
Update planning agreement between FDOT and MTPO to replace previous agreement between FDOT and the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council.

B. Unified Planning Work Program
Updated UPWP to include MTPO administrative information to replace the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council.

A. Interlocal Staff Services
Authorize MTPO and Alachua County to enter agreement for staff services for administrative duties.

B. Bridge and Pavement and System Performance Measures
Adoption of Bridge, Pavement and System Performance Targets consistent with the Florida Department of Transportation targets. Authorizes staff to administratively incorporate any changes to the targets in the Transportation Improvement Program.

C. Transportation Improvement Program Amendment
Approve Amendment to the TIP for FY2024-25 through FY2028-29 to include 5310 Operating/Administrative Assistance for Gainesville Regional Transit System.

D. Transportation Improvement Program Amendment
Approve Amendment to the TIP for FY2024-25 through FY2028-29 to include 5310 Vehicle/Equipment purchases for Gainesville Regional Transit System.

E. Joint Certification Review – Part 1 and Part 2 Approval
Review and approval of the Joint Certification Review – Part 1 and Part 2.

F. STIP Signature Authority
Authorizing the Alachua County Manager or designee to have temporary signature authority for STIP amendments.

G. Transportation Disadvantaged Resolution
The resolution authorizing agreement between MTPO and North Central Florida Regional Planning Council (NCFRPC) to serve as support staff to the MTPO in carrying out the Designated Official Planning Agency functions for the Transportation Disadvantaged Program in Alachua County.


A. Transition Report Update

B. Public Participation Plan
Draft Public Participation Plan has been published and made public for a 45-day public comment period and will be presented to the Board for adoption at the April 4, 2025, Board meeting.

C. Title VI/Limited English Proficiency Plan
Draft Public Participation Plan has been published and made public for a 45-day public comment period and will be presented to the Board for adoption at the April 4, 2025, Board meeting.

D. 13th Street and Archer Road Concept
The concept for 13th Street and Archer Road has been updated to include a signal at the slip lane and keeps the raised crosswalks.

E. Long Range Transportation Plan Update
Discuss upcoming opportunities for public and stakeholder engagement:

  • Workshop
  • Survey
  • Flyer